[LeetCode] Average of Levels in Binary Tree 二叉树的层平均值

Given a non-empty binary tree, return the average value of the nodes on each level in the form of an array.

Example 1:

   / \
  9  20
    /  \
   15   7
Output: [3, 14.5, 11]
The average value of nodes on level 0 is 3,  on level 1 is 14.5, and on level 2 is 11. Hence return [3, 14.5, 11]. 


  1. The range of node's value is in the range of 32-bit signed integer. 



class Solution {

    vector<double> averageOfLevels(TreeNode* root) {
        if (!root) return {};
        vector<double> res;
        queue<TreeNode*> q{{root}};
        while (!q.empty()) {
            int n = q.size();
            double sum = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
                TreeNode *t = q.front(); q.pop();
                sum += t->val;
                if (t->left) q.push(t->left);
                if (t->right) q.push(t->right);
            res.push_back(sum / n);
        return res;



class Solution {

    vector<double> averageOfLevels(TreeNode* root) {
        vector<double> res, cnt;
        helper(root, 0, cnt, res);
        for (int i = 0; i < res.size(); ++i) {
            res[i] /= cnt[i];
        return res;
    void helper(TreeNode* node, int level, vector<double>& cnt, vector<double>& res) {
        if (!node) return;
        if (res.size() <= level) {
        res[level] += node->val;
        helper(node->left, level + 1, cnt, res);
        helper(node->right, level + 1, cnt, res);



本文转自博客园Grandyang的博客,原文链接:[LeetCode] Average of Levels in Binary Tree 二叉树的层平均值


时间: 2024-09-23 12:31:20

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