Bino v0.9.0发布 一个Linux下的视频播放器

Bino 是一个Linux下的10244.html">视频播放器,支持 3D 视频,支持大量的视频格式,支持多显示器。

Bino is a video player with two special features:

·Support for 3D videos, with a wide variety of input and output formats.
·Support for multi-display video, e.g. for powerwalls, Virtual Reality ·installations and other multi-projector setups.

Bino currently works on GNU/Linux systems, Mac OS X, and Windows. It uses the following libraries:

·FFmpeg to decode video and audio files. Note that you need a very recent version, ideally a current SVN snapshot.
·OpenAL (on GNU/Linux: OpenAL Soft) for audio output.
·OpenGL (with Glew) for video output. Hardware accelerated OpenGL 2.1 with framebuffer objects is required.
·Note that proprietary drivers are not required! Recent Linux kernel + Mesa + versions should work fine.
·Qt for the user interface and video window.
·Optionally Equalizer for multi-display support.

This release contains a lot of improvements:

·Video and audio streams can now be selected.
·All parameters can now be changed during playback, including input and output modes.
·Support for green/magenta and amber/blue anaglyph glasses is added.
·The implementation of the high-quality Dubois anaglyph method is improved.
·Seeking now works with more file formats.


Source Code

Formal releases are available from the Savannah download area for Bino.

The source code is maintained in the Savannah Git repository for Bino :
$ git clone git://
$ cd bino
$ autoreconf -i
$ ./configure; make; make install

时间: 2024-08-22 14:23:58

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