《Python Cookbook(第3版)中文版》——6.13 数据汇总和统计

6.13 数据汇总和统计

6.13.1 问题


6.13.2 解决方案


为了小试牛刀,下面这个例子使用Pandas来分析芝加哥的老鼠和啮齿动物数据库(https:// data.cityofchicago.org/Service-Requests/311-Service-Requests-Rodent-Baiting/97t6-zrhs)。在写作本书时,这个CSV文件中有大约74 000条数据:

>>> import pandas
>>> # Read a CSV file, skipping last line
>>> rats = pandas.read_csv('rats.csv', skip_footer=1)
>>> rats
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 74055 entries, 0 to 74054
Data columns:
Creation Date                 74055 non-null values
Status                     74055 non-null values
Completion Date                 72154 non-null values
Service Request Number         74055 non-null values
Type of Service Request         74055 non-null values
Number of Premises Baited         65804 non-null values
Number of Premises with Garbage    65600 non-null values
Number of Premises with Rats     65752 non-null values
Current Activity             66041 non-null values
Most Recent Action             66023 non-null values
Street Address                 74055 non-null values
ZIP Code                     73584 non-null values
X Coordinate                 74043 non-null values
Y Coordinate                 74043 non-null values
Ward                         74044 non-null values
Police District                 74044 non-null values
Community Area                 74044 non-null values
Latitude                     74043 non-null values
Longitude                     74043 non-null values
Location                     74043 non-null values
dtypes: float64(11), object(9)
>>> # Investigate range of values for a certain field
>>> rats['Current Activity'].unique()
array([nan, Dispatch Crew, Request Sanitation Inspector], dtype=object)
>>> # Filter the data
>>> crew_dispatched = rats[rats['Current Activity'] == 'Dispatch Crew']
>>> len(crew_dispatched)
>>> # Find 10 most rat-infested ZIP codes in Chicago
>>> crew_dispatched['ZIP Code'].value_counts()[:10]
60647         3837
60618         3530
60614         3284
60629         3251
60636         2801
60657         2465
60641         2238
60609         2206
60651         2152
60632         2071
>>> # Group by completion date
>>> dates = crew_dispatched.groupby('Completion Date')
<pandas.core.groupby.DataFrameGroupBy object at 0x10d0a2a10>
>>> len(dates)
>>> # Determine counts on each day
>>> date_counts = dates.size()
>>> date_counts[0:10]
Completion Date
01/03/2011               4
01/03/2012             125
01/04/2011              54
01/04/2012              38
01/05/2011              78
01/05/2012             100
01/06/2011             100
01/06/2012              58
01/07/2011               1
01/09/2012              12

>>> # Sort the counts
>>> date_counts.sort()
>>> date_counts[-10:]
Completion Date
10/12/2012             313
10/21/2011             314
09/20/2011             316
10/26/2011             319
02/22/2011             325
10/26/2012             333
03/17/2011             336
10/13/2011             378
10/14/2011             391
10/07/2011             457


6.13.3 讨论


时间: 2024-08-02 07:42:37

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