(汇编源代码 )PRINT FILE PROGRAM (打印文件)


The following example is a simple program to read a file and print the contents to a standard printer. It gets the filename of the file to print from the DOS command prompt input line. The prompt input information is passed to the program in a buffer area of the Program Segment Prefix (PSP). The address of the Program Segment Prefix is passed to the program in the ES and DS registers when the program execution starts. This program checks the keyboard between every character printed for an escape key code to terminate execution of the program.

; This program prints a file defined on the command line
.MODEL small
;************* Stack Section *********************
.STACK 500
;************* Data Section **********************
psp_seg    dw  0
no_cl_mess  db "This routine requires that a "
  db  "filename be on the command line for printing."
  db 0dh,0ah,"Please try with a filename.",0dh,0ah,"$"
file_bad_open db "Bad file open",0dh,0ah,"$"
file_bad_read db "Bad file read",0dh,0ah,"$"
printer_bad_mess db  "!! Printer Error !!!!",0dh,0ah,"$"
printing_mess db "A file is being printed,",0dh,0ah
  db  "To stop printing, Press ESC key",0dh,0ah,"$"
filename    db  128 dup(0)
file_handle  dw  0
file_count   dw  0
file_pointer  dw  offset file_buffer
file_buffer  db  1024 dup(0)
; ************* ----------- *********************
;************* Code Section *******************
start   proc near
 ;DS and ES are indexing PSP area
  mov al,[DS:80H]   ;load AL with size of data line
  mov dx,@data    ;get segment address of data area
  mov ds,dx      ;point DS to data area
  mov psp_seg,ES   ;save PSP address
  cmp al,1     ;?? data in DOS command line ??
  ja  get_PSP_filename ;branch if data found
 ;if here, there is no data on command line
  ;display error message to user and terminate
  lea dx,no_cl_mess
  ;display message indexed by DX then terminate
  mov ah,09
  int 21H   ;DOS Call
;terminating the program
  mov ah,4CH  ;set AH for terminating function
  mov al,00   ;set terminating code variable
  int 21H    ;call DOS to terminate
; %%%%%%%%%%%%% ----------- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
 ;move PSP filename to filename buffer in our data area
  mov ax,ds
  mov es,ax  ;point ES to data segment
  mov ds,psp_seg
  mov si,82H  ;SI source is PSP data area
  lea di,filename
  cld      ;make strings go forward
   lodsb   ;load string data byte
     ;check for end of filename
   cmp al,21H
     ;branch if end of string
   jb got_PSP_filename
     stosb   ;store string data byte
     jmp get_PSP_data_1
  mov al,0
  stosb   ;make ASCIIZ string with zero end
  push es
  pop ds  ;reset data segment pointer
;try to open file
  mov ah,3dH
  lea dx,filename
  mov al,0   ;read access code
  int 21H   ;DOS Call
  jnc file_open_ok
  lea dx,file_bad_open
  jmp terminate_display
;############### +++++++++++ ###############
  ;save file handle
  mov file_handle,ax
  lea dx,printing_mess ;display start message
  mov ah,09
  int 21H    ;DOS Call
  ;read in block of file data
  mov ah,3fH
  lea dx,file_buffer
  mov cx,1024
  mov bx,file_handle
  int 21H    ;DOS Call
  jnc file_read_ok  ;branch if good read
    ;else read file error occurred
     ;close file
    mov ah,3eh
    mov bx,file_handle
    int 21H
    ;index exit error message
    lea dx,file_bad_read
    jmp terminate_display
  ;check to see if no more file data
  cmp ax,0
  je  close_file  ;branch if no data left
  ;else reset data block size and pointer
  mov file_count,ax
  lea bx,file_buffer
  mov file_pointer,bx
;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^^^^^^^ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  ;main loop to print block of file data
  ;scan keyboard to check for any keys
   mov ah,1
   int 16H
   jz print_data_block_1 ;branch if no key
   ;get key code out of buffer
   mov  ah,0
   int 16H     ;call BIOS keyboard
   cmp  al,01BH     ;check key code
   je  close_file  ;branch if ESC
  mov si,file_pointer
  mov al,[si]
  mov ah,0
  mov dx,0   ;select LPT1
  int 17H    ;BIOS Call
  test ah,25H
  jnz printer_error
  inc si
  mov file_pointer,si
  dec file_count
  jnz print_data_block  ;loop if more data
  ;else go read in next block of file data
  jmp file_read
;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^^^^^^^^ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  mov ah,3eh
  mov bx,file_handle
  int 21H  ;DOS Call
  jmp terminate_program
;-------------- ?????????? -------------------
   ;index exit error message
   lea dx,printer_bad_mess
   jmp terminate_display
start endp   ;end of start procedure
  end start  ;define start as beginning of program

时间: 2024-12-27 12:51:02

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