在11g 安装过程中默认只能指定一个 dg 用来存储:crs ,voting
但是oracle 官方一般建议我们这么来配置:
1、当ocr没有配置镜像,或者冗余存储时 最少3个ocr 。
At least two OCR locations if OCR is configured on an Oracle ASM disk group.
You should configure OCR in two independent disk groups. Typically this is the
work area and the recovery area.
2、如果ocr 配置在oracle asm disk group上时,建议最少两个ocr 位置
ocr 应当配置在两个单独的 disk group
At least two OCR locations if OCR is configured on mirrored hardware or
third-party mirrored volumes.
3、如果ocr 配置在有镜像的硬件或者在第3方的镜像卷上时也建议最少冗余2个ocr
eg:添加多个ocr (最多5个)
ocrconfig -add +asm_disk_group| file_name ocrconfig -delete +ASM_disk_group| file_name [root@vmrac1 ~]# ocrcheck Status of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows : Version : 3 Total space (kbytes) : 262120 Used space (kbytes) : 3540 Available space (kbytes) : 258580 ID : 1902812549 Device/File Name : +CRS Device/File integrity check succeeded Device/File not configured Device/File not configured Device/File not configured Device/File not configured Cluster registry integrity check succeeded Logical corruption check succeeded [root@vmrac1 ~]# ocrconfig -add +ARCH --------------------------添加一个新的ocr +ARCH [root@vmrac1 ~]# ocrcheck ------------------------------检查后已经成功添加 Status of Oracle Cluster Registry is as follows : Version : 3 Total space (kbytes) : 262120 Used space (kbytes) : 3540 Available space (kbytes) : 258580 ID : 1902812549 Device/File Name : +CRS Device/File integrity check succeeded Device/File Name : +ARCH Device/File integrity check succeeded Device/File not configured Device/File not configured Device/File not configured Cluster registry integrity check succeeded Logical corruption check succeeded
, 配置
, ocr
, ocr sdk
, tesseract ocr
, check
, 镜像
oracle 冗余、oracle 控制文件冗余、oracle11g ocr和vote、oracle 11g ocr、冗余度与编码效率,以便于您获取更多的相关知识。