XRegExp 0.2: Now With Named Capture_js面向对象

Update: A beta version of XRegExp 0.3 is now available as part of the RegexPal download package.

JavaScript's regular expression flavor doesn't support named capture. Well, says who? XRegExp 0.2 brings named capture support, along with several other new features. But first of all, if you haven't seen the previous version, make sure to check out my post on XRegExp 0.1, because not all of the documentation is repeated below.


  • Comprehensive named capture support (New)
  • Supports regex literals through the addFlags method (New)
  • Free-spacing and comments mode (x)
  • Dot matches all mode (s)
  • Several other minor improvements over v0.1

Named capture

There are several different syntaxes in the wild for named capture. I've compiled the following table based on my understanding of the regex support of the libraries in question. XRegExp's syntax is included at the top.

Library Capture Backreference In replacement Stored at
XRegExp (<name>…) \k<name> ${name} result.name
.NET (?<name>…)


${name} Matcher.Groups('name')
Perl 5.10 (beta) (?<name>…)



$+{name} ??
Python (?P<name>…) (?P=name) \g<name> result.group('name')
PHP preg (PCRE) (.NET, Perl, and Python styles) $regs['name'] $result['name']

No other major regex library currently supports named capture, although the JGsoft engine (used by products like RegexBuddy) supports both .NET and Python syntax. XRegExp does not use a question mark at the beginning of a named capturing group because that would prevent it from being used in regex literals (JavaScript would immediately throw an "invalid quantifier" error).

XRegExp supports named capture on an on-request basis. You can add named capture support to any regex though the use of the new "k" flag. This is done for compatibility reasons and to ensure that regex compilation time remains as fast as possible in all situations.

Following are several examples of using named capture:

var repeatedWords = new XRegExp("\\b (<word> \\w+ ) \\s+ \\k<word> \\b", "gixk");

var repeatedWords = new RegExp("\\b (<word> \\w+ ) \\s+ \\k<word> \\b", "gixk");

var repeatedWords = /\b (<word> \w+ ) \s+ \k<word> \b/.addFlags("gixk");

var data = "The the test data.";

var hasDuplicates = repeatedWords.test(data);

var output = data.replace(repeatedWords, "${word}");

In the above code, I've also used the x flag provided by XRegExp, to improve readability. Note that the addFlags method can be called multiple times on the same regex (e.g., /pattern/g.addFlags("k").addFlags("s")), but I'd recommend adding all flags in one shot, for efficiency.

Here are a few more examples of using named capture, with an overly simplistic URL-matching regex (for comprehensive URL parsing, see parseUri):

var url = "http://microsoft.com/path/to/file?q=1";
var urlParser = new XRegExp("^(<protocol>[^:/?]+)://(<host>[^/?]*)(<path>[^?]*)\\?(<query>.*)", "k");
var parts = urlParser.exec(url);

var newUrl = url.replace(urlParser, function(match){
	return match.replace(match.host, "yahoo.com");

Note that XRegExp's named capture functionality does not support deprecated JavaScript features including the lastMatch property of the global RegExp object and the RegExp.prototype.compile() method.

Singleline (s) and extended (x) modes

The other non-native flags XRegExp supports are s (singleline) for "dot matches all" mode, and x (extended) for "free-spacing and comments" mode. For full details about these modifiers, see the FAQ in my XRegExp 0.1 post. However, one difference from the previous version is that XRegExp 0.2, when using the x flag, now allows whitespace between a regex token and its quantifier (quantifiers are, e.g., +, *?, or {1,3}). Although the previous version's handling/limitation in this regard was documented, it was atypical compared to other regex libraries. This has been fixed.

The code

if (window.XRegExp === undefined) {
	var XRegExp;

	(function () {
		var native = {
			RegExp: RegExp,
			exec: RegExp.prototype.exec,
			match: String.prototype.match,
			replace: String.prototype.replace

		XRegExp = function (pattern, flags) {
			return native.RegExp(pattern).addFlags(flags);

		RegExp.prototype.addFlags = function (flags) {
			var pattern = this.source,
				useNamedCapture = false,
				re = XRegExp._re;

			flags = (flags || "") + native.replace.call(this.toString(), /^[\S\s]+\//, "");

			if (flags.indexOf("x") > -1) {
				pattern = native.replace.call(pattern, re.extended, function ($0, $1, $2) {
					return $1 ? ($2 ? $2 : "(?:)") : $0;

			if (flags.indexOf("k") > -1) {
				var captureNames = [];
				pattern = native.replace.call(pattern, re.capturingGroup, function ($0, $1) {
					if (/^\((?!\?)/.test($0)) {
						if ($1) useNamedCapture = true;
						captureNames.push($1 || null);
						return "(";
					} else {
						return $0;
				if (useNamedCapture) {

					pattern = native.replace.call(pattern, re.namedBackreference, function ($0, $1, $2) {
						var index = $1 ? captureNames.indexOf($1) : -1;
						return index > -1 ? "\\" + (index + 1).toString() + ($2 ? "(?:)" + $2 : "") : $0;

			pattern = native.replace.call(pattern, re.characterClass, function ($0, $1) {

				return $1 ? native.replace.call($0, /^(\[\^?)]/, "$1\\]") : $0;

			if (flags.indexOf("s") > -1) {
				pattern = native.replace.call(pattern, re.singleline, function ($0) {
					return $0 === "." ? "[\\S\\s]" : $0;

			var regex = native.RegExp(pattern, native.replace.call(flags, /[sxk]+/g, ""));

			if (useNamedCapture) {
				regex._captureNames = captureNames;

			} else if (this._captureNames) {
				regex._captureNames = this._captureNames.valueOf();

			return regex;

		String.prototype.replace = function (search, replacement) {

			if (!(search instanceof native.RegExp && search._captureNames)) {
				return native.replace.apply(this, arguments);

			if (typeof replacement === "function") {
				return native.replace.call(this, search, function () {

					arguments[0] = new String(arguments[0]);

					for (var i = 0; i < search._captureNames.length; i++) {
						if (search._captureNames[i]) arguments[0][search._captureNames[i]] = arguments[i + 1];
					return replacement.apply(window, arguments);
			} else {
				return native.replace.call(this, search, function () {
					var args = arguments;
					return native.replace.call(replacement, XRegExp._re.replacementVariable, function ($0, $1, $2) {

						if ($1) {
							switch ($1) {
								case "$": return "$";
								case "&": return args[0];
								case "`": return args[args.length - 1].substring(0, args[args.length - 2]);
								case "'": return args[args.length - 1].substring(args[args.length - 2] + args[0].length);


									var literalNumbers = "";
									$1 = +$1;
									while ($1 > search._captureNames.length) {
										literalNumbers = $1.toString().match(/\d$/)[0] + literalNumbers;
										$1 = Math.floor($1 / 10);
									return ($1 ? args[$1] : "$") + literalNumbers;

						} else if ($2) {

							var index = search._captureNames.indexOf($2);
							return index > -1 ? args[index + 1] : $0;
						} else {
							return $0;

		RegExp.prototype.exec = function (str) {
			var result = native.exec.call(this, str);
			if (!(this._captureNames && result && result.length > 1)) return result;

			for (var i = 1; i < result.length; i++) {
				var name = this._captureNames[i - 1];
				if (name) result[name] = result[i];

			return result;

		String.prototype.match = function (regexp) {
			if (!regexp._captureNames || regexp.global) return native.match.call(this, regexp);
			return regexp.exec(this);

XRegExp._re = {
	extended: /(?:[^[#\s\\]+|\\(?:[\S\s]|$)|\[\^?]?(?:[^\\\]]+|\\(?:[\S\s]|$))*]?)+|(\s*#[^\n\r]*\s*|\s+)([?*+]|{\d+(?:,\d*)?})?/g,
	singleline: /(?:[^[\\.]+|\\(?:[\S\s]|$)|\[\^?]?(?:[^\\\]]+|\\(?:[\S\s]|$))*]?)+|\./g,
	characterClass: /(?:[^\\[]+|\\(?:[\S\s]|$))+|\[\^?(]?)(?:[^\\\]]+|\\(?:[\S\s]|$))*]?/g,
	capturingGroup: /(?:[^[(\\]+|\\(?:[\S\s]|$)|\[\^?]?(?:[^\\\]]+|\\(?:[\S\s]|$))*]?|\((?=\?))+|\((?:<([$\w]+)>)?/g,
	namedBackreference: /(?:[^\\[]+|\\(?:[^k]|$)|\[\^?]?(?:[^\\\]]+|\\(?:[\S\s]|$))*]?|\\k(?!<[$\w]+>))+|\\k<([$\w]+)>(\d*)/g,
	replacementVariable: /(?:[^$]+|\$(?![1-9$&`']|{[$\w]+}))+|\$(?:([1-9]\d*|[$&`'])|{([$\w]+)})/g

XRegExp.overrideNative = function () {

	RegExp = XRegExp;

Array.prototype.indexOf = Array.prototype.indexOf || function (item, from) {
	var len = this.length;
	for (var i = (from < 0) ? Math.max(0, len + from) : from || 0; i < len; i++) {
		if (this[i] === item) return i;
	return -1;

You can download it, or get the packed version (2.7 KB).

XRegExp has been tested in IE 5.5–7, Firefox, Opera 9.21, Safari 3.0.2 beta for Windows, and Swift 0.2.

Finally, note that the XRE object from v0.1 has been removed. XRegExp now only creates one global variable: XRegExp. To permanently override the native RegExp constructor/object, you can now run XRegExp.overrideNative();

, Capture
, XRegExp
, 0.2:
, Now
xregexp、xregexp.js、faststone capture、capture、capture one,以便于您获取更多的相关知识。

时间: 2024-10-06 14:29:19

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