Today, let’s do one thing: take a combined programming with VS2008 and matlab2009a.
Configuration of Matlab
First, launch matlab and do the following to configure the initial environment :(the red part is my input)
Please choose yourcompiler for building standalone MATLAB applications:
Would you like mbuild to locate installed compilers [y]/n?y
Select a compiler:
[1] Lcc-win32 C2.4.1 in C:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2009a\sys\lcc
[0] None
Compiler: 0
mbuild: No compiler selected. No actiontaken.
mbuild -setup
Please choose your compiler forbuilding standalone MATLAB applications:
Would you like mbuild to locateinstalled compilers [y]/n?n
Select a compiler:
[1] Lcc-win32 C 2.4.1
[2] Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0
[3] Microsoft Visual C++ .NET 2003
[4] Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 SP1
[5] Microsoft Visual C++ 2008Express
[6] Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1
[0] None
Compiler: 6(make sure your vs2008 is the official version, not the express)
The default location for Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 compilers is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio9.0,
but that directory does not existon this machine.
Use C:\Program Files\MicrosoftVisual Studio 9.0 anyway [y]/n? y
Please verify your choices:
Compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ 2008
Location: C:\ProgramFiles\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0
Are these correct [y]/n?y
Warning: Applications/components generated using Microsoft VisualC++
2008 require that the MicrosoftVisual Studio 2008 run-time
libraries be available on thecomputer used for deployment.
To redistribute yourapplications/components, be sure that the
deployment machine has theserun-time libraries.
Trying to update options file:C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\ApplicationData\MathWorks\MATLAB\R2009a\compopts.bat
From template: C:\PROGRA~1\MATLAB\R2009a\bin\win32\mbuildopts\msvc90freecompp.bat
Done . . .
second, create a m file, naming it “add.m”. Here are in add.m:
function y = add(a,b)
y = a + b;
third, type this in matlab command prompt:
mcc –W cpplib:myadd–T link:lib add.m –C(concrete parameters in HELP document)
One or two minutes later, there are several new files in your current directory, just like:
Please notice: the four files myadd.ctf, myadd.h, myadd.lib, myadd.dll should be used by vs2008 project.So you must copy them to your current vs project directory.
You may feel strange to file myadd.ctf. However, if you do not copy it, you’ll get this in executing stage if other operations are OK:
By the way, By typing the following command at VS2008 command prompt, we can get the exports and imports of myadd.dll.Please notice the red part, because we're gonna use it in our own code.
>> dumpbin myadd.dll /exports > exports.txt
here is the exports.txt:
Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 9.00.21022.08
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Dump of file myadd.dll
File Type: DLL
Section contains the following exports for myadd.dll
00000000 characteristics
50F6AA97 time date stamp Wed Jan 16 21:26:47 2013
0.00 version
1 ordinal base
7 number of functions
7 number of names
ordinal hint RVA name
1 0 000018D0 ?add@@YAXHAAVmwArray@@ABV1@1@Z
2 1 00001560 mlxAdd
3 2 000014E0 myaddGetMcrID
4 3 000014A0 myaddInitialize
5 4 00001440 myaddInitializeWithHandlers
6 5 000014F0 myaddPrintStackTrace
7 6 000014C0 myaddTerminate
2000 .data
4000 .rdata
2000 .reloc
9000 .text
>> dumpbin myadd.dll /imports > imports.txt
here is the imports.txt:
Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 9.00.21022.08
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Dump of file myadd.dll
File Type: DLL
Section contains the following imports:
1000A000 Import Address Table
1000C8D8 Import Name Table
0 time date stamp
0 Index of first forwarder reference
1F4 GetModuleFileNameA
1F6 GetModuleHandleA
2A6 HeapSize
2E3 LCMapStringW
2E1 LCMapStringA
240 GetStringTypeW
31A MultiByteToWideChar
23D GetStringTypeA
1E8 GetLocaleInfoA
2B5 InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount
…… many functions!
1000A0F4 Import Address Table
1000C9CC Import Name Table
0 time date stamp
0 Index of first forwarder reference
12C mclcppGetArrayBuffer_proxy
A array_buffer_set_proxy
6 array_buffer_add_proxy
12A mclcppFeval_proxy
8 array_buffer_get_proxy
C array_buffer_to_cell_proxy
A9 mclFeval_proxy
DF mclGetStackTrace_proxy
AC mclFreeStackTrace_proxy
BC mclGetID_proxy
11F mclTerminateInstance_proxy
131 mclmcrInitialize_proxy
EC mclInitializeComponentInstance_proxy
126 mclWrite_proxy
4C array_ref_getV_int_proxy
66 array_ref_number_of_elements_proxy
44 array_ref_classID_proxy
12D mclcppGetLastError_proxy
81 error_info_get_message_proxy
1C3 ref_count_obj_release_proxy
1C2 ref_count_obj_addref_proxy
128 mclcppCreateError_proxy
2000 .data
4000 .rdata
2000 .reloc
9000 .text
Configuration of VS2008
create a MFC project based on dialog named myadd, then do the following to contain “include and lib”:
choose tool-option and add the matlab’s include directory. see below:
choose tool-option and add the matlab’s lib directory.see below:
Then you’re expected to enter menu project-myadd property-linker-input, do these:
so myadd.lib was generated just now, and the mclmcrrt.lib is necessary for myadd.dll.
The configuration of vs is completed. let’s enter the code process.
Implementation of basic function
open your myadd project and add some controller such as the static text, the edit control and button. Just like this:
double click the calculate button and automatically enter the message-handling function void CMyAddTestDlg::OnBnClickedOk().
edit it like this:
void CMyAddTestDlg::OnBnClickedOk() { // TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码 CString str; inta,b,c; //get what’s in the edit control and save to a,b a=GetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT1); b=GetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT2); //initializing function to avoid failure if(!myaddInitialize()) { str.Format(_T("lib myadd2 Initialize failed!\n")); MessageBox(str); return; } try { //declare a mwArray variable and store a to it mwArray mwa(1,1,mxUINT32_CLASS); mwa.SetData(&a,1); //declare a mwArray variable and store b to it mwArray mwb(1,1,mxUINT32_CLASS); mwb.SetData(&b,1); //declare a mwArray variable and store the result mwArray mwy(1,1,mxUINT32_CLASS); //call the add function and store mwy to c add(1,mwy,mwa,mwb); mwy.GetData(&c,1); SetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT3,c); } catch(mwException&e) { str.Format(_T("%s"),e.what()); MessageBox(str); } //the ending function myaddTerminate(); //OnOK();youshould add an annotation of it }
And do not forget add the include file “myadd.h” to MyAddDlg.cpp !
So you are seeming to be allowed to link and run the program. If you do that, you may become a little disappointed. Because you’re likely to get the following error:
the way to it is targetver.h and modify two lines:
that’s to say,change the two “0600” to “0501”.
Then you try to run the application. To your disappointment again, you’ll get this:
For this problem,you may refer to this:
Here is my way:
find the file \MATLAB\R2009a\toolbox\compiler\deploy\win32\MCRInstaller.exe and install it. when it’s done, the installing directory will have that .dll file.In order to find it in executing
stage, you should set your PATH environment variable.See below:
And this time,believe me ,you will get a satisfying answer if your quality is not so bad…Just see below
Congratulations !!!