ebs系统架构简介7.1——rac clone

今天在rac环境clone 的时候,查看日志:


Attempting to move clone specific files to temporary directory..
Src location: /backup/testsit/clone/data/stage
Target location: /testebs/uat/db/11.2.0/appsutil/temp/stage
Moving files:

也就是要把/backup/testsit/clone/data/stage 目录下的


移动到/testebs/uat/db/11.2.0/appsutil/temp/stage 目录。

日志在这个地方停住了,担心是不是卡住了,所以去/testebs/uat/db/11.2.0/appsutil/temp/stage 目录下查看是否已经移动过来了,但是发现adcrdb.zip 、addbhomsrc.xml存在,但是addbhomtgt.xml 文件不存在。

考虑到 /backup/testsit/clone/data/stage的内容是preclone产生的,于是去生产环境$ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/clone/data/stage目录下查看是否是因为权限原因没有及时拷贝到/backup/testsit/clone/data/stage目录,结果发现生产环境也没有此文件。


Addbhomtgt.Xml File is deleted by Adpreclone (Doc ID 880274.1)

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Oracle Application Install - Version: to - Release: 11.5 to 11.5
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Why is Addbhomtgt.Xml File deleted by Adpreclone when cloning a RAC instance?


This is an expected behavior.

RapidClone was designed to be run manually from the command line as documented in Note 230672.1 because
Oracle do not support the automation of RapidClone. 

Although it may be possible to incorporate these commands into scripts and automate this process, this does not work on all systems, and RAC enabled systems are the exception. 

Certain files are removed during the preparation phase to avoid conflicts and configuration issues when the target system is configured. 

The file addbhomtgt.xml can cause these issues,
which is why it is removed during the preparation phase,
and recreated on the Target when CloneContext.java is called. Non-RAC instances can easily be refreshed without the dependency on addbhomtgt.xml,
an existing Context file is passed to the command line to avoid CloneContext.java being called.

RapidClone and RAC has a high dependency on addbhomtgt.xml , so can only be done via the steps documented in Note 230672.1 "Section 4: Advanced Cloning Options" and sub-section "6. Cloning
a RAC System" .

The "Refreshing a Target System" steps do not apply to RAC systems. Cloning 11i with 10g/11g involve further manual steps documented in Note 760637.1.


If the existence of addbhomtgt.xml is a factor preventing the automated cloning from working, a solution is to incorporate some further customization in the automation scripts that restore
a pre-saved and pre-configured copy of addbhomtgt.xml just prior to executing adcfgclone.pl. This will need to be created beforehand via a manual run of adcfgclone.pl and CloneContext.java, so without an existing context file, but can be stored outside of
the clone stage area, and restored for future clones of that instance.


Oracle do not provide assistance on automating RapidClone but it offers advanced cloning options via a separately licensed product called the Applications Maintenance Pack (AMP) plugin, which uses the Enterprise Manager Grid Control framework.

More information on AMP can be found in Metalink  Note 812315.1.

File is deleted by Adpreclone (Doc ID 880274.1)
时间: 2025-01-02 14:21:13

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