[java] view
- package rodar.rgs.conference.utils;
- import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
- import java.lang.reflect.Field;
- import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
- import java.net.InetAddress;
- import java.util.ArrayList;
- import java.util.List;
- import android.net.wifi.ScanResult;
- import android.net.wifi.WifiConfiguration;
- import android.net.wifi.WifiManager;
- public class WifiConnect {
- WifiManager wifiManager;
- //定义几种加密方式,一种是WEP,一种是WPA,还有没有密码的情况
- public enum WifiCipherType
- {
- }
- //构造函数
- public WifiConnect(WifiManager wifiManager)
- {
- this.wifiManager = wifiManager;
- }
- //打开wifi功能
- private boolean OpenWifi()
- {
- boolean bRet = true;
- if (!wifiManager.isWifiEnabled())
- {
- bRet = wifiManager.setWifiEnabled(true);
- }
- return bRet;
- }
- //提供一个外部接口,传入要连接的无线网
- public boolean Connect(String SSID, String Password, WifiCipherType Type)
- {
- if(!this.OpenWifi())
- {
- return false;
- }
- System.out.println(">>>wifiCon=");
- //开启wifi功能需要一段时间(我在手机上测试一般需要1-3秒左右),所以要等到wifi
- //状态变成WIFI_STATE_ENABLED的时候才能执行下面的语句
- while(wifiManager.getWifiState() == WifiManager.WIFI_STATE_ENABLING )
- {
- try{
- //为了避免程序一直while循环,让它睡个100毫秒在检测……
- Thread.currentThread();
- Thread.sleep(100);
- }
- catch(InterruptedException ie){
- }
- }
- WifiConfiguration wifiConfig = this.CreateWifiInfo(SSID, Password, Type);
- //
- if(wifiConfig == null)
- {
- return false;
- }
- WifiConfiguration tempConfig = this.IsExsits(SSID);
- if(tempConfig != null)
- {
- wifiManager.removeNetwork(tempConfig.networkId);
- }
- // try {
- // //高级选项
- // String ip ="";
- // int networkPrefixLength =24;
- // InetAddress intetAddress = InetAddress.getByName(ip);
- // int intIp = inetAddressToInt(intetAddress);
- // String dns = (intIp & 0xFF ) + "." + ((intIp >> 8 ) & 0xFF) + "." + ((intIp >> 16 ) & 0xFF) + ".1";
- // setIpAssignment("STATIC", wifiConfig); //"STATIC" or "DHCP" for dynamic setting
- // setIpAddress(intetAddress, networkPrefixLength, wifiConfig);
- // setGateway(InetAddress.getByName(dns), wifiConfig);
- // setDNS(InetAddress.getByName(dns), wifiConfig);
- // } catch (Exception e) {
- // // TODO: handle exception
- // e.printStackTrace();
- // }
- int netID = wifiManager.addNetwork(wifiConfig);
- boolean bRet = wifiManager.enableNetwork(netID, true);
- // wifiManager.updateNetwork(wifiConfig);
- return bRet;
- }
- //查看以前是否也配置过这个网络
- private WifiConfiguration IsExsits(String SSID)
- {
- List<WifiConfiguration> existingConfigs = wifiManager.getConfiguredNetworks();
- for (WifiConfiguration existingConfig : existingConfigs)
- {
- if (existingConfig.SSID.equals("\""+SSID+"\""))
- {
- return existingConfig;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- private WifiConfiguration CreateWifiInfo(String SSID, String Password, WifiCipherType Type)
- {
- WifiConfiguration config = new WifiConfiguration();
- config.allowedAuthAlgorithms.clear();
- config.allowedGroupCiphers.clear();
- config.allowedKeyManagement.clear();
- config.allowedPairwiseCiphers.clear();
- config.allowedProtocols.clear();
- config.SSID = "\"" + SSID + "\"";
- if(Type == WifiCipherType.WIFICIPHER_NOPASS)
- {
- config.wepKeys[0] = "";
- config.allowedKeyManagement.set(WifiConfiguration.KeyMgmt.NONE);
- config.wepTxKeyIndex = 0;
- }
- if(Type == WifiCipherType.WIFICIPHER_WEP)
- {
- config.preSharedKey = "\""+Password+"\"";
- config.hiddenSSID = true;
- config.allowedAuthAlgorithms.set(WifiConfiguration.AuthAlgorithm.SHARED);
- config.allowedGroupCiphers.set(WifiConfiguration.GroupCipher.CCMP);
- config.allowedGroupCiphers.set(WifiConfiguration.GroupCipher.TKIP);
- config.allowedGroupCiphers.set(WifiConfiguration.GroupCipher.WEP40);
- config.allowedGroupCiphers.set(WifiConfiguration.GroupCipher.WEP104);
- config.allowedKeyManagement.set(WifiConfiguration.KeyMgmt.NONE);
- config.wepTxKeyIndex = 0;
- }
- if(Type == WifiCipherType.WIFICIPHER_WPA)
- {
- config.preSharedKey = "\""+Password+"\"";
- config.hiddenSSID = true;
- config.allowedAuthAlgorithms.set(WifiConfiguration.AuthAlgorithm.OPEN);
- config.allowedGroupCiphers.set(WifiConfiguration.GroupCipher.TKIP);
- config.allowedKeyManagement.set(WifiConfiguration.KeyMgmt.WPA_PSK);
- config.allowedPairwiseCiphers.set(WifiConfiguration.PairwiseCipher.TKIP);
- //config.allowedProtocols.set(WifiConfiguration.Protocol.WPA);
- config.allowedGroupCiphers.set(WifiConfiguration.GroupCipher.CCMP);
- config.allowedPairwiseCiphers.set(WifiConfiguration.PairwiseCipher.CCMP);
- config.status = WifiConfiguration.Status.ENABLED;
- }
- else
- {
- return null;
- }
- return config;
- }
- /***
- * Convert a IPv4 address from an InetAddress to an integer
- * @param inetAddr is an InetAddress corresponding to the IPv4 address
- * @return the IP address as an integer in network byte order
- */
- public static int inetAddressToInt(InetAddress inetAddr)
- throws IllegalArgumentException {
- byte [] addr = inetAddr.getAddress();
- if (addr.length != 4) {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not an IPv4 address");
- }
- return ((addr[3] & 0xff) << 24) | ((addr[2] & 0xff) << 16) |
- ((addr[1] & 0xff) << 8) | (addr[0] & 0xff);
- }
- public static void setIpAssignment(String assign, WifiConfiguration wifiConf)throws SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException,NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException {
- setEnumField(wifiConf, assign, "ipAssignment");
- }
- public static void setEnumField(Object obj, String value, String name) throws SecurityException, NoSuchFieldException,
- IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
- Field f = obj.getClass().getField(name);
- f.set(obj, Enum.valueOf((Class<Enum>) f.getType(), value));
- }
- public static void setIpAddress(InetAddress addr, int prefixLength,WifiConfiguration wifiConf) throws SecurityException,IllegalArgumentException,
- NoSuchFieldException,IllegalAccessException, NoSuchMethodException,ClassNotFoundException, InstantiationException,InvocationTargetException {
- Object linkProperties = getField(wifiConf, "linkProperties");
- if (linkProperties == null)
- return;
- Class laClass = Class.forName("android.net.LinkAddress");
- Constructor laConstructor = laClass.getConstructor(new Class[] {InetAddress.class, int.class });
- Object linkAddress = laConstructor.newInstance(addr, prefixLength);
- ArrayList mLinkAddresses = (ArrayList) getDeclaredField(linkProperties,"mLinkAddresses");
- mLinkAddresses.clear();
- mLinkAddresses.add(linkAddress);
- }
- public static void setGateway(InetAddress gateway,WifiConfiguration wifiConf) throws SecurityException,IllegalArgumentException,
- NoSuchFieldException,IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException,NoSuchMethodException, InstantiationException,InvocationTargetException {
- Object linkProperties = getField(wifiConf, "linkProperties");
- if (linkProperties == null)
- return;
- Class routeInfoClass = Class.forName("android.net.RouteInfo");
- Constructor routeInfoConstructor = routeInfoClass.getConstructor(new Class[] { InetAddress.class });
- Object routeInfo = routeInfoConstructor.newInstance(gateway);
- ArrayList mRoutes = (ArrayList) getDeclaredField(linkProperties,"mRoutes");
- mRoutes.clear();
- mRoutes.add(routeInfo);
- }
- public static void setDNS(InetAddress dns, WifiConfiguration wifiConf) throws SecurityException, IllegalArgumentException,NoSuchFieldException, IllegalAccessException {
- Object linkProperties = getField(wifiConf, "linkProperties");
- if (linkProperties == null)
- return;
- ArrayList<InetAddress> mDnses = (ArrayList<InetAddress>) getDeclaredField(linkProperties, "mDnses");
- mDnses.clear(); // or add a new dns address , here I just want to replace DNS1
- mDnses.add(dns);
- }
- public static Object getField(Object obj, String name) throws SecurityException, NoSuchFieldException,IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
- Field f = obj.getClass().getField(name);
- Object out = f.get(obj);
- return out;
- }
- public static Object getDeclaredField(Object obj, String name) throws SecurityException, NoSuchFieldException,IllegalArgumentException, IllegalAccessException {
- Field f = obj.getClass().getDeclaredField(name);
- f.setAccessible(true);
- Object out = f.get(obj);
- return out;
- }
- // public void editStaticWifiConfig(final ScanResult sr,String pwd, String ip, String gateway,int prefixLength,String dns) throws Exception{
- // WifiConfiguration historyWifiConfig = getHistoryWifiConfig(sr.SSID);
- //
- // if(historyWifiConfig == null){
- // historyWifiConfig = createComWifiConfig(sr.SSID,pwd);
- // int netId = mWifiManager.addNetwork(historyWifiConfig);
- // mWifiManager.enableNetwork(netId, true);
- // }
- //
- // setIpAssignment("STATIC", historyWifiConfig); //"STATIC" or "DHCP" for dynamic setting
- // setIpAddress(InetAddress.getByName(ip), prefixLength, historyWifiConfig);
- // setGateway(InetAddress.getByName(gateway), historyWifiConfig);
- // setDNS(InetAddress.getByName(dns), historyWifiConfig);
- //
- // mWifiManager.updateNetwork(historyWifiConfig); //apply the setting
- // }
- //
- // public void editDhcpWifiConfig(final ScanResult sr,String pwd) throws Exception{
- // WifiConfiguration historyWifiConfig = getHistoryWifiConfig(sr.SSID);
- //
- // if(historyWifiConfig == null){
- // historyWifiConfig = createComWifiConfig(sr.SSID,pwd);
- // int netId = mWifiManager.addNetwork(historyWifiConfig);
- // mWifiManager.enableNetwork(netId, true);
- // }
- //
- // setIpAssignment("DHCP", historyWifiConfig); //"STATIC" or "DHCP" for dynamic setting
- //
- // mWifiManager.updateNetwork(historyWifiConfig); //apply the setting
- // }
- }
类中boolean bRet = wifiManager.enableNetwork(netID, true); 第二个参数true表示如果当前已经有连上一个wifi,要强制连到自己设定的wifi上,此参数必须为true否则连上的还是原来的wifi.
[java] view
- WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager) getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
- WifiConnect wifi = new WifiConnect(wifiManager);
- wifi.Connect("wifiName", "wifipPassword",
- WifiCipherType.WIFICIPHER_WPA);
[html] view
- <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
- <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
- <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE"/>
- <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CHANGE_NETWORK_STATE" />
- <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE" />
- <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.UPDATE_DEVICE_STATS" />
- <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
[java] view
- package rodar.rgs.conference.utils;
- import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;
- import android.content.Context;
- import android.content.Intent;
- import android.net.NetworkInfo;
- import android.net.wifi.WifiInfo;
- import android.net.wifi.WifiManager;
- import android.os.Bundle;
- import android.os.Parcelable;
- import android.util.Log;
- public class WifiStateReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver{
- @Override
- public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
- // TODO Auto-generated method stub
- Bundle bundle = intent.getExtras();
- int oldInt = bundle.getInt("previous_wifi_state");
- int newInt = bundle.getInt("wifi_state");
- System.out.println(">>>oldInt="+oldInt+",newInt="+newInt);
- // String oldStr = (oldInt>=0 && oldInt<WIFI_STATES.length) ?WIFI_STATES[oldInt] :"?";
- // String newStr = (newInt>=0 && oldInt<WIFI_STATES.length) ?WIFI_STATES[newInt] :"?";
- // Log.e("", "oldS="+oldStr+", newS="+newStr);
- // if(newInt==WifiManager.WIFI_STATE_DISABLED || newInt==WifiManager.WIFI_STATE_ENABLED) {
- // onWifiStateChange(); // define this function elsewhere!
- // } else if(newInt==WifiManager.WIFI_STATE_DISABLING ||
- // newInt==WifiManager.WIFI_STATE_ENABLING)
- // {
- //// chkbox_wifi.setText(newStr);
- // } else {
- // newStr += " (Is wpa_supplicant.conf readable?)";
- //// chkbox_wifi.setText(newStr);
- // }
- WifiManager wifiManager = (WifiManager)context.getSystemService(Context.WIFI_SERVICE);
- WifiInfo info = wifiManager.getConnectionInfo();
- System.out.println(">>>onReceive.wifiInfo="+info.toString());
- System.out.println(">>>onReceive.SSID="+info.getSSID());
- // if(!info.getSSID().equals("Rodar")){
- // WifiConnect wifi = new WifiConnect(wifiManager);
- // wifi.Connect("Rodar", "rodar.5779858",
- // WifiCipherType.WIFICIPHER_WPA);
- // System.out.println(">>>onReceive.SSID1="+info.getSSID());
- // }
- if (WifiManager.NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION.equals(intent.getAction()))
- {
- Parcelable parcelableExtra = intent.getParcelableExtra(WifiManager.EXTRA_NETWORK_INFO);
- if (null != parcelableExtra)
- {
- NetworkInfo networkInfo = (NetworkInfo) parcelableExtra;
- switch (networkInfo.getState())
- {
- Log.e("APActivity", "CONNECTED");
- break;
- Log.e("APActivity", "CONNECTING");
- break;
- Log.e("APActivity", "DISCONNECTED");
- break;
- Log.e("APActivity", "DISCONNECTING");
- break;
- Log.e("APActivity", "SUSPENDED");
- break;
- case UNKNOWN:
- Log.e("APActivity", "UNKNOWN");
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // // 显示Wifi状态以及ip地址:
- // public static String StringizeIp(int ip) {
- // int ip4 = (ip>>24) & 0x000000FF;
- // int ip3 = (ip>>16) & 0x000000FF;
- // int ip2 = (ip>> 8 )& 0x000000FF;
- // int ip1 = ip & 0x000000FF;
- // return Integer.toString(ip1) + "." + ip2 + "." + ip3 + "." + ip4;
- // }
- // private void onWifiStateChange() {
- // String ip_str = "";
- // WifiInfo info = mMainWifi.getConnectionInfo();
- // if(info != null) {
- // int ipaddr = info.getIpAddress();
- // ip_str = " (ip="+StringizeIp(ipaddr)+")";
- // }
- //
- // if(mMainWifi.isWifiEnabled()==true)
- // chkbox_wifi.setText("Wifi is on [" + ip_str + "]");
- // else
- // chkbox_wifi.setText("Wifi is off");
- //
- // }
- }
[java] view
- WifiStateReceiver wifiStateReceiver;
- @Override
- protected void onStart() {
- //注册网络监听
- wifiStateReceiver = new WifiStateReceiver();
- IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter();
- filter.addAction(WifiManager.WIFI_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION);
- filter.addAction(WifiManager.NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION);
- registerReceiver(wifiStateReceiver, filter);
- super.onStart();
- }
- @Override
- protected void onStop() {
- //注销网络监听
- unregisterReceiver(wifiStateReceiver);
- super.onStop();
- }
时间: 2024-12-23 22:29:57