


Here is a previous question on Quora about it: Is it possible to install Virtual machine inside a virtual machine using virtual box? aka nesting of virtual machines!

Short answer: You can run 32-bit operating systems nested, but not 64.



Below is the excerpt from my book: VirtualBox at warp speed, Book

Nested Virtualization

Nested virtualization is running VM inside a guest VM. This is a fun topic/project to think about and mostly people wonder why this is important or what purpose it serves.

Understanding if this is possible and why if not, helps us understand virtualization better. For VirtualBox itself the answer to this is “yes” for running 32-bit nested guests and “no” for 64-bit. VirtualBox does NOT have the code for running 64-bit VMs without CPU Extensions (AMD-V, Intel VT-x). So the inner VM that is running on a host VM will not be able to support 64-bit. The parent/host (which is a guest VM) will not have the CPU extension feature. Supposedly VMware and Xen support soft coding the CPU extensions. And then there are possibilities of crossing virtualization technologies such as starting Xen inside VirtualBox, etc.

The Intel Haswell CPU has a new virtualization technology called Virtual Machine Control Structure (VMCS) Shadowing. VMCS shadowing, accelerates nested virtualization allowing guests to run with minimal impact. VMCS may become mainstream once all virtualization technologies start to implement it. VMCS allows you to run multiple hypervisors on one CPU natively. If there is a need to create nested VMs (or many VMs), consider running container based VMs such as Linux Containers or OpenVZ. Containers should typically run inside another VM without any issues.


Below are some reasons to use nested virtualization.

  • Cloud infrastructure development work
  • Testing or learning other hypervisors
  • Split off container type machines inside hypervisor type machines where it makes sense
  • If you are already renting a server in the cloud that is virtual and want to have more VMs inside
时间: 2024-10-24 11:22:20


VirtualBox 虚拟机中安装 Ubuntu 12.04(图文教程)_VirtualBox

距离ubuntu最新版发布已经差不多半年了,博主近来对linux系统有了兴趣,奈何资金不足无法购置一台新机来安装ubuntu.所以想到了虚拟机.下面介绍了VirtualBox 虚拟机中安装 Ubuntu 12.04.

虚拟机-在linux6.5 64位系统中安装qt5.5.1出现不能编译

问题描述 在linux6.5 64位系统中安装qt5.5.1出现不能编译 1C 我在虚拟机linux6.5 64位系统中安装来qt5.5.1(qt-opensource-linux-x64-5.5.1.run),在安装完之后启动qt进入qt开发页面.自己随意创建一个测试项目,在编译到时候报如下错误:Configuration is faulty. Check the Issues view for details.Error while building/deploying project cs


  如何在Vmware虚拟机中安装XP系统 1.新建一个虚拟机,文件-新建虚拟机; 2.我们选择标准向导新建虚拟机,下一步; 3.有三个选项,光盘安装,镜像安装,稍后安装,我们选稍后安装; 4.选择想安装的操作系统名称,我们选windows; 5.选择windows版本,windows xp; 6.填写虚拟机名称,默认为你选择的windows版本名,可以修改,选择虚拟机文件存放地址;

虚拟机-mware 中安装不了linux 64位系统

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今天在linux虚拟机中安装了mongodb数据库,安装过程主要参照了网上的一片文档,大部分地方都没有多大区别,只是在某些细节上有所改变. 我参考的文档是:http://my.oschina.net/MrMichael/blog/266501?p=1 1.            参考文档中的第一步下载安装包, 原文:mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.2.7.tgz: 而我:mongodb-linux-x86_64-2.6.9.gz. 我的具体步骤是: 在windows中下载,然后复制

《深入学习VMware vSphere 6》——2.3 在VMware Workstation虚拟机中安装ESXi 6

2.3 在VMware Workstation虚拟机中安装ESXi 6 "实验是最好的老师",要掌握VMware ESXi的内容,从头安装.配置VMware ESXi,并在ESXi中创建虚拟机.配置虚拟机.管理VMware ESXi网络.如果要准备VMware ESXi环境,有以下3种方法. (1)在服务器上安装.这是最好的方法,你可以在最新两年购买的IBM.HB.Dell这些服务器上安装测试VMware ESXi,在安装的时候,服务器原来的数据会丢失,请备份这些数据. (2)在PC上


问题描述 在vmware12虚拟机中安装不了windows系统,win7,win8都不行 我在win7 64位专业版的电脑中安装了vmware 12 虚拟机. 我在虚拟机中安装win7或者是win8,在安装初始页面中鼠标都会始终处于缓冲状态. 鼠标一直是这样. 如图: 但是在虚拟机中安装linux系统都能安装上,就是windows系统不行. 那位大神知道,请指教... 解决方案 这种山寨盗版系统显然不靠谱.安装原版系统.从msdn.itellyou.cn下载原版. 解决方案二: VMware虚拟


VMware是一款广为人知并且易于使用的软件.它的许多核心产品都是免费的(但不开放源代码).另外,在AMD x86_64架构的机器上使用VMware需要安装ia32-libs库. ·VMware Player 是VMware系列软件最基本的版本.他只能运行已有的虚拟机镜像.网络上有很多为免费操作系统建立的虚拟机镜像可以下载.此外,像EasyVMX这样的网站还http://www.aliyun.com/zixun/aggregation/18736.html">允许用户免费创建能够安装和运行


大家先来看看问题描述:新建虚拟机的列表中没有64位系统选项,如何解决? 操作系统:Windows 7 64位: 虚拟机:Oracle VM VirtualBox Linux版本: Ubuntu4.0  64 解决方法:修改机器中的BIOS配置. step1:重启计算机,按F2,进入BIOS界面 step2:进入Configure页签,将virtualization参数修改为:enabled step3:按F10保存. 启动计算机,再进行新建虚拟机操作,即可出现64位选项. 补充:用virtual