Pidgin v2.8.0发布 多协议即时通讯客户端

pidgin是一个可以在Windows、Linux、BSD和Unixes下运行的多协议即时通讯客户端,可以让你用你所有的即时通讯帐户中一次登录。pidgin支持的通讯:AIM、Bonjour、Gadu-Gadu、Google Talk、Groupwise、ICQ、IRC、MSN、MySpaceIM、QQ、SILC、SIMPLE、Sametime、XMPP、Yahoo!、Zephyr。

pidgin 2.8.0发行说明:

General: Implement simple silence suppression for voice calls, preventing wasted bandw
idth for silent periods during a call. (Jakub Adam) (half of #13180) Added the DigiCert? High Assurance CA-3 intermediate CA, needed for validation of the
Facebook XMPP interface's certificate. Removed the QQ protocol
plugin. It hasn't worked in a long time and isn't being maintained, therefore we no longer want it. Pidgin: Duplicate code cleanup. (Gabriel Schulhof) (#10599) Voice/Video call window adapts correctly to adding or removing streams on the fly. (Jakub Adam) (half of #13535) Don't cancel an ongoing call when rejecting the addition of a stream to the existing call. (Jakub Adam) (#13537) Pidgin plugins can now override tab completion and detect clicks on
usernames in the chat userlist. (kawaii.n
eko) (#12599) Fix the tooltip being destroyed when it is full of information and cover the mouse (dliang) (#10510) libpurple: media: Allow obtaining active local and remote candidates. (Jakub Adam) (#11830) media: Allow getting/setting video capabilities. (Jakub Adam) (half of #13095) Simple Silence Suppression is optional per-account. (Jakub Adam) (half of #13180) Fix purple-url-handler being unable to find an account. media: Allow adding/removing streams on the fly. (Jakub Adam) (half of #13535) Support new connection states in NetworkManager 0.9. (Dan Williams) (#13505) When removing a buddy, delete the pounces associated with it. (Kartik Mohta) (#1131) media: Allow libpurple and plugins to set SDES properties for RTP conferences. (Jakub Adam) (#12981) proxy: Add new "Tor/Privacy" proxy type that can be used to restrict operations that could leak potentially sensitive data (e.g. DNS queries). (#11110, #13928) media: Add support for using TCP rela
ying with TURN (will only work with libnice 0.1.0 and later). AIM: Fix setting icons with dimensions greater than 64x64 pixels by scaling them down to at
most 64x64. (#12874, #13165) Gadu-Gadu: Allow showing your status only to buddies. (Mateusz Piękos) (#13358) Updated internal libgadu to version 1.10.1. (Robert Matusewicz, Krzysztof Klinikowski) (#13525) Updated internal libgadu to version 1.11.0. (Tomasz Wasilczyk) (#14248) Suppress blank messages that happen when receiving inline images. (Tomasz Wasilczyk) (#13554) Fix sending inline images to remote users, don't crash when trying to send large (> 256kB) images. (Tomasz Wasilczyk) (#13580) Support typing notifications. (Jan Zachorowski, Tomasz Wasilczyk, Krzysztof Klinikowski) (#13362, #13590) Require libgadu 1.11.0 to avoid using internal libgadu. Optional SSL connection support for GNUTLS users (not on Windows yet!). (Tomasz Wasilczyk) (#13613, #13894) Don't count received messages or statuses when determining whether to send a keepalive packet. (Jan Zachorowski) (#13699) Fix a crash when receiving images on Windows or an incorrect timestamp in the log when receiving images on Linux. (Tomasz Wasilczyk) (#10268) Support XML events, resulting in immediate update of other users' buddy icons. (Tomasz Wasilczyk) (#13739) Accept poorly formatted URLs from other third-party clients in the same manner as the official client. (Tomasz Wasilczyk) (#13886) ICQ: Fix setting icons with dimensions greater than 64x64 pixels by scaling them down to at most 64x64. (#12874, #13165) Fix unsetting your mood when "None" is selected. (Dustin Gathmann) (#11895) Ignore Daylight Saving Time when performing calculations related to birthdays. (Dustin Gathmann) (#13533) It is now possible to specify multiple encodings on the Advanced tab of an ICQ account's settings by using a comma-delimited list. (Dmitry Utkin (#13496)) IRC: Add "authserv" service command. (tomos) (#13337) MSN: Fix a hard-to-exploit crash in the MSN protocol when using the HTTP connection method (Reported by Marius Wachtler). MXit: Support for an Invite Message when adding a buddy. Fixed bug in splitting-up of messages that contain a lot of links. Fixed crash caused by timer not being disabled on disconnect. (introduced in 2.7.11) Clearing of the conversation window now works. When receiving an invite you can display the sender's profile information, avatar image, invite message. The Change PIN option was moved into separate action. New profile attributes added and shown. Update to protocol v6.3. Added the ability to view and invite your Suggested Friends, and to search for contacts. Also display the
Status Message of offline contacts in their profile information. XMPP: Remember the previously entered user directory when searching. (Keith Moyer) (#12451) Correctly handle a buddy's unsetting his/her vCard-based avatar. (Matthew W.S. Bell) (#13370) Squash one
more situation that resulted in duplicate entries in the roster (this one where the server reports the buddy as being in the same (empty) group. (Reported by Danny Mayer) Plugins: The Voice/Video Settings plugin now includes the ability to test microphone settings. (Jakub Adam) (#13182) Fix a crash when handling some saved settings in the Voice/Video Settings plugin. (Pat Erley) (13290, #13774) Windows-Specific Changes: Fix building libpurple with Visual C++ .NET 2005. This was accidentally broken in 2.7.11. (Florian Quèze) Build internal libgadu using packed structs, fixing several long-standing Gadu-Gadu issues. (#11958, #6297)


时间: 2024-09-20 04:22:42

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