SiteFusion v5.3.0与Client v2.0.1发布

SiteFusion 允许面向对象的PHP应用程序通过基于XULRunner的瘦客户机与本机应用程序进行交互。客户端连接到SiteFusion守护进程,通过一个 普通的Web服务器,并在单独的持续的进程中运行应用程序。双向沟通启用,无需额外的Web服务器配置的需要。对在一个PHP类XUL的结构框架的执行, 包括一个Mozilla的树非常大的树视图实现了优化,支持拖放拖放,可编辑的单元格和排序。

SiteFusion v5.3.0与Client v2.0.1发行说明:

New features:

Better error/warning reporting for XUL
Editor classes Added configuration option 'databaseName' to allow a custom database name for SiteFusion, updated example configuration files. Also updated database installation script to incorporate this change. Default value is still 'sitefusion'.

  Bug fixed where
daemon would crash if the database connection was broken. Now retries default 5 times (option "databaseFailureRetries") with 1000 ms intervals (option "databaseFailureRetryInterval"). Partial implementation of database connection failover in lib/, mainly to allow restarting the
mysqldaemon while SiteFusion is still running.

  Added id attribute for editor spans Added yielding of XULMenuList editable inputfield, value accessible through XULMenuList::$inputField. Credits to Francesco Danti. Added missing extra1 and extra2 buttons to XULDialog The daemon now allows ChangeIdentity() to be called after process launch, to allow setuid'ing to any user at the application or service level if the daemon is
configured to run as root. Added copyToClipboard method on application Added extended XULFilePicker filter support and method for disabling dialog buttons. Added XULFileSystemImage::$removeAfterTransfer to remove the source file after transfer, defaults to FALSE. Support for the window resize event. Support for icons on the linux platform, stored either in a branding extension or the client itself. Allowed using non-tab elements inside a tab-structure, allowing the use of custom elements such as the XULArrowScrollBox around the tabs elements. The XULTabBox now yields its tabs and panels correctly. Webfrontend now passes serverHost, serverPath and secure to
ApplicationProcess. Added $Application->parseImageURL() method to easily create URLs to images stored inside SiteFusion application. Added the default display of client version to the main SiteFusion Admin tree. Added a default icon for the sitefusion-startup window that's displayed before loading the login screen. 


Fixed listbox selectItem() Fixed bug in updateRow() (XULCustomTree) Fixed browserHistory XBL bug Removed AssertSelf() code from components Removed old nsIExtensionManager code Fixed CodeMirror XULBrowser Bug Fixed system sleep notification Fixed JavaScript Node class disabled()
function to use removeAttribute() Added try catch to XULFileSystemImage::transferEnd() remove statement Workaround for a
mozilla bug in nsIBinaryInputStream.
available() where files bigger than roughly 2.5 GB would cause errors in this call. Now using file.fileSize to determine file size


时间: 2024-08-24 05:19:00

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