- Create an IIS application.
- Create a new IIS application pool and set it's .NET version to 4.
- Set the application pool of the new application to the new application pool.
procedure CreateIISVirtualDir(); var IIS, WebSite, WebServer, WebRoot, VDir: Variant; ErrorCode: Integer; begin { Create the main IIS COM Automation object } try IIS := CreateOleObject('IISNamespace'); except RaiseException('Please install Microsoft IIS first.'#13#13'(Error ''' + GetExceptionMessage + ''' occurred)'); end; { Connect to the IIS server } WebSite := IIS.GetObject('IIsWebService', IISServerName + '/w3svc'); WebServer := WebSite.GetObject('IIsWebServer', IISServerNumber); WebRoot := WebServer.GetObject('IIsWebVirtualDir', 'Root'); { (Re)create a virtual dir } try WebRoot.Delete('IIsWebVirtualDir', 'eipwebv4'); WebRoot.SetInfo(); except end; VDir := WebRoot.Create('IIsWebVirtualDir', 'eipwebv4'); VDir.AccessRead := True; VDir.AccessScript := TRUE; VDir.AppFriendlyName := 'Easy-IP Web Client'; VDir.Path := ExpandConstant('{app}'); try VDir.AppPoolId := 'Classic .NET AppPool'; except end; VDir.AppCreate(True); VDir.SetInfo(); end;
var global_AppCmdFilePath :String; global_IsIIS7 :Boolean; global_WebSites :SiteList; global_WebSiteName :String; global_vDir :String; global_AppCmdExitCode :Integer; const IISServerName = 'localhost'; IISApplicationPoolName = 'Test Pool'; ERROR_NOT_FOUND = 1168; ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED = 50; MD_APPPOOL_IDENTITY_TYPE_LOCALSYSTEM = 0; MD_APPPOOL_IDENTITY_TYPE_LOCALSERVICE = 1; MD_APPPOOL_IDENTITY_TYPE_NETWORKSERVICE = 2; MD_APPPOOL_IDENTITY_TYPE_SPECIFICUSER = 3; MD_LOGON_INTERACTIVE = 0; MD_LOGON_BATCH = 1; MD_LOGON_NETWORK = 2; MD_LOGON_NETWORK_CLEARTEXT = 3; function ExecAppCmd(params :String) :Boolean; var execSuccessfully :Boolean; resultCode :Integer; begin execSuccessfully := Exec('cmd.exe', '/c ' + global_AppCmdFilePath + ' ' + params, '', SW_HIDE, ewWaitUntilTerminated, resultCode); global_AppCmdExitCode := resultCode; Result := execSuccessfully and (resultCode = 0); end; function CreateVirtualDirectoryForIIS6(physicalPath :String) :String; var IIS, webService, webServer, webRoot, vDir, vDirApp :Variant; appPools, appPool :Variant; webSiteId :String; begin webSiteId := GetWebSiteIdByName(global_WebSiteName); // Create the main IIS COM Automation object. IIS := CreateOleObject('IISNamespace'); // Get application pools. appPools := IIS.GetObject('IIsApplicationPools', 'localhost/W3SVC/AppPools'); try // Check if the application pool already exists. appPool := appPools.GetObject('IIsApplicationPool', IISApplicationPoolName); except // Crete the application pool. try appPool := appPools.Create('IIsApplicationPool', IISApplicationPoolName); appPool.LogonMethod := MD_LOGON_NETWORK_CLEARTEXT; appPool.AppPoolIdentityType := MD_APPPOOL_IDENTITY_TYPE_NETWORKSERVICE; appPool.SetInfo(); except Result := 'Failed to create an apllication pool.'; Exit; end; end; // Connect to the IIS server. webService := IIS.GetObject('IIsWebService', IISServerName + '/w3svc'); // Get the website. webServer := webService.GetObject('IIsWebServer', webSiteId); webRoot := webServer.GetObject('IIsWebVirtualDir', 'Root'); // Delete the virtual dir if it already exists. try webRoot.Delete('IIsWebVirtualDir', global_vDir); webRoot.SetInfo(); except // An exception will be raised if there is not such a website. end; // Create the virtual directory. try vDir := WebRoot.Create('IIsWebVirtualDir', global_vDir); vDir.AccessRead := True; vDir.AccessScript := True; vDir.AppFriendlyName := 'Test friendly name'; vDir.Path := physicalPath; vDir.AppCreate(False); vDir.SetInfo(); except Result := 'Failed to create a virtual directory.'; Exit; end; // Assign the application pool to the virtual directory. try vDir := webRoot.GetObject('IIsWebVirtualDir', global_vDir); vDir.AppPoolId := IISApplicationPoolName; vDir.SetInfo(); except Result := 'Failed to assign the application pool to the virtual directory.'; Exit; end; end; function CreateVirtualDirectoryForIIS7(physicalPath :String) :String; var tempFileName :String; appPoolList :String; createAppPool :Boolean; begin // Delete the application if it already exists. if not ExecAppCmd(Format('delete app "%s/%s"', [global_WebSiteName, global_vDir])) then begin if (global_AppCmdExitCode <> ERROR_NOT_FOUND) and (global_AppCmdExitCode <> ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED) then begin Result := 'Failed to delete the application. ' + GetErrorMessageByCode(global_AppCmdExitCode); Exit; end; end; // Check if the application pool already exists. tempFileName := ExpandConstant('{tmp}\AppPoolNames.txt'); ExecAppCmd(Format('list apppool "%s" > "%s"', [IISApplicationPoolName, tempFileName])); if (LoadStringFromFile(tempFileName, appPoolList)) then begin createAppPool := (Pos(IISApplicationPoolName, appPoolList) = 0); end else begin createAppPool := True; end; // Create the application pool. if (createAppPool) then begin if not ExecAppCmd(Format('add apppool /name:"%s" /managedRuntimeVersion:v4.0', [IISApplicationPoolName])) then begin Result := 'Failed to add the application pool. ' + GetErrorMessageByCode(global_AppCmdExitCode); Exit; end; end; // Create the application. if not ExecAppCmd(Format('add app /site.name:"%s" /path:"/%s" /physicalPath:"%s" /applicationPool:"%s"', [global_WebSiteName, global_vDir, physicalPath, IISApplicationPoolName])) then begin Result := 'Failed to add the application. ' + GetErrorMessageByCode(global_AppCmdExitCode); Exit; end; Result := ''; end;
时间: 2024-12-09 22:36:08