- 关于Oracle语句问题,在oracle中可以查 在映射的XML中不可以
select * from (
select siup.id,ROWNUM AS CON,siup.stationId, siup.stationName, siup.centerId, siup.centerName, tu.id userId, tu.name name, tu.certificatecode, tu.corpid corpId, corp.name corpName, dept.id deptId,
dept.name deptName, bu.id bulletinId, bu.title bulletinTitle, siup.workTypeId, wt.workname workTypeName, tu.photo, siup.signUpTime, siup.score
from tuser tu, tgroup corp, tuser_group tugr, tgroup dept, t_skex_signupinfo siup, t_skex_bulletin bu, worktype wt
where ROWNUM <= 3 and tu.corpid = corp.id and tu.id = tugr.user_id and tugr.group_id = dept.id and tu.id = siup.userid and siup.bulletinid = bu.id and siup.worktypeid = wt.id and siup.userid = #{userId}and siup.auditRank > 2
order by siup.createtime desc
) where CON >= 1;
在线等。 映射的XML 中老是说CON 是无效的字符 但是我用Oracle 查询工具是可以查的 求大神
时间: 2024-09-22 15:49:59