- LNK2001一个无法解析的外部命令还有>=不能转化的问题
#include<iostream> #include<string> #include<map> #include<cstdlib> using namespace std; class User { public: string rank[3] ={ "beginner", "professional", "expert"}; string get_name(); void login(); void logout(); bool is_online(); int get_login_times(); int get_played_matches(); int get_won_matches(); int get_won_ratio(); string get_rank(); void play_with(User* another, bool win); static User *getUser();// To get the guest static User *getUser(string name);// To get the user static map<string,User*>user; private: string name_; int login_time; int played_matches; int won_matches; bool is_login; }; string User::get_name() { return this->name_; } void User::login() { this->is_login = 1; } void User::logout() { this->is_login = 0; } bool User::is_online() { return this->is_login; } int User::get_login_times() { return this->login_time; } int User::get_played_matches() { return this->played_matches; } int User::get_won_matches() { return this->won_matches; } int User::get_won_ratio() { return played_matches ? double(this->won_matches) / (this->played_matches) * 100 :0.0; } string User::get_rank() { if (this->played_matches>= 50&& this->get_won_ratio >= 70) return User::rank[1]; if (this->played_matches >= 100 && this->get_won_ratio >= 80![图片说明](http://img.ask.csdn.net/upload/201605/06/1462520992_907853.png)) return User::rank[2]; else return User::rank[0]; } void User::play_with(User* another, bool win) { if (this->is_login&&another->is_login) { this->played_matches++; another->played_matches++; win ? (this->won_matches++) : (another->won_matches++); } } User* User::getUser()// To get the guest { User* p = new User; p->is_login = 1; p->login_time = 1; p->name_ = "guest"; char buffer[16]; static int id = 0; _itoa(id++, buffer, 10); p->name_ += buffer; p->played_matches = 0; p->won_matches=0; user[p->name_] = p; return p; } User* User::getUser(string name)// To get the user { map<string, User*>::iterator it; it = user.find(name); if (it != user.end()) return it->second; else { User* p = new User; p->is_login = 1; p->login_time = 1; p->name_ = name; p->played_matches = 0; p->won_matches=0; user[p->name_] = p; return p; } } int main() { User *guest0 = User::getUser(); User *guest1 = User::getUser(); guest0->login(); guest0->is_online(); // true guest0->logout(); guest0->is_online(); // false guest1->get_login_times(); // 0 User *maoge = User::getUser("Maoge"); maoge->get_name(); // Maoge maoge->login(); maoge->logout(); maoge->login(); maoge->login(); maoge->get_login_times(); // 2 User *maogeCopy = User::getUser("Maoge"); User *kuanye = User::getUser("Kuanye"); kuanye->play_with(maoge, true); kuanye->get_won_matches(); // 0 kuanye->login(); kuanye->play_with(maoge, true); kuanye->get_won_matches(); // 1 maogeCopy->get_played_matches(); // 1 return 0; }
Qt XXXr.obj : error LNK2001: 无法解析的外部符号 3 个无法解析的外部命令问题
时间: 2025-01-30 16:15:48