Selenium v2.0b2发布 用于Web应用程序测试的工具

Selenium也是一个用于Web应用程序测试的工具。Selenium 测试直接运行在浏览器中,就像真正的用户在操作一样。支持的浏览器包括IE,Mozilla和Firefox等。这个工具的主要功能包括:测试与浏览器的兼容性--测试你的应用程序看是否能够很好得工作在不同浏览器和操作系统之上。测试系统功能--创建衰退测试检验软件功能和用户需求。 支持自动录制动作,和自动生成.Net、Java、Perl等不同语言的测试脚本。

Selenium 是 ThoughtWorks 专门为 Web 应用程序编写的一个验收测试工具。据 Selenium 主页所说,与其他测试工具相比,使用 Selenium 的最大好处是:

Selenium 测试直接在浏览器中运行,就像真实用户所做的一样。Selenium 测试可以在 Windows、Linux 和 MacintoshAnd 上的 Internet Explorer、Mozilla 和 Firefox 中运行。其他测试工具都不能覆盖如此多的平台。使用 Selenium 和在浏览器中运行测试还有很多其他好处。

通过编写模仿用户操作的 Selenium 测试脚本,可以从终端用户的角度来测试应用程序。通过在不同浏览器中运行测试,更容易发现浏览器的不兼容性。Selenium 的核心,也称 browser bot,是用 JavaScript 编写的。这使得测试脚本可以在受支持的浏览器中运行。browser bot 负责执行从测试脚本接收到的命令,测试脚本要么是用 HTML 的表布局编写的,要么是使用一种受支持的编程语言编写的。

We’ve just released Selenium 2.0b2. If you’re the impatient sort who loves to have the latest and greatest, head over to the download site and get it while it’s hot. If you’re a Python user, then all you need to do is a simple “pip install -U selenium”. Ruby users can, as ever, simply run “gem install selenium-webdriver”. Maven users need to wait just a little bit longer: we’re going to be checking the release in ASAP.

Between beta 1 and beta 2, we held a week-long Bug Bash, during which we closed a significant number of bugs. From a user’s perspective, other highlights include:

·A more stable, capable iPhone driver.
·Updated Android driver.
·Improved python bindings for Selenium WebDriver. The namespace is now “selenium.webdriver”
·Added “Selenium.getCssCount” to mirror “Selenium.getXpathCount”
·“WebElement.getText()” performs more consistently across different browsers.
·Mono users can use the .Net bindings
·Continued to improve the WebDriverBackedSelenium. If you’re looking to migrate from Selenium 1 to Selenium 2, and want to take your time, this is a useful stepping stone.
·Reworked the Advanced User Interactions APIs. The big change is that the WebDriver APIs no longer rely on classes from the AWT.
·.Net users now have more support classes, to make writing tests less tiresome.
·The remote webdriver makes better use of sockets, which improves stability and scalability on Windows.
·Started to add support for driving multiple IE instances. This is considered experimental, but we’d love to hear it’s working for you!

If you’re interested in the guts of Selenium 2 and how it worked, then you might find these interesting:

·Continued reworking the IE and iPhone drivers to use the Automation Atoms.
·Reworked the structure of the source tree to be more language focused.
·We have the skeleton of a webdriver-backed selenium for Python.

As you can see, this is a big release. Beta 3 should be out a lot more quickly, and will be focusing on improving support for IE 9 and Firefox 4. Over the course of the 2.0b3 development, we shall also be removing as many deprecated methods as possible, so be sure to remove deprecation warnings from your builds when using 2.0b2!


时间: 2024-10-07 12:06:44

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