MySql如何计算Key Hitrate ,Key Buffer Used, Query Cache Hitrate??请问.


我在MySQL数据库中的information_schema 库里的GLOBAL_VARIABLES. GLOBAL_STATUS表可以取出来好多数据,比如:•key_buffer_size•key_cache_block_size•query_cache_limit•query_cache_size...等等 可是我不知道怎么计算Key Hitrate ,Key Buffer Used, Query Cache Hitrate 希望有人可以帮到我.


mysql> show global status like ‘qcache%‘;+-------------------------------+-----------------+| Variable_name | Value  |+-------------------------------+-----------------+| Qcache_free_blocks  | 22756  || Qcache_free_memory  | 76764704 || Qcache_hits      | 213028692 || Qcache_inserts     | 208894227 || Qcache_lowmem_prunes | 4010916 || Qcache_not_cached  | 13385031 || Qcache_queries_in_cache | 43560  || Qcache_total_blocks | 111212  |+-------------------------------+-----------------+Qcache_inserts应该是没命中之后插入到qcache里的次数查询缓存命中率 = (Qcache_hits - Qcache_inserts) / Qcache_hits * 100%Key Buffer Used就是key buffer已使用的大小嚒。。。Key Hit rate就是索引的命中率么。。mysql> show global status like ‘key_read%‘;+------------------------+-------------+| Variable_name  | Value |+------------------------+-------------+| Key_read_requests| 27813678764 || Key_reads    | 6798830 |+------------------------+-------------+一共有27813678764个索引读取请求,有6798830个请求在内存中没有找到直接从硬盘读取索引,计算索引未命中缓存的概率:key_cache_miss_rate = Key_reads / Key_read_requests * 100%hit rate应该就是1-key_cache_miss_rate 吧。。。

时间: 2024-08-24 21:17:50

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