London Book Fair to focus on China

03-09-2012 09:20 BJT

This year's London Book Fair is set to shine a spotlight on China. Running from April 16th to 18th, the fair is a global marketplace for rights negotiation and the sale and distribution of content across print, audio, TV, film and digital channels. Now entering
its 41st year, the London Book Fair will be focusing on China both as a source of many exciting contemporary authors, and as an important publishing market.

Working under the title "New Perspectives, New Concept," the London Book Fair's China Market Focus 2012 will play host to four professional publishing forums, 10 high-level dialogues and 11 culture and art exhibitions.

At a press conference held on March 7th, the Chinese delegation announced that it would bring more than 600 publishers and 57 leading writers to participate in the book fair.

Zhang Fuhai, general director of China's General Administration of Press & Publication, said, "London Book Fair is an important platform for the Chinese publishing industry, since it's the second largest global marketplace for rights negotiations and sales.
China, being the Market Focus this year, will attract world-wide attention. It will bring China more opportunities for rights sales and book distribution deals. So we must make the best use of this platform, to promote Chinese culture and writers, and enhance
the output of Chinese publishing."

The director of the London Book Fair has been to China seven times, and he's hoping that this year's program of events will provide an opportunity for future dialogue and understanding between China and UK.

Alistair Burtenshaw, director of London Book Fair, said, "I think it's a great opportunity for UK audiences to understand more about Chinese writing and Chinese contemporary literature, for UK writing to become even better known in China."

On top of all this, China and UK digital and publishing industry leaders will be using the event as an opportunity to discuss digital opportunities and strategies, and showcase their most recent and dynamic digital applications.

时间: 2024-12-24 12:53:21

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