【Android平台】 Alljoyn学习笔记四 Android Core API参考



  • Install dependencies for the Windows platform, or for the Linux
  • A device running Android OS version 2.2 (Froyo) or greater and running a chip based on the ARM 5 (or greater) instruction set.

Importing Existing Java Samples into Eclipse

There are several samples provided as part of the AllJoyn framework. The samples may be found in the AllJoyn SDK in the java/samples folder.

NOTE: If you wish to start a new AllJoyn project instead, see Starting
a New Project for Desktop Development

  1. Start Eclipse.
  2. Select File > Import.
  3. Select General > Existing
    Projects into Workspace.
  4. Click Next.
  5. Click Browse near
    the Select root directory text box.
  6. Navigate to the samples folder and find the simple service sample (/java/samples/simple/service).
  7. Click OK.
  8. Click Finish.

The simple service sample should now be imported into your workspace. The project may be giving you a few errors.

To remove the project errors:

  1. Set Class Compatibility to 5.0.
  2. Select the project in the Package Explorer window. Press Alt+Enter to
    bring up Properties for the simple service.
  3. Select the Java Compiler option.
  4. Under the Java Compiler options, check the Enable
    project specific settings option.
  5. Set the Compiler compliance level to 1.5.
  6. Click OK.

Rebuild the auto-generated gen folder.

  • Click Project > Clean.

Use the same process to import any sample of interest.

NOTE: For an Android project, some versions on Eclipse require the need to right-click on the project, then selectAndroid
Tools > Fix Project Properties. If you still encounter an error with the Android project, right-click on the project, then select Properties.
Under this window, click on Java Build Path in the left navigation, then select theOrder
and Export tab. Ensure that the Android Private Libraries contains a check, then clean
the project.

Starting a New Android Project

In Eclipse, create a new Android project. (Open a browser and navigate to http://developer.android.com for instructions on
how to do this.)

  1. Go to your workspace and find the folder that contains the new Android project.

    The project folder should contain the following (it may contain more):

    • res folder
    • src folder
    • AndroidManifest.xml file
  2. Create a new folder with the name libs.
  3. Copy the file /java/jar/alljoyn.jar to
    the new libs folder.
  4. In the libs folder, create another folder with the name armeabi.
  5. Copy the liballjoyn_java.so file from the AllJoyn distribution to the armeabi folder.
    The file is in the AllJoyn distribution in the folder /java/libs/liballjoyn_java.so.

    You should now have a project directory structure that is similar to this (only a partial view of a project).

    +<project name>
    ||-<source code files>
    ||-<project resources>

NOTE: It may be simpler to copy an already existing libs folder from one of the samples found in /java/samples.

  1. In Eclipse, right-click on your project and select the Properties option.
  2. Select the Java Build Path.
  3. Click Add JARs.
  4. Select the alljoyn.jar file from
    the /libs folder.

IMPORTANT: Make sure the files are from the Android distribution of the AllJoyn framework and not the Linux distribution. The files will have identical names, but the Linux distribution is not compiled for the Arm processor used on most Android phones; it is
designed for the PC x86 architecture.

Starting a New Project for Desktop Development

  1. Create a new Java Project.
  2. In the step where you define the Java build settings, select the Libraries tab.
  3. Click Add External JARs...
  4. Select alljoyn.jar from the /java/jar
  5. Click the arrow next to the alljoyn.jar listed in your JARs, which brings up a list of Source attachment, Javadoc location, Native library location, and Access rules for alljoyn.jar.
  6. Double-click Native library
    location, which brings up a dialog.
  7. Click the External Folder... button.
  8. Select the directory that contains liballjoyn_java.so /java/lib.
  9. Double-click Javadoc location.
  10. Click Browse....
  11. Select the directory that contains the java docs for alljoyn.jar /java/docs.
  12. Click Finish.

NOTE: To add the AllJoyn framework to an already existing project, go to the project properties, select the 'Java Build Path' properties, and follow the steps listed above.

Writing Code

All code snippets found in this document were taken from samples that can be found in the Windows SDK in the java/samples folder, or on Gerrit.

If you are programming for Android, the code snippets are still useful for understanding the AllJoyn framework. The Android SDK has its own collection of samples. For more information see Android-Specific
, or check out the samples found in the AllJoyn Android SDK.

Loading the native library

You must load the native system library into your code at runtime. To do so, add the following lines to your code.

Code 1. Load native library

static {

Creating an AllJoyn interface

The AllJoyn framework enables inter-process communication through an object. The object is defined as a bus interface.

Each interface can contain:

  • Methods
  • Signals
  • Properties

Code 2. Example of an interface

@BusInterface (name = "org.my.interface.name")
public interface MyInterface {

   public String MyMethod(String inStr) throws BusException;

   public void MySignal(String inStr) throws BusException;

   public String GetMyProperty() throws    BusException;

   public void SetMyProperty(String myProperty) throws    BusException;


Using @BusInterface annotation

The @BusInterface annotation tells the code that this interface is an AllJoyn interface. All bus interfaces must have a name. If you do not assign a name, a default name is assigned.

The default interface name is ..

Generally, you should choose your interface name and not use the default. Set the interface name by specifying the name annotation property.

Interface naming rules from http://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-specification.html.

  • Interfaces have names with type STRING, meaning that they must be valid UTF-8 characters.
  • There are also some additional restrictions that apply to interface names, specifically:
    • Interface names are composed of one or more elements separated by a period (".") character. All elements must contain at least one character.
    • Each element must only contain the ASCII characters [A-Z][a-z][0-9]_ and must not begin with a digit.
    • Interface names must contain at least one "." (period) character (and thus at least two elements).
    • Interface names must not begin with a "." (period) character.
    • Interface names must not exceed the maximum name length of 255 characters.

Using @BusMethod annotation

The @BusMethod annotation tells the Java compiler that this is a bus method. AllJoyn methods work almost identical to a regular method in Java. The major difference is that the AllJoyn methods execute on a different process or device. The method can accept
multiple arguments and reply with multiple arguments. AllJoyn methods can have multiple return values, but Java methods only allow a single return value. To receive multiple return values requires a container that can hold the multiple return values. Multiple
return values
 explains how to do this.

The @BusMethod annotation has four properties: annotation, name, signature, and replySignature.

Under normal circumstances, the values for the annotation properties can be determined by the AllJoyn framework. However, there are instances in which the signature must be specified; for example you need to send an unsigned integer in a method. Since Java
does not have an unsigned integer type, this must be specified in the @BusMethod annotation.

Code 3. Specifying signature and replySignature

@BusMethod(signature="u", replySignature="u")
public int MyMethod3(int unsignedArg) throws BusException;

The AllJoyn framework is very good at automatically assigning a signature for the arguments specified in the method or signal. If given the code shown in Code
4. Auto assignment of signatures
, note that the signature and replySignature are not specified as part of the @BusMethod annotation. The AllJoyn framework automatically assigns this method a signature "sdib" and a replySignature of "i." The only time you
must specify the signature is when it cannot be obtained from the interface itself.

Code 4. Auto assignment of signatures

public int MyMethod4(String sArg,
   double dArg,
   int iArg,
   boolean bArg) throws BusException;

The valid values for the signature and replySignature are any values that are valid according tohttp://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-specification.html.

Using @BusSignal annotation

The @BusSignal annotation specifies that the following code is an AllJoyn signal. Unlike methods, signals have no replies. Because of this, signals always have a return type of void.

Like methods, signals can take multiple arguments.

A signal is seen only if a program has registered a signal handler for that signal. See Using
AllJoyn signals
 to register and use a signal handler.

Using @BusProperty annotation

The @BusProperty annotation specifies that the following code is an AllJoyn property. AllJoyn properties are exactly like AllJoyn methods except they are specialized for get/set commands of a single value.

More complex AllJoyn interface concepts

Making a secure bus interface using the @Secure annotation

Indicating that an interface must use a secured authentication mechanism is as simple as adding the @Secure annotation to the interface.

Code 5. Creating a secure interface

@BusInterface(name = "org.sample.SecureInterface")
public interface SecureInterface {

   String myMethod(String inStr) throws BusException;

The @Secure annotation informs the bus that no method call or signal can be sent without authentication.

The server must authenticate that the client is trusted using one of the built-in authentication protocols. After authentication is completed, all messages and signals have the body of the message encrypted. Only the authenticated client can read the message.
Only the body of the message is encrypted. The header is left unencrypted and any bus can read the header and use it to forward the message to its destination.

The @Secure annotation has the property value [AllJoyn
3.4.0]. The 'value' property can have one of the following values:

  • required (default value) - Methods on the interface can only be called by an authenticated peer.
  • off - Authentication is never required.
  • inherit - The object inherits the security of the objects that implement the interface.
  • If an unknown value is specified the interface will default to inherit.

Normally, value will not need
to be explicitly specified unless you want the value 'off' since using @Secure without specifying a value is the same as specifying @secure(value="required").
Interfaces that omit the @Secure annotation is the same as specifying @Secure(value="inherit").

In general, unless you are sure your interface will never need authentication, it is best to avoid using `@Secure(value="off") in your interface specification.

For more information on the three built-in authentication mechanisms, see AllJoyn
authentication mechanisms

Complex data types using the @Position annotation

Beyond simple data types, the AllJoyn framework can handle complex data types such as arrays, maps, and structs. In the case of arrays and maps, the data type can be handled by the AllJoyn code with no special action. However, structs require additional annotation.

The AllJoyn framework must know the order of all elements of a struct so that it can marshal and unmarshal (i.e., serialize) the message. This is where the @Position annotation is used.

Say that you have a structure that holds information about a photo; the code could look something like this:

Code 6. Example data structure using @Position annotation

public class ImageInfo{
 public String fileName;
 public int isoValue;
 public int dateTaken;

The @Position annotation numbering must start from "0" (zero) and count up in increments of one. Skipping a number, like going from @Position(1) to @Position(3) without having an @Position(2) anywhere in the code, is a logic error.

The signature for all structures is "r" or the list of all the values of the structure inside parentheses. For example, the signature for the ImageInfo class would be "(sii)" in Code
6. Example data structure using @Position annotation

Multiple return values

If, for some reason, an interface with multiple return values is used, a container must be made to hold those values. If you have a method called "timer" that returns a startTime and an endTime, an interface could be designed to handle the two return values.

Code 7. Method that accepts multiple return values

@BusInterface (name = "org.my.timerInterface")
public interface MultipleReturnValuesInterface {

   public class Values {
      @Position(0) public int startTime;
      @Position(1) public int endTime;


   public Values timer() throws BusException;

NOTE: The replySignature has to be specified, or the AllJoyn framework assumes the replySignature is a struct with the replySignature "(ii)".

Parentheses indicate a struct, which is a single return value, while no parentheses indicate two separate return values.

Connecting to the AllJoyn router

When connecting with the bus, a program may act as a service, a client, or both.

Connecting a service

Connecting a service consists of several steps.

  1. Create a new BusAttachment.
  2. Register a BusObject with a given absolute path using the BusAttachment.
  3. Connect the BusAttachment to the bus.
  4. Request a well-known name from the bus.

Code 8. Connecting a service to the bus (no error checking)

mBus = new BusAttachment("applicationName");
mBus.registerBusObject(this, "/servicepath");
int flags = 0; //no request name flags
mBus.requestName("com.my.well.known.name", flags);

This code does not have any error handling; thus, it is a poor programming example. It does show what the functions are doing. The functions BusAttachment.registerBusObject(...), BusAttachment.connect(), and DBusProxyObj.RequestName(...) all return status that
should be checked.

Code 9. Connecting a service (with error checking)

mBus = new BusAttachment("applicationName");
Status status = mBus.registerBusObject(this, "/servicepath");
if (Status.OK != status) {
   System.out.println("BusAttachment.registerBusObject() failed: " + status);


status = mBus.connect();

if (Status.OK != status) {
   System.out.println("BusAttachment.connect() failed: " + status);
int flags = 0; //no request name flags
status = mBus.requestName("com.my.well.known.name", flags);
if (status != Status.OK) {
   System.out.println("BusAttachment.requestName failed: " + status);

NOTE: This code would have to be in a class that implements the BusObject. If it did not implement the BusObject, the following line would not work:

mBus.registerBusObject(this, "/servicepath");

The flags value is a bit-mask that is used to tell the bus how to respond if the well-known name requested already exists on the bus. It also tells the bus how to act if the well-known name is already owned and another application requests the same well-known

The flag options are:


AllJoyn request name flags

AllJoyn flag name Value

Using the value of 0x0 (zero) for the AllJoyn flag is a valid option. It means do not use any requestName flags. When using no flags to request a well-known name from the bus, if the name already exists on the bus, your name request is added to the queue of
other applications that have also requested that name.

The BusAttachment.requestName returns one of the following status values:

Results from a RequestName call

DBusProxyObj.RequestName result Value
OK 1

The valid flag combinations and RequestName results are all specified and described athttp://dbus.freedesktop.org/doc/dbus-specification.html.

Connecting a client

To connect a client:

  1. Create a BusAttachment.
  2. Connect the BusAttachment to the bus.
  3. Make a proxy object with the service name, absolute service path, and the interface of interest.
  4. Make a proxy connection with the specified AllJoyn interface.
  5. (Optional) Register signal handlers if the interface of interest has any signals or if you are interested in any of the signals that are part of the D-Bus or AllJoyn specification.

Code 10. Connecting a client (with error checking)

mBus = new BusAttachment("applicationName");

Status status = mBus.connect();
if (Status.OK != status) {
   System.out.println("BusAttachment.connect() failed:" + status));

mProxyObj = mBus.getProxyBusObject("org.my.well.known.name",
   new Class[] { MyInterface.class });

mMyInterface = mProxyObj.getInterface(MyInterface.class);

status = mBus.registerSignalHandlers(this);
if (status != Status.OK) {
   System.out.println("BusAttachment.registerSignalHandlers() failed:" +

mMyInterface can now be used to call methods found on the service.

The given well-known name and path can have multiple interfaces. When using getProxyBusObject(),
list all of the interfaces you are interested in using. There could have been multiple interfaces available at the object path "/servicepath." If there was a second interface called MySecondInterface and you also wanted to make a proxy connection to that interface,
then you need to list both interfaces when calling getProxyBusObject().

When calling the getInterface() method,
you are selecting one of the possible interfaces out of the interfaces obtained from the getProxyBusObject() method

Code 11. Multiple interfaces

mProxyObj = mBus.getProxyBusObject("org.my.well.known.name",
   new Class[] { MyInterface.class, MySecondInterface.class });

mMyInterface = mProxyObj.getInterface(MyInterface.class);
mMySecondInterface = mProxyObj.getInterface(MySecondInterface.class);

Discovery and sessions

Full user control

What makes the AllJoyn framework exciting is the ability to discover remote buses and interact with the interfaces on those remote buses as if they are local.

The AllJoyn router runs in the background. If an application asks the router to look for a remote interface, the router tries to locate the requested service. When the router is started, it is told which transport protocols to use (i.e., Bluetooth, TCP/IP).
If any device can make a connection using any of the available transport protocols, its services can then be discovered and used by all of the devices that have been discovered in a dynamically-formed, peer-to-peer network.

Once the well-known name has been discovered, your application can join a started communication session using a user-selected session port.

NOTE: Valid SessionPort values range from 1 to 0xFFFF.

How discovery works

For a service and client to discover each other, they must agree upon three things:

  • A well-known bus name that will be advertised
  • The object path
  • The session port number that will be used

The discovery sequence follows.

  1. To advertise a service, start with the procedure described in Connecting
    a service

    1. Create a new BusAttachment with RemoteMessage.Receive.
    2. Register your BusObject; the local implementation of your interface with the BusAttachment.
    3. Register a BusListener; a bus listener may not be needed, depending on your application.
    4. Connect the BusAttachment with the AllJoyn router.
    5. Bind the session port.

      As part of binding the session port, you also need to create a SessionPort Listener that is used to respond to JoinSession requests from the client.

    6. Request a well-known name from the bus.
    7. Advertise the same well-known name.
  2. To connect to the advertised service:
    1. Create a new BusAttachment with RemoteMessage.Receive.
    2. Register a BusListener; in this case it is required for the foundAdvertisedName signal.
    3. Find the Advertised well-known name.
    4. When the foundAdvertisedName signal is received, join the session.

IMPORTANT: Although you can advertise different names than your service's well-known name, it would result in the bus not being able to use your service. It is an error to advertise a different name than your service's own well-known name.

Sample code

Code 12. Obtaining a well-known name/advertising the well-known name

BusAttachment mBus;
mBus = new BusAttachment(getClass().getName(),

Status status = mBus.registerBusObject(myBusObject, "/MyService");
if (status != Status.OK) {

status = mBus.connect();

if (status != Status.OK) {

private static final short CONTACT_PORT=42;
Mutable.ShortValue contactPort = new Mutable.ShortValue(CONTACT_PORT);
SessionOpts sessionOpts = new SessionOpts();
sessionOpts.traffic = SessionOpts.TRAFFIC_MESSAGES;
sessionOpts.isMultipoint = false; sessionOpts.proximity = SessionOpts.PROXIMITY_ANY;
sessionOpts.transports = SessionOpts.TRANSPORT_ANY;

status = mBus.bindSessionPort(contactPort, sessionOpts,
new SessionPortListener() {
public boolean acceptSessionJoiner(short sessionPort,
String joiner, SessionOpts sessionOpts) {
if (sessionPort == CONTACT_PORT) {
return true;
} else {
return false;

Int flags = 0; //do not use any request name flags
status = mBus.requestName("com.my.well.known.name", flags);
if (status != Status.OK) {

 * Important: the well-known name advertised should be identical
 * to the well-known name requested from the bus. Using a
 * different name is a logic error.
status = mBus.advertiseName("com.my.well.known.name",
if (status != Status.OK) {
    * If we are unable to advertise the name, release
    * the well-known name from the local bus.

if (status != Status.OK) {

Code 13. Find well-known name and join session

BusAttachment mBus;
mBus = new BusAttachment(getClass().getName(),
private static final short CONTACT_PORT=42;

mBus.registerBusListener(new BusListener() {
public void foundAdvertisedName(String name,
  short transport,
  String namePrefix) {
  short contactPort = CONTACT_PORT;
  SessionOpts sessionOpts = new SessionOpts();
  Mutable.IntegerValue sessionId = new Mutable.IntegerValue();

  Status status = mBus.joinSession((String) msg.obj,
sessionId, sessionOpts,
new SessionListener());}

Status status = mBus.connect();
if (status != Status.OK) {

status = mBus.findAdvertisedName("com.my.well.known.name");
if (status != Status.OK) {

Using AllJoyn methods

So far, we have talked about making an interface and we have talked about how to connect to the bus and discover a remote bus using sessions. This section shows how to write an AllJoyn bus method that can be instantiated from a remote process.

Suppose you have the following interface:

Code 14. Sample interface with AllJoyn methods

@BusInterface (name = "org.sample.busMethods")
public interface SampleInterface {

   public String Ping(String str) throws BusException;

   public String Concatenate(String arg1, String arg2) throws BusException;

   public int Fibonacci(int arg1) throws BusException;

Code 15. Implementing the SampleInterface in the Service

class SampleService implements SampleInterface, BusObject {
   public String Ping(String str){
      return str;

   public String Concatenate(String arg1, String arg2){
      return arg1+arg2;

   public int Fibonacci(int arg1){
      int a=0,b=1;

   for (int i=0;i<arg1;i++){
   return a;


Now that the SampleInterface has an implementation, you must use a SampleService object when you are registering the bus object.

Code 16. Connecting the bus using the SampleService BusObject

SampleService mySampleService;
BusAttachment mBus;
mBus = new BusAttachment(getClass().getName(),

 * This line of code makes the local interface available to the bus
Status status = mBus.registerBusObject(mySampleService, "/MyService");
if (status != Status.OK) {

status = mBus.connect();
if (status != Status.OK) {

private static final short CONTACT_PORT=42;
Mutable.ShortValue contactPort = new Mutable.ShortValue(CONTACT_PORT);
SessionOpts sessionOpts = new SessionOpts();
sessionOpts.traffic = SessionOpts.TRAFFIC_MESSAGES;
sessionOpts.isMultipoint = false;
sessionOpts.proximity = SessionOpts.PROXIMITY_ANY;
sessionOpts.transports = SessionOpts.TRANSPORT_ANY;

status = mBus.bindSessionPort(contactPort, sessionOpts,
new SessionPortListener() {
public boolean acceptSessionJoiner(short sessionPort,
String joiner,
SessionOpts sessionOpts) {
if (sessionPort == CONTACT_PORT) {
return true;
} else {
return false;

if (status != Status.OK) { System.exit(0);

Int flags = 0; //do not use any request name flags
status = mBus.requestName("com.my.well.known.name", flags);
if (status != Status.OK) {

status = mBus.advertiseName("com.my.well.known.name", SessionOpts.TRANSPORT_ANY);
if (status != Status.OK) {

Code 17. Calling a remote method from the SampleInterface

private BusAttachment mBus;
mBus = new BusAttachment(getClass().getName(),

Status status = mBus.connect();
if (Status.OK != status) {

private ProxyBusObject mProxyObj;
private SampleInterface mSampleInterface;

private static final short CONTACT_PORT=42;

mBus.registerBusListener(new BusListener() {
public void foundAdvertisedName(String name,
   short transport,
   String namePrefix) {
      short contactPort = CONTACT_PORT;
      SessionOpts sessionOpts = new SessionOpts();
      sessionOpts.traffic = SessionOpts.TRAFFIC_MESSAGES;
         sessionOpts.isMultipoint = false;
         sessionOpts.proximity = SessionOpts.PROXIMITY_ANY;
      sessionOpts.transports = SessionOpts.TRANSPORT_ANY; 

      Mutable.IntegerValue sessionId = new Mutable.IntegerValue();

      Status status = mBus.joinSession(name,
new SessionListener());

   mProxyObj = mBus.getProxyBusObject("com.my.well.known.name",
            new Class[] { SampleInterface.class });
   mSampleInterface = mProxyObj.getInterface(SampleInterface.class);

Status status = mBus.connect();
if (status != Status.OK) {

status = mBus.findAdvertisedName("com.my.well.known.name");
if (status != Status.OK) {

Now that you have a proxy connection to the remote service through mSampleInterface, you can just call it like you would if the code were implemented locally.

Code 18. Calling the remote methods

try {
   // will return "Hello World"
   String strPing = mSampleInterface.Ping("Hello World");
   // will return "The Eagle has landed!"
   String strCat = mSampleInterface.Concatenate("The Eagle ", "has landed!");

   // will return 3
   int fib = mSampleInterface.Fibonacci(4);
} catch (BusException e) {
   //Handle exception here.

Not all methods need to return a value and not all methods need input arguments.

NOTE: Remote methods cannot be called until we have obtained an interface object from the ProxyBusObject class. Trying to call a remote method before obtaining the interface could result in your application crashing. The mSampleInterface is a null object until
we have connected it to the service using theProxyBusObject.getInterface() method.

Using AllJoyn signals

Signals, unlike methods, never return a value. Client applications that are interested in receiving a signal must register for that signal with the bus. The client must implement a signal handler to respond to the signal for which it has registered.

Code 19. Example interface containing signals

@BusInterface (name = "org.sample.busSignals")
public interface SampleInterface {

   public void buttonClicked(int id) throws BusException;

   public void playerPosition(int x, int y, int z) throws BusException;

Code 20. Create an empty class implementation

class SignalInterface implements SampleInterface, BusObject {
   public void buttonClicked(int id) {/*No code needed here*/}
   public void playerPosition(int x, int y, int z){/*No code needed here*/}

A SignalEmitter is required to emit a signal. To create a SignalEmitter, you must have a BusObject. The code above creates a BusObject that is aware of the bus signals found in the SampleInterface. Signals do not need to have any code added to transmit a signal,
you just inform the bus that a signal with a given interface exists.

Once a SignalEmitter is created, an interface can be made to send the actual signals. No coding is needed to emit the signals beyond defining and using the interface.

Code 21. Connect signals to the bus and emitting the signals - service

private static final short CONTACT_PORT=42;
static int sessionId;
static String joinerName;

boolean sessionEstablished = false;

BusAttachment mBus;
mBus = new BusAttachment("AppName", BusAttachment.RemoteMessage.Receive);
SignalInterface mySignalInterface = new SignalInterface();

Status status = mBus.registerBusObject(mySignalInterface, "/MyService/Path");
if (status != Status.OK) {

status = mBus.connect();
if (status != Status.OK) {

int flags = 0; //do not use any request name flags
status = mBus.requestName("com.my.well.known.name", flags);
if (status != Status.OK) { System.exit(0);

status = mBus.advertiseName("com.my.well.known.name",
if (status != Status.OK) {
   System.out.println("Status = " + status);

Mutable.ShortValue contactPort = new Mutable.ShortValue(CONTACT_PORT);
SessionOpts sessionOpts = new SessionOpts();
sessionOpts.traffic = SessionOpts.TRAFFIC_MESSAGES;
sessionOpts.isMultipoint = false;
sessionOpts.proximity = SessionOpts.PROXIMITY_ANY;
sessionOpts.transports = SessionOpts.TRANSPORT_ANY;

status = mBus.bindSessionPort(contactPort, sessionOpts,
   new SessionPortListener() {
   public boolean acceptSessionJoiner(short sessionPort, String joiner,
      SessionOpts sessionOpts) {
   if (sessionPort == CONTACT_PORT) {
   return true;
   } else {
   return false;

   public void sessionJoined(short sessionPort, int id, String joiner) {
      sessionId = id; joinerName = joiner; sessionEstablished = true;

try {
while (!sessionEstablished) {

SignalEmitter emitter = new SignalEmitter(mySignalInterface, joinerName,
myInterface = emitter.getInterface(SampleInterface.class);
// Emitting signals myInterface.buttonClicked(1);
myInterface.playerPosition(12, 1, -24);

} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
} catch (BusException ex) {
System.out.println("Bus Exception: " + ex.toString());

Code 22. Registering signal handlers - client

status = mBus.registerSignalHandlers(this);
if (status != Status.OK) {

When registering for signal handlers, you must implement a class that contains a method with the @BusSignalHandler annotation. In Code
22. Registering signal handlers - client
, the signal handler would need to be in the same class. If needed, a different class can be used to handle the signals; just put that class as an argument for the registerSignalHandlers method.

Code 23. Adding signal handlers - client

@BusSignalHandler(iface="org.sample.busSignals", signal="buttonClicked")
public void buttonClicked(int id) {
   case 0:
   case 1:

   case 2:

@BusSignalHandler(iface="org.sample.busSignals", signal="playerPosition")
public void playerPosition(int x, int y, int z) {

The important part of the BusSignalHandler is to get the iface name and the signal arguments correct. If these are not correct, it does not catch the emitted signal. The function name itself is not important; it could be changed frompublic
void buttonClicked(int id)
 to public
void foo(int id)
 and it would still catch the "buttonClicked" signal.

Sessionless signals

A signal is a way to send one-way acknowledgment data from one peer to another or to multiple peers. However, when sending a signal we typically need to be a part of a session. There are many use cases where using a session to send a signal would be unnecessary
overhead. For example, when you want to inform a peer, who is not in session with you, of a changed state of information. This works two ways, with a peer specifying whether he wants to receive such notifications and with the peer who is sending out this notification
to anyone who subscribed for it.

It should be noted that there are performance limitations that need to be understood:

  1. A sessionless signal is not a replacement for using a session, it is a shortcut to help avoid logic of setting up a session to transmit small amounts of data.
  2. Each sessionless signal will replace the previous one. If the receiving side has not had a chance to pull the data, it will be lost and not transmitted to the other side.
  3. Per number 2, the design of a sessionless signal is not to be used for File Transfer or frequent game play updates. The design is for static information such as device details, a player profile, or informing another
    application to invite to a session or trigger an action.
  4. All sessionless signals have an overhead of creating and tearing down a connection which can cause unnecessary network chatter if used improperly for sending frequent data.

The way to send sessionless signals is not much different than sending a regular signal. Just set the flag specifying that it is a sessionless signal and set the session id used to send the signal to 0 since we are not a part of a session when we send this

A sessionless signal does not need a session id - thus the name. The sample showing this simple feature is underSDK/java/samples/sessionless.

Along the lines of the above-mentioned sample, let us assume that a client peer is sending out sessionless signals. A service peer is the one that has subscribed for these signals/notifications.

Two things to know in the case of a sessionless signal is that:

  1. It has a session id of 0.
  2. It has the sessionless flag set to indicate that it is a sessionless signal.

This case can look like the following:

SignalEmitter emitter = new SignalEmitter(mySignalService, 0,

The service side, which wants to receive these sessionless signals, calls an addMatch() function
and passes in the rule for sessionless signals. This looks like (where "my.signal.Service" below is the name of the interface emitting the sessionless signal):

Status status = mBus.addMatch("interface=;my.signal.Service',sessionless='t'");

That is all we need. The service side would have the signal handler for the signal sent by the client. No advertisements, no binding, or joining of sessions is necessary by any side.

Using AllJoyn properties

AllJoyn properties may be viewed as a specialized case of AllJoyn methods. An AllJoyn property must start with the word "get" or "set". If it starts with the word "get", it must return a single value and take no arguments. If it starts with the word "set",
it must take a single parameter and return void. The parameter can be a complex data type like an array or a structure. This code should closely resemble the code used for AllJoyn methods.

Code 24. Interface using properties

@BusInterface (name = "org.samples.properties")
public interface PropertiesInterface {
   public int getTextSize() throws BusException;
   public void setTextSize(int size) throws BusException;

Code 25. Implementation of the PropertiesInterface - service

class AllJoynProperties implements PropertiesInterface, BusObject {
   private int mTextSize;

   public int getTextSize() {
      return mTextSize;

   public void setTextSize(int size) {
      mTextSize = size;

Code 26. Connecting the Properties interface to the bus - service

private BusAttachment mBus;
mBus = new BusAttachment(getClass().getName(),

AllJoynProperties mProperties = new AllJoynProperties();
Status status = mBus.registerBusObject(mProperties, "/testProperties");
if (status != Status.OK) {

The D-Bus standard provides a way to get all of the properties from an interface. The code below shows how to use the interface implemented in Code
25. Implementation of the PropertiesInterface - service
, as well as theGetAll
 from the D-Bus standard to get the TextSize property.

NOTE: The GetAll method can return multiple values into a Map. Each property can be accessed using the name of the property.

Code 27. Calling the properties interface and using the GetAll method for properties

private BusAttachment mBus;
private ProxyBusObject mProxyObj;
private PropertiesInterface mPropertiesInterface;
private Properties mProperties;
private static short CONTACT_PORT = 42;

private boolean isJoined = false;

mBus = new BusAttachment(getClass().getName(),

mBus.registerBusListener(new BusListener {
   public void foundAdvertisedName(String name, short transport,
String namePrefix) {

   short contactPort = CONTACT_PORT;
   SessionOpts sessionOpts = new SessionOpts();
   sessionOpts.traffic = SessionOpts.TRAFFIC_MESSAGES;
   sessionOpts.isMultipoint = false;
   sessionOpts.proximity = SessionOpts.PROXIMITY_ANY;
   sessionOpts.transports = SessionOpts.TRANSPORT_ANY;

   Mutable.IntegerValue sessionId = new Mutable.IntegerValue();

   Status status = mBus.joinSession(name, contactPort, sessionId, sessionOpts,
new SessionListener());
   if (status != Status.OK) {
   mProxyObj =    mBus.getProxyBusObject("com.my.well.known.name",
      new Class<?>[] { PropertiesInterface.class,
         Properties.class });

   mPropertiesInterface = mProxyObj.getInterface(PropertiesInterface.class);
   mProperties = mProxyObj.getInterface({Properties.class);
   isJoined = true;
Status status = mBus.connect();
if (Status.OK != status) {

status = mBus.findAdvertisedName("com.my.well.known.name");
if (status != Status.OK) {

while(!isJoined) {
   try { Thread.sleep(10);
   } catch (InterruptedException e) {
   System.out.println("Program interupted");

int textSize = mPropertiesInterface.getTextSize();

Map<String, Variant> map = mProperties.GetAll("org.samples.properties");
textSize = map.get("TextSize").getObject(Integer.class);


When an interface is marked as "secure", it indicates that all data sent via a method call or signal must be encrypted. Only an authenticated client can use an interface that has been marked as secure by using the @Secure annotation (see [Making a secure bus
interface using the @Secure annotation][make-secure-bus-interface-using-secure-annotation]).

Marking an interface as a secure interface is as simple as adding the annotation @Secure when declaring the interface. See Code
5. Creating a secure interface

It possible to use security and authentication with interfaces that do not have the @Secure annotation. This is possible using Object Security.

Object security

Object Security allows you to force peer authentication even when the interface does not have the @Secure annotation. It's possible to tell the AllJoyn framework that you want authentication when you register a your BusObject.

Code 28. Registering an BusObject using Object Security

bus.registerBusObject(myService, "/my/object/path", true);

The ProxyBusObject should also indicate that it is using peer authentication.

Code 29. Get a ProxyBusObject that uses Object Security

bus.getProxyBusObject("my.wellknown.name", "/my/object/path",
sessionId, new Class<?>[] {MyInterface.class}, true);

For both the registerBusObject and getProxyBusObject methods,
an extra Boolean argument can be added to the method calls. If this is 'true', then peer authentication is used.

The programmer is responsible for making sure that both the BusObject and ProxyBusObject are using Object security. . If the BusObject is created as a secure object, the ProxyBusObject should also be secure. If they do not agree, it is an error.

AllJoyn authentication mechanisms

When using a secure interface, an authentication listener must be created to handle authentication events. The authentication listener provides authentication credentials for the local application and, depending on the authentication mechanism, checks the credential
of the remote application.

The AllJoyn framework supports the following types of authentication mechanisms:

  • Secure Remote Password (SRP) anonymous key exchange
  • Secure Remote Password (SRP) logon (username and password)
  • RSA key exchange using X509 certificates
  • PIN key exchange
  • ECDHE_NULL key exchange
  • ECDHE_PSK key exchange
  • ECDHE_ECDSA key exchange

SRP key exchange uses a one-time authenticating password to set up an authentication key. This key is used for all subsequent interactions between the client and server.

SRP logon requires that the user give a username and password before the client and server are able to share an interface, unlike the SRP key exchange where the password exchange is a one-time event. SRP logon requires the username and password be supplied
each time a session is established between the client and server.

RSA key exchange uses RSA public key cryptography to establish a shared-secret passphrase. The shared-secret passphrase is used to establish a key. This key is then used for all subsequent exchanges between the given client and server using the protocol.

PIN key exchange uses a one-time authenticating password to set up an authentication key. This key is used for all subsequent interactions between the client and server. PIN key exchange is specifically designed for devices that have really stringent memory
constrains like MCUs (Micro Control Units). Unless you are communicating with an MCU, it is recommended that you use an authentication mechanism other than PIN key exchange.

ECDHE_NULL is an Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral key exchange which is anonymous.

ECDHE_PSK is an Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral key exchange which uses a pre-shared key like a PIN, a passphrase, or a symmetric key.

ECDHE_ECDSA is an Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman Ephemeral key exchange which uses a key agreement authenticated with an asymmetric key, and validated with an Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) signature.

Each type of security mechanism requires that an Authentication Listener be created that handles the specific type of security exchange needed. When creating the Authentication Listener, you specify which type of authentication mechanism you want to use. Each
authentication mechanism is specified by a string.

Authentication mechanisms and AllJoyn identifying string

Authentication mechanism String identifying the authentication mechanism
SRP anonymous key exchange ALLJOYN_SRP_KEYX

The AuthListener

The main difference between a secure application and a plain application, besides the @Secure annotation of the interfaces, is the required inclusion of an AuthListener. An implementation of an AuthListener contains two callback methods:

  • Requested
  • Completed

Any time a method call comes in on a secure interface, the AllJoyn framework checks to see if it already knows how to decrypt the contents of the method call. If it cannot decrypt the method call, the requested(...) method
call is called.

The requested method call contains some or all of the following information:

  • The Authentication mechanism specified using one of the strings from Authentication
    mechanisms and AllJoyn identifying string
  • PeerName - the well-known-name or unique name of the peer that initiated the Authentication request.
  • A count of the number of authentication request attempts made. The count for the first Authentication request starts at 1.
  • The user name of the user making the authentication request. A user name is not required for all forms of authentications and may be an empty string.
  • The specific type of authentication information being requested. Depending on what type of authentication mechanism is being used, one or more of these requests may be made:
    • CertificateRequest (RSA key exchange or ECDHE_ECDSA key exchange)
    • LogonEntryRequest (SRP logon)
    • PasswordRequest (SRP key exchange, SRP logon, RSA key exchange, PIN key exchange, or ECDHE_PSK key exchange)
    • PrivateKeyRequest (RSA key exchange or ECDHE_ECDSA key exchange)
    • UserNameRequest (SRP logon)
    • VerifyRequest (RSA key exchange or ECDHE_ECDSA key exchange)

The requested(...) callback
method may be called one or more times for each authentication request. For each request, the program is expected to obtain or generate the required information. The requested information can be obtained from any source available including requesting information
from a user. If the requested information cannot be provided then returning false indicates failure.

Once the authentication has finished the completed(...) callback
method is called. This contains:

  • The authentication mechanism that was just completed
  • The peerName (well-known name or unique name)
  • A boolean variable indicating if the authentication attempt completed successfully.

As we talk about each authentication method, message sequence charts are provided showing method calls and callbacks used to set up the authenticated session. A legend for the Message Sequence Chart (MSC) is provided in the following figure.

Figure: Message Sequence Chart legend

The message sequence charts simplify all device-to-device communication by ignoring bus traffic. All AllJoyn bus traffic is compressed into a single line in the message sequence charts labeled "AllJoyn Bus." This shows only the callbacks and method calls that
we should be interested in when setting up authentication.

Code for SRP key exchange

SRP key exchange works similarly to pairing Bluetooth devices. The devices advertise that they want to talk with one another and when they discover one another a password is entered on the device. This one-time password proves that the device knows about the
Bluetooth device. Once this one-time pairing is completed, the Bluetooth device can connect with the device at any time without repeating the pairing process.

Code 30. Registering the authentication
 sets up a client/server that uses SRP key exchange to set up a secure connection. The code shares many similarities with pairing a Bluetooth device.

  • There is a one-time password exchange.
  • Once the authentication is completed the client and server can communicate without asking for passwords to be entered.
  • Even after the program is closed and restarted, the authentication is still valid.

The following figure shows the sequence in which the callback methods are instantiated the first time a secure method call is made using SRP key exchange. The sequence shown only happens the first time the sender tries to communicate with the receiver.

Figure: MSC SRP key exchange

In Code 30. Registering the authentication
, the sender is the client and the receiver is the service.

Before calling connect, the BusAttachment.registerAuthListener() should
be called. The code snippet below shows registering an AuthListener with the name SrpKeyXListener. The code for the SrpKeyXListener is shown in Code
31. SRP key exchange AuthListener - service
 for the service and Code
32. SRP key exchange AuthListener - client
 for the client.

Code 30. Registering the authentication listener

BusAttachment mBus;
mBus = new BusAttachment("myProgramName", BusAttachment.RemoteMessage.Receive); 

SrpKeyXListener myAuthListener;

Status status = mBus.registerAuthListener("ALLJOYN_SRP_KEYX",
if (status != Status.OK) {

The rest of the steps for connecting and advertising the service have been covered in Discovery
and sessions
 and are unchanged for a secure interface.

When registering the AuthListener, we have identified what type of security the AuthListener is responsible for handling - in this case, "ALLJOYN_SRP_KEYX".

Code 31. SRP key exchange AuthListener - service

* This Secure Remote Password Key Exchange listener creates a random
* 6-digit pin code for each authentication attempt.
private static class SrpKeyXListener implements AuthListener {
   private Random mPasswordGenerator;
   private boolean mGeneratePassword;

   public SrpKeyXListener() {
      mPasswordGenerator = new Random();
      mGeneratePassword = true;

   public boolean requested(String mechanism, String peerName, int count,
      String userName, AuthRequest[] requests) {
      if (mGeneratePassword) {
         mGeneratePassword = false;
      mPassword = String.format("%06d",
      System.out.println("One Time Password : " + mPassword);
      for (AuthRequest request : requests) {
         if (request instanceof PasswordRequest) {
            ((PasswordRequest) request).setPassword(mPassword.toCharArray());

      return true;

   public void completed(String mechanism, String peerName,
boolean authenticated) {
      mGeneratePassword = true;

The first time that the requested callback is called, a six-digit random number is generated and set as the password. We check to see what instanceof AuthRequest
we received. Since we are using SRP key exchange, we are only expecting password requests. We cast the base AuthRequest type to a PasswordRequest and
call thesetPassword method
passing in a CharArray of the six-digit random number that was generated. The code shown does not limit the number of times an application can try to authenticate with this code. We can see the number of times the user has tried to authenticate by looking
at the count parameter. This code only generates a new PIN code at the start of an authentication attempt; as long as completed has
not been called, the same password is used.

Code 32. SRP key exchange AuthListener - client

* This Secure Remote Password Key eXchange listener will ask the user to
* enter the one time password.    This password must match the six-digit
* string randomly generated by the service's SrpKeyXListener class.
* The following code limits the user to three authentication attempts.
static class SrpKeyXListener implements AuthListener {
   public boolean requested(String authMechanism,
String authPeer, int count, String userName,
         AuthRequest[] requests) {
      if (count <= 3) {
         System.out.println("Please enter one time password:");
         Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
         mPassword = in.nextLine();
         for (AuthRequest request : requests) {
            if (request instanceof PasswordRequest) {
         return true;
      return false;

   public void completed(String authMechanism, String authPeer, boolean
authenticated) {
      if (!authenticated) {
         System.out.println("Authentication failed.");

Each time that the requested callback
is called, the user is asked to provide the one-time password. The one-time password entered by the user must match the six-digit PIN code that was randomly generated by the service. The user is given three attempts to provide the proper PIN code. If the user
is unable to provide the PIN code, the authentication attempt fails. Just like the code used in the service's SrpKeyXListener, we also check to see whatinstanceof AuthRequest
we have received. Since we are using SRP key exchange, we are only expecting password requests. The base AuthRequest type
is cast to a PasswordRequest type
and the password is set using the setPassword method.
Unlike the service, this code limits the number of attempts the user is given to produce the proper PIN code. After three failed attempts, this returns false indicating failure to complete authentication.

Code for SRP logon

SRP logon uses the familiar user name/password method for identity verification. This should be familiar to anyone who has used online shopping, email, or banking.

Unlike SRP key exchange and RSA key exchange, SRP logon requires the user to enter the user name/password every time a session is established. The verification only lasts for the length of the session. If the program is shut down and then restarted, the user
is asked to re-authenticate.

Figure: MSC SRP logon option 1

Figure: MSC SRP logon option 2

Figure: MSC SRP logon option 3

Figure: MSC SRP logon option 4

With SRP logon, there are four possible sequence diagrams. When the sender is requested to provide a user name or password, they can provide just the user name or both the user name and password. The information is sent to the receiver and the receiver then
uses the user name to look up the password or logon. If the password was also supplied and matches the receiver's password or the computer logon, the authentication completes. If only the user name was supplied, the receiver then requests the user name and
password from the sender.

What is the logon? The logon is a string that is computed using the process described in RFC 5054. This ends
up being a large string that takes the form of N:g:s:v where:

  • N is a large prime number
  • g is the generator
  • s is the salt
  • v is the computed verifier

The logon gives all the information needed to compute the verifier from the user name and password. This is a strongly encrypted string that can be used to verify a user name and password but cannot be used to obtain the user name and password. Because it is
a secure way to store a user name and password, many databases do not actually store the password but instead store the logon as defined by RFC
. Computing the logon string is beyond the scope of this document. Code
33. Registering the authentication listener for SRP logon
 uses plain text user name and password.

When using a secure interface, an authentication listener must be created that handles authentication. The authentication listener decides if the connecting client is a trusted client and if they should be allowed to use the interface. The implementation of
the SrpLogonListener is shown in Code
33. Registering the authentication listener for SRP logon
. See Code
34. SRP Logon AuthListener - service
 for the service (receiver) and Code
34. SRP Logon AuthListener - service
 for the client (sender).

Code 33. Registering the authentication listener for SRP logon

BusAttachment mBus;
mBus = new BusAttachment("myProgramName", BusAttachment.RemoteMessage.Receive); 

SrpLogonListener myAuthListener;

Status status = mBus.registerAuthListener("ALLJOYN_SRP_LOGON", myAuthListener);

if (status != Status.OK) {

The rest of the steps for connecting and advertising the service have been covered in the earlier sections and are unchanged for a secure interface.

Code 34. SRP Logon AuthListener - service

class SrpLogonListener implements AuthListener {
   private Map<String, char[]> mUserNamePassword;

   /* Populate the user name and password table used by this listener. */
   public SrpLogonListener() {
      mUserNamePassword = new HashMap<String, char[]>();
      mUserNamePassword.put("user1", "password1".toCharArray());
      mUserNamePassword.put("user2", "password2".toCharArray());

    * Given the user name, look up the password. Returning true without
    * setting the password tells the authentication engine to ask the peer
    * for the user name again.
   public boolean requested(String mechanism,
      int count,
      String userName,
      AuthRequest[] requests) {
   char[] password = mUserNamePassword.get(userName);

   if (password != null) {
      for (AuthRequest request : requests) {
         if (request instanceof PasswordRequest) {
            ((PasswordRequest) request).setPassword(password);
   return true;
   public void completed(String mechanism, boolean authenticated) {

When the requested() method
is called, it makes a PasswordRequest and
aLogonEntryRequest. Since
only passwords are provided, the LogonEntryRequest has
been ignored. The sample above has created a HashMap that contains two user names and two passwords. When therequested() callback
method is called, it contains the user name that can be used to obtain the password from the HashMap. If the password matches the password provided by the client, the authentication is completed. If a password was not provided, the client is asked to once
again provide a user name and password. If the service is unable to obtain the password from the user name, it requests the user name and password again.

Code 35. SRP Logon AuthListener - client

class SrpLogonListener implements AuthListener {

static class SrpLogonListener implements AuthListener {
   public boolean requested(String mechanism,
         String peerName,
         int count,
         String userName,
         AuthRequest[] requests) {
    * Collect the requests we're interested in to simplify
    * processing below.
   PasswordRequest passwordRequest = null;
   UserNameRequest userNameRequest = null;
   for (AuthRequest request : requests) {
      if (request instanceof PasswordRequest) {
         passwordRequest = (PasswordRequest) request;
      } else if (request instanceof UserNameRequest) {
         userNameRequest = (UserNameRequest) request;

   if (count <= 3) {
      System.out.print("Please enter user name [user1]: ");
      Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
      String user = in.nextLine();

      System.out.print("Please enter password [password1]: ");
      String password = in.nextLine();

      return true;
   return false;

public void completed(String authMechanism,
      String authPeer,
      boolean authenticated) {
   if (!authenticated) {
      System.out.println("Authentication failed.");

The requested() method requests
both the PasswordRequest and
the UserNameRequest. Here
we have asked the user to enter both user name and password. Since this is sample code, we are also revealing the user name and password which normally would not be done unless it is a guest account. If the supplied user name and password match the user name
and password at the server, the authentication completes. If the user name and password do not match, the user gets up to three tries to enter the correct user name and password before the authentication fails.

Code for RSA key exchange

RSA is an encryption method that has been successfully used for online commerce for years. It consists of the exchange of what is called a public key. The public key can be used to encrypt data but cannot be used to decrypt the data. To be able to decrypt the
data, the receiver would use their private key. If the data were encrypted using their public key, they can read the data contents but no one else can. To make private keys even more secure, they are typically encrypted using a password. To decrypt the private
key, the password must be known.

The RSA key exchange certificate chain requires three things:

  • A private key
  • A password used to encrypt the private key
  • An X.509 certificate (a standard public key structure)

The X.509 certificate contains the public key as well as additional information such as who issued the key and how long the key is valid.

If you have the three required elements, you can provide them to the AuthListener when they arerequested().
If you have not generated the required elements, the code can automatically generate them for you.

Figure: MSC RSA key exchange option 1

For this option, both sender and receiver have all the full RSA certificate chain needed: their own private keys, certificates, and the password used for private key encryption. When the sender calls the remote method call to an unverified receiver, the sender
is asked to provide the RSA certificate chain. Once the RSA certificate chain has been provided, the receiver also requests the RSA certificate chain. The receiver then sends out a verify request. This gives the receiver an opportunity to inspect the certificate
sent from the sender. The receiver can inspect the certificate and accept or reject the certificate based on information such as who issued the certificate.

Figure: MSC RSA key exchange option 2

For this option the sender does not have the RSA certificate chain needed for RSA authentication. The code can generate a self-signed RSA private key and X.509 certificate for the user. The user only needs to supply the password needed to encrypt the private
key. If multiple authentication requests are made, the sender reuses the private key and certificate generated. It is important that each additional request for password uses the same password. If a different password is supplied, you receive an error stating
that you are unable to decrypt the RSA private key. It is possible to find out if this is the first time the password is being generated by callingAuthListener.PasswordRequest.isNewPassword() method.

Figure: MSC RSA key exchange option 3

In this option, neither the sender nor the receiver have the RSA elements or they were already generated. Both sides ask for their private key password. The sender and receiver can choose differing passwords since the password is only used for their own private
key which is not shared with the other device.

Figure 10: MSC RSA key exchange option 4

With this option the receiver side generates its own private key and certificate.

When using a secure interface, an authentication listener must be created that handles connection authentication. The authentication listener decides if the connecting client is a trusted client and if they should be allowed to use the interface.

Code 36. Registering the authentication listener

BusAttachment mBus;
mBus = new BusAttachment( "MyAppName", BusAttachment.RemoteMessage.Receive); 

RsaKeyXListener mAuthListener;

Status status = mBus.registerAuthListener("ALLJOYN_RSA_KEYX",
if (status != Status.OK) {

The rest of the steps for connecting and advertising the service are detailed in Discovery
and sessions
 and are unchanged for a secure interface.

Code 37. RSA key exchange AuthListener
- service and client
 demonstrates the auth listener for MSC RSA key exchange option 3, and would work for both the service and client.

Code 37. RSA key exchange AuthListener - service and client

/* The RSA key exchange listener uses X.509 certificates to authenticate. */
class RsaKeyXListener implements AuthListener {
   public boolean requested(String mechanism,
         String peerName,
         int count,
         String userName,
         AuthRequest[] requests) {
    * Collect the requests we're interested in to simplify
    * processing below.
   PasswordRequest passwordRequest = null;
   CertificateRequest certificateRequest = null;
   VerifyRequest verifyRequest = null;

   for (AuthRequest request : requests) {
      if (request instanceof PasswordRequest) {
         passwordRequest = (PasswordRequest) request;
      } else if (request instanceof CertificateRequest) {
         certificateRequest = (CertificateRequest) request;
      } else if (request instanceof VerifyRequest) {
         verifyRequest = (VerifyRequest) request;

   if (verifyRequest != null) {
      /* Verify a certificate chain supplied by the peer. */
      return true;
   } else if (certificateRequest != null) {
       * The engine is asking us for our certificate chain.
       * If we return true and do not supply the certificate chain,
       * then the engine will create a self-signed certificate for
       * us. It will ask for the passphrase to use for the private
       * key via a PasswordRequest. If we return false authentication
       * will fail.
      return true;
   } else if (passwordRequest != null) {
       * A password request under the ALLJOYN_RSA_KEYX mechanism is
       * for the passphrase of the private key.
       * PasswordRequest.isNewPassword() indicates if the engine
       * needs to create a private key for us (as part of creating a
       * self-signed certificate).    Otherwise it is expecting the
       * passphrase for the existing private key.
      if (count <= 3) {
            System.out.print("Enter password to generate new " +
               "private key and certificate : ");
         } else {
         System.out.print("Please enter the private key password : ");

         Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in); String password = in.nextLine();
         passwordRequest.setPassword(password.toCharArray()); return true;
   return false;

   public void completed(String mechanism,
      String peerName,
      boolean authenticated) {
   if (!authenticated) { System.out.println("Authentication failed.");
   } else {
      System.out.println("Authentication successful.");

When an authentication request comes in, it contains a PrivateKeyRequestCertificateRequest,
and PasswordRequest. This
code does not provide the private key or the X.509 certificate but still returns true for the CertificateRequest. The code tries to see if it has already generated a private key and a self-signed certificate. If it has generated a private key and a self-signed
certificate, it asks for the password that was used to generate the key and certificate. If it has not generated a private key and self-signed certificate, it asks for a password to do so. In both instances you receive a PasswordRequest. The only way to tell
if the private key and certificate have already been generated is to check if this is a request for a new password:passwordRequest.isNewPassword().
It is important to remember the password, because the same password is expected on each additional authentication attempt. Both the client and the service handle RSA authentication identically, and there is no difference between the service AuthListener and
the clientAuthListener.

If you do not want the AllJoyn framework generating your private key and X.509 certificate for you, then you need to provide the private key, the password used to encrypt the private key, and the X.509 certificate. For the following sample, the private key
and certificate were generated using openssl. For most systems, openssl is required to run the AllJoyn framework. You might already have it installed on your system (openssl is not required for all installations of Windows). Many other tools are available
to create the private key and certificate; if you are familiar with those tools feel free to use them.

See openssl's documentation for creating keys and certificates:



To create a private key the following command was used:

$ openssl genrsa -des3 -out privkey.pem 2048

You are asked to enter a pass phrase; the pass phrase "pass" was chosen.

This generates a private key that is 2048 bits in length. 2048 or higher is recommended for RSA keys.

The private key is then used to generate the X.509 certificate

$ openssl req -new -x509 -key privkey.pem -out cacert.pem -days 3650

You are asked to provide the following for the certificate:

  • The pass phrase for privkey.pem
  • Country name (2 letter code)
  • State or province name (full name)
  • Locality name (e.g., city)
  • Organization name
  • Organization unit name
  • Common name (e.g., YOUR name)
  • Email address

This certificate is valid for just under 10 years from the date of its creation. Inspect the contents of the certificate using openssl:

$ openssl x509 in cacert.pem -noout -text

Code 38. RSA Key Exchange AuthListener
- service and client
 represents the sequence shown in the MSC RSA key exchange option 1 diagram.

Code 38. RSA Key Exchange AuthListener - service and client

/* The RSA key exchange listener uses X.509 certificates to authenticate. */
private static class RsaKeyXListener implements AuthListener {
   /* password used when generating the private key */
   private static final String mPassword = "pass";
   /* 2048 bit RSA private key */
   private static final String mPrivateKey =
      "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n" +
      "Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED\n" +
      "DEK-Info: DES-EDE3-CBC,61A8FD1CE34DE29B\n" +
      "\n" +

      "uIG/qraR9tvxhxyMPsLAP8ZimZBHMwJuMnRkAoU/fO/REnX7Zo+OLD+/ks4MnmBX\n" +
      "1ziBBP3MSRcvF47C8U5qmdHPg4ujzJgbX0F6tCMOmjdeAt+iFOjov43gfuGXY3sr\n" +
      "L/28OMUqrgyYVuaytVPBWOSFKy9BBSO/h/pCVHcQC+2C4vGXgz3aAoM4euqXgGXT\n" +
      "xVMh8wLAMfRFJHmTmb65n8LPb5j2UOLJ3MkFXXi753qwLfqMlEO7cE5UIh+C+LwA\n" +
      "KhFfehtAKMlaArnlfuJMnEuHj9vj7XfhFpdH23AXUt3CBngJvuF/xi9r0bfwEgzi\n" +
      "0Nc4wKCyj2VTr3qH22ZYat5gkSh8p8qs8FsQyZE/IE7BUp1han25fev1ycsvLaqZ\n" +
      "zxhoCNJMrX3o+B8OqKN4sJPMte6/5BcJkvap4Wih1iNv+H0Aflc0A9Wrfww16bgx\n" +
      "C3OtxfFWB8CC5d6DNxmc3Ef6M+wzbB4OW/umWThPLcqK7tjlq2hqeaOJnsW9CwXL\n" +
      "o/6LoAwrRss/Tp+1sw7FRKQ+cOdKXdjWwtpu8JV3EF9zibxMG00V2OLaHHU+JrOY\n" +
      "j9Mkru2ItcJEOtH1hv5iNpfTMnZbgfDF1iEhAZNKDdvoSVM8MrcrQONLZ8whiUlN\n" +
      "LQJU9I3oCLHJEHS23T2gMIJFyU7eb+8A+dbMEPqhvm6VK2PONEQZtQAEf+O+Hgq2\n" +
      "ccx94SayajiwQoPcu8uHPEeJym2rx3/IZhttymvAqxX9GzydvsPnQedRT31PjrMq\n" +
      "bZYdNMV2Y9+GLef/x6dwFMjzHZC2o8nglCJ/PYpebISPJLRsdYt/HuGr/XFAKPQv\n" +
      "jN1xbUWOYSiws/1xnidb6SYQEPHvsutaerplHeZ7XQkddKeXoz0BTF9XnY3magCd\n" +
      "tWnuZtznd56pggNY4skUMF8bh/sbHtF0/MfI5SOAPmrvGsC/6+lZG/HGM1LM9u5+\n" +
      "016U1T54DjV3yDgLen1rQ4R8wZ3DLc15VVX5L4ORKqFb3073oX+RGUeS0c5x+Pqd\n" +
      "/rp9CdWN3FcyC/NXsCo1GVR3qW/5/HwimQxghLqEgho1ZELIZskMP0zzBSejcUFJ\n" +
      "5vLiusCU8C0DdcV3sfye/8kNcIalIyBeMJviA9s4AOylZsXdJyADHpHdrMsIa0R0\n" +
      "FyqZBHilUMlHDbQgd0+Nkuh+zP4iXh89MJQl7Knb8Y/aqCO8LYGNLaXv8lOFnqYr\n" +
      "mYnR9HxLHfkKoe8qoKQqwDDrzIZGRhMYBAX2RgxSXSkfUSem9ccJ+t6vm7js5ORj\n" +
      "IT8JunaRFxBYkP9popYEjV0iEKWeshyulQHpScnncca0IqkHdyNfrK+zJhoi2KhU\n" +
      "eTlael/ACxP1GEZDd2pPTzwB/KdcoQQrjfi/zFovIOYmcIo1Q2eJZLgJyc3x1ne/\n" +
      "21/pYZ3FiOjr3tP9MHLg3tcdi7ZShzd81bvudFCuSI569MJpGGlLYuBn/+UvohBK\n" +
      "igOnHn/R60euBdsQdAxhDWJqzVDm1q5J0jmN5hk2RvQlfbX/L+cZvJsClhsO4ZX7\n" +
      "JoWdSxXn5gCsWAX8LZUa46tRac1QuCPSJw+q55dif6ze6/A7vnyjg3ZxDLKxcs/O\n" +
      "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----\n";
   /* X.509 certificate good until Jul 9 15:11:06 2021 GMT */
   private static final String mCert =
      "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n"                                       +



      "MB8GCSqGSIb3DQEJARYSdXNlckBzb21lcGxhY2UuY29tMB4XDTExMDcxMjE1MTEw\n" +



      "EwdBbGxKb3luMQ0wCwYDVQQDEwRVc2VyMSEwHwYJKoZIhvcNAQkBFhJ1c2VyQHNv\n" +

      "bWVwbGFjZS5jb20wggEiMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDliF9P\n" +

      "2asoGLtCJ8UXKu7aGFLXM2YpO6T7e9k0YvPMaw5WFJG5KOu0Zy9BvQZ/AuaewSH7\n" +

      "HcLQfM++IG2VVsrWKuL/a+q3leIpLHtXLdL0d04Sg4ZFk5MhRosOQ0L2cv9U8XeE\n" +

      "286JAKO+uLYw0a5c67GZMwUUh/dmU2144rlVtGWhwNGlTK+GeMsYoeusAMeOxjTp\n" +

      "85UdMDcWsT3aOq4t8OAAGesiCaXxHrFf/gQSvR26wvyo85v/eL5PjNuDhOU+U7+Q\n" +

      "RGfkiWzM4iM4qyOKP47Y2qtNQ4ZU3eJsA/jOcDY0MhZRx6vIJSsvI/BDSzMZvVWp\n" +

      "BXp7o9Yyjy17w00ZAgMBAAGjge8wgewwHQYDVR0OBBYEFGa2ncrgF5LrW0kN7OMj\n" +

      "1PVoDvmwMIG8BgNVHSMEgbQwgbGAFGa2ncrgF5LrW0kN7OMj1PVoDvmwoYGNpIGK\n" +



      "AxMEVXNlcjEhMB8GCSqGSIb3DQEJARYSdXNlckBzb21lcGxhY2UuY29tggkA+KPm\n" +

      "xLwF+J4wDAYDVR0TBAUwAwEB/zANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFAAOCAQEAyZk/35YsKQba\n" +

      "iBMkOBP4LeVutQIep9kOHVdIQZjOvsBgIDaRiNClJUd+MfsFHqLIfAC/OulUEz1D\n" +

      "mzaKcO15hcmTOar/nGglEZyIZtL93le3keQBeZHMPO0Dhrmhyhqj+W3lBmOQ4HPJ\n" +

      "CD9dTeY81suQimQwid/Tvl8cACxpQkr+GM3JiHknA7+pUpo+rMJRWn206cY00tzB\n" +

      "UIGMr0DQryQcHFmu2m3uxoS5B7MjlE9VwmOEKDjoxsmMQ9m/ajvj/7rT8g5/z1+m\n" +

      "N9Wk8yx0gDBJJqqmVCh+WYgniiMhfKMC+nCS9fjj9RJVumRndD/B38kpj0TyfyBt\n" +

      "e4BgMacL0w==\n" +
      "-----END CERTIFICATE-----";
   public boolean requested(String mechanism, String peerName, int count,
      String userName, AuthRequest[] requests) {
         System.out.println(String.format("AuthListener.requested(%s, %s, %d,
%s, %s);",

         /* Collect the requests we're interested in to simplify
processing below. */
      PasswordRequest passwordRequest = null;
      PrivateKeyRequest privateKeyRequest = null;
      CertificateRequest certificateRequest = null;
      VerifyRequest verifyRequest = null;

      for (AuthRequest request : requests) {
         if (request instanceof PasswordRequest) {
            passwordRequest = (PasswordRequest) request;
         } else if (request instanceof PrivateKeyRequest) {
            privateKeyRequest = (PrivateKeyRequest) request;
         } else if (request instanceof CertificateRequest) {
            certificateRequest = (CertificateRequest) request;
         } else if (request instanceof VerifyRequest) {
            verifyRequest = (VerifyRequest) request;

      if (verifyRequest != null) {
         /* Verify a certificate chain supplied by the peer. */
         return true;
      } else if (certificateRequest != null &&
         privateKeyRequest != null &&
         certificateRequest != null ) {
          * The engine is asking us for our certificate chain.
          * We are providing the full certificate chain - the password,
          * private key, and certificate.
          */ passwordRequest.setPassword(mPassword.toCharArray());

         return true;

      return false;

   public void completed(String mechanism, String peerName, boolean
authenticated) {
      if (!authenticated) {
         System.out.println("Authentication failed.");
      } else {
         System.out.println("Authentication successful.");

When the initial request for the password, private key, and certificate come in this time, we are providing the information.

The code above simply returns true when the verifyRequest is
received. The full process of verifying the certificate is beyond the scope of this document. Code
39. Obtaining the X.509 certificate for verification
 shows how to gain access to the certificate so that it can be verified.

Code 39. Obtaining the X.509 certificate for verification

private CertificateFactory factory;
factory = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");

private CertPathValidator validator;
validator = CertPathValidator.getInstance("PKIX");

if (request instanceof VerifyRequest) {
   try {
      String chain = ((VerifyRequest) request).getCertificateChain();

      BufferedInputStream in =
         new BufferedInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(chain.getBytes()));

      List<X509Certificate> list = new ArrayList<X509Certificate>();
      while (in.available() > 0) {
         list.add((X509Certificate) factory.generateCertificate(in));

      CertPath path = factory.generateCertPath(list); 

      PKIXParameters params = new PKIXParameters(trustAnchors);

      validator.validate(path, params);
   } catch (Exception ex) {
      return false;

   return true;

This code obtains the certificate as part of the VerifyRequest. The chain is converted to an X509Certificatethat
can be used to get the certificate path. The certificate path can be validated against a list oftrustedAnchors (not
shown in this code). All of our samples used self-signed certificates so there is no certificate path of authority. You would have to add yourself to the list of trusted anchors if this method of verification is used.

There are many things that could be checked in the VerifyRequest other
than checking the certificate path of authority. For example, you could reject any certificate that was not valid for more than 10 days.

PIN key exchange

PIN key exchange only uses a password for identity verification. Authentication using PIN key exchange is very similar to SRP key exchange:

  • There is a one-time password exchange.
  • Once the authentication is completed the client and server can communicate without asking for passwords to be entered.
  • Even after the program is closed and restarted the authentication is still valid.

The following figure shows the sequence in which the callback methods are instantiated for a PIN key exchange. This message sequence chart is identical to the MSC SRP key exchange diagram.

Figure: MSC PIN key exchange

Code 40. Registering the authentication
 shows registering an AuthListener with the name SrpKeyXListener. The code for the SrpKeyXListener is shown in Code
31. SRP key exchange AuthListener - service
 for the service and Code
32. SRP key exchange AuthListener - client
 for the client. Yes, we are re-using the SrpKeyXListener for PIN key exchange.

Code 40. Registering the authentication listener

BusAttachment mBus;
mBus = new BusAttachment("myProgramName",
SrpKeyXListener myAuthListener;
Status status = mBus.registerAuthListener("ALLJOYN_PIN_KEYX",
if (status !=
   Status.OK) {

When registering the AuthListener, here we are reusing the same authentication listener that was created for the SRP key exchange sample above. The only change needed to use PIN key exchange is that, when registering the AuthListener, the type of security the
AuthListener is responsible for handling was changed from ALLJOYN_SRP_KEYX to ALLJOYN_PIN_KEYX.

ECDHE_NULL key exchange

The ECDHE_NULL keyexchange is purely anonymous. It does not require any input from the application.

The following figure shows the sequence in which the callback methods are instantiated for an ECDHE_NULL key exchange.

Figure: MSC ECDHE_NULL key exchange

Code 41. ECDHE_NULL Key
Exchange AuthListener - service and client
 shows registering an AuthListener with the name ECDHE_NULLKeyXListener.

Code 41. ECDHE_NULL Key Exchange AuthListener - service and client

class ECDHE_NULLKeyXListener implements AuthListener {

   public ECDHE_NULLKeyXListener() {

   public String getMechanisms() {
      return "ALLJOYN_ECDHE_NULL";

   public boolean requested(String authMechanism, String authPeer, int count, 

      String userName, AuthRequest[] requests) {
         try {
            if (!authMechanism.equals("ALLJOYN_ECDHE_NULL")) {
               return false;

            return true;

         } catch (Exception ex) {
            return false;

      public void completed(String authMechanism, String authPeer,
boolean authenticated) {
         if (!authenticated) {
            System.out.println("Authentication failed.");
         } else {
            System.out.println("Authentication successful.");

Code 42. Registering
the authentication listener with ECDHE_NULLKeyXListener
 shows registering an AuthListener with the name ECDHE_NULLKeyXListener.

Code 42. Registering the authentication listener with ECDHE_NULLKeyXListener

BusAttachment mBus;
mBus = new BusAttachment("myProgramName", BusAttachment.RemoteMessage.Receive);
   ECDHE_NULLKeyXListener myAuthListener; Status status =
mBus.registerAuthListener("ALLJOYN_ECDHE_NULL", myAuthListener);
if (status !=
Status.OK) { finish(); return;

ECDHE_PSK key exchange

ECDHE_PSK key exchange uses a pre-shared secret for identity verification. Authentication using PSK key exchange is very similar to SRP key exchange:

  • There is a one-time pre-shared secret exchange.
  • Once the authentication is completed, the client and server can communicate without asking for pre-shared secret to be entered.
  • Even after the program is closed and restarted the authentication is still valid.

The following figure shows the sequence in which the callback methods are instantiated for an ECDHE_PSK key exchange.

Figure: MSC ECDHE_PSK key exchange

Code 43. ECDHE_PSK Key Exchange AuthListener - service and client

class ECDHEPSKKeyXListener implements AuthListener {

   public ECDHEPSKKeyXListener() {
   public String getMechanisms() {
      return "ALLJOYN_ECDHE_PSK";

   public boolean requested(String authMechanism, String authPeer, int count, 

      String userName, AuthRequest[] requests) {
         try {
            if (!authMechanism.equals("ALLJOYN_ECDHE_PSK")) {
               return false;

            for (AuthRequest rqst: requests) {
               if (rqst instanceof PasswordRequest) {
                   * The ECDHE_PSK key exchange requests for the pre shared secret.
                   * Based on the pre shared secret id given the username input variable,
                   * the application can retrieve the pre shared secret
                   * from storage or from the end user.
                   * In this example, the pre shared secret is a hard coded string
                   PasswordRequest pskRqst = (PasswordRequest) rqst;
                   String psk = "123456";

            return true;

         } catch (Exception ex) {
         return false;
      public void completed(String authMechanism, String authPeer,
boolean authenticated) {
      if (!authenticated) {
         System.out.println("Authentication failed.");
      } else {
         System.out.println("Authentication successful.");



Code 44. Registering
the authentication listener with ECDHE_PSKKeyXListener
 shows registering an AuthListener with the name ECDHE_PSKKeyXListener.

Code 44. Registering the authentication listener with ECDHE_PSKKeyXListener

BusAttachment mBus;
mBus = new BusAttachment("myProgramName",

   ECDHE_PSKKeyXListener myAuthListener;
   Status status = mBus.registerAuthListener("ALLJOYN_ECDHE_PSK", myAuthListener);
   if (status !=
Status.OK) { finish(); return;

ECDHE_ECDSA key exchange

ECDHE_ECDSA key exchange uses Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC)-based certificate for identity verification. The ECC curve currently supported is the NIST P-256 curve.

  • If the application provides a private key and certificate chain in the PrivateKeyRequest and CertificateRequest, then the AllJoyn framework will send the certificate chain to the other peer for validation via the
  • Once the authentication is completed, the client and server can communicate without asking for the keys.
  • Even after the program is closed and restarted, the authentication is still valid.

The following figure shows the sequence in which the callback methods are instantiated for an ECDHE_ECDSA key exchange.

Figure: MSC ECDHE_ECDSA key exchange

The following table lists the fields included in a type of certificate used by the ECDHE_ECDSA key exchange. All fields in the certificate are network-byte-order byte arrays.

ECDHE_ECDSA key exchange certificate fields

Field name Data type Description
version UINT8[4] version is 1.
    ECC curve is NIST P-256
    External Data digest algorithm is SHA-256.
    DSA algorithm is ECC NIST P-256 DSA.
issuer UINT8[76] The issuer field.
subject UINT8[76] The subject field.
validityFrom UINT8[8] The validity period. Subfield Valid From. It's represented in seconds since EPOCH Jan 1, 1970.
validityTo UINT8[8] The validity period. Subfield Valid To. It's represented in seconds since EPOCH Jan 1, 1970.
delegate UINT8 The delegate flag.
digest UINT8[32] The digest of the external data. If the hash field is all 0s, then there is no external data. The hash algorithm and digest size is defined by the version number.
sig UINT8[72] The signature. The DSA signature is computed over the fields from subject field to digest field by the issuer. The DSA algorithm is ECC NIST P-256 DSA.

The code for the ECDHE_ECDSAKeyXListener is shown in Code
45. ECDHE_ECDSA Key Exchange AuthListener - service and client

Code 45. ECDHE_ECDSA Key Exchange AuthListener - service and client

class ECDHE_ECDSAKeyXListener implements AuthListener {

   public ECDHE_ECDSAKeyXListener() {

   public String getMechanisms() {
      return "ALLJOYN_ECDHE_ECDSA";

    * The ECDHE key exchange can request for private key, public key, and to verify the peer
   public boolean requested(String authMechanism, String authPeer, int count,

      String userName, AuthRequest[] requests) {
         try {
            if (!authMechanism.equals("ALLJOYN_ECDHE_ECDSA")) {
               return false;

            for (AuthRequest rqst: requests) {
               if (rqst instanceof PrivateKeyRequest) {
                   * The application may provide the DSA private key and
                   * public key in the certificate.
                   * AllJoyn stores the keys in the key store for future use.
                   * If the application does not provide the private key, AllJoyn will
                   * generate the DSA key pair.
                  if (sendBackKeys) {
                     PrivateKeyRequest pkRqst = (PrivateKeyRequest) rqst;
                     String privateKeyPEM = CLIENT_PK_PEM;
               else if (rqst instanceof CertificateRequest) {
                   * The application may provide the DSA private key and
                   * public key in the certificate.
                   * AllJoyn stores the keys in the key store for future use.
                   * If the application does not provide the private key, AllJoyn will
                   * generate the DSA key pair.
                  if (sendBackKeys) {
                     String certChainPEM = CLIENT_CERT_PEM;
                     CertificateRequest certChainRqst = (CertificateRequest) rqst;
               else if (rqst instanceof VerifyRequest) {
                   * with the certificate chain from the peer for the
                   * application to verify.
                   * The application has to option to verify the certificate chain
                   * If the cert chain is validated and trusted then return true;
                   * otherwise, return false.
               VerifyRequest verifyRqst = (VerifyRequest) rqst;
               String certPEM = verifyRqst.getCertificateChain();
         return true;

      } catch (Exception ex) {

   public void completed(String authMechanism, String authPeer,
boolean authenticated) {
      if (!authenticated) {
         System.out.println("Authentication failed.");
      } else {
         System.out.println("Authentication successful.");

   private boolean sendBackKeys = true;    /* toggle the send back keys */
   /* the followings are same data to try out the ECDHE_ECDSA key exchange */

   private static final String CLIENT_PK_PEM = "-----BEGIN
      PRIVATE KEY-----" +
      "CkzgQdvZSOQMmqOnddsw0BRneCNZhioNMyUoJwec9rMAAAAA" +
      "-----END PRIVATE KEY-----";
   private static final String CLIENT_CERT_PEM = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" +
      "AAAAAZ1LKGlnpVVtV4Sa1TULsxGJR9C53Uq5AH3fxqxJjNdYAAAAAAobbdvBKaw9\n" +
      "eHox7o9fNbN5usuZw8XkSPSmipikYCPJAAAAAAAAAABiToQ8L3KZLwSCetlNJwfd\n" +
      "bbxbo2x/uooeYwmvXbH2uwAAAABFQGcdlcsvhdRxgI4SVziI4hbg2d2xAMI47qVB\n" +
      "+Zhu/jc3s242BE0drNFJAiGa/u6AX5qdR+7RFxVuqm251vKPgWjfwN2AesHrAAAA\n" +
      "ANsNwJl8Z1v5jbqo077qdQIT6aM1jc+pKXdgNMk6loqFAAAAAA==\n" +
      "-----END CERTIFICATE-----";

Code 46.
Registering the authentication listener with ECDHE_ECDSAKeyXListener
 shows registering an AuthListener with the name ECDHE_ECDSAKeyXListener.

Code 46. Registering the authentication listener with ECDHE_ECDSAKeyXListener

BusAttachment mBus;
mBus = new BusAttachment("myProgramName", BusAttachment.RemoteMessage.Receive);

   ECDHE_PSKKeyXListener myAuthListener;
   Status status = mBus.registerAuthListener("ALLJOYN_ECDHE_ECDSA",
myAuthListener); if (status !=
Status.OK) { finish(); return;

The default keystore listener

So far, we have not discussed where the keys exchanged during the authentication process are stored. If we register the AuthListener using the two-parameter method, we are using the default keystore listener with its default options. This uses a default location
for storing the keystore. The name of the keystore is the same as the application name that was used when creating the new BusAttachment. The default location for the keystore differs depending on the operating system that is being used. The default location
chosen is a location that the user has permission to read and write from.

For Windows XP, the file is in:

C:\Documents and Settings\<user_name>\.alljoyn_keystore\<Application name>

For Windows 7, the file is in:

C:\Users\<user_name>\.alljoyn_keystore\<Application name>

For Linux, the file is in:

/home/<user_name>/.alljoyn_keystore/<Application name>

The default location and name of the keystore file can be changed by providing a third parameter. The third parameter can be used to specify the location where the keystore is written. Note that the location provided as the third parameter when registering
the AuthListener is appended to the location of the home folder for the OS being used. The code must have read/write permissions to access that location.

Code 47. Overriding the default file location when registering an AuthListener

BusAttachment bus;
bus = new BusAttachment("MyApp", BusAttachment.RemoteMessage.Receive);
String strFilePath = File.separator + "foo" + File.separator + "fileName.ks";
Status status = mBus.registerAuthListener("ALLJOYN_SRP_KEYX",

This places the file in the users home directory in a folder named foo. The file is called fileName.ks.

  • C:\Documents
    and Settings\<user_name>\foo\fileName.ks
     (Windows XP)
  • C:\Users\<user_name>\foo\fileName.ks (Windows
  • /home/<user_name>/foo/fileName.ks (Linux)

NOTE: The three-parameter option should be used when registering an authListener in Android (see Security).

Multiple applications can share a single keystore; however, the code needs to know that the keystore is being shared between multiple applications or it overrides changes made by other applications. To use a shared keystore you must specify that the keystore
is shared when registering the authListener.

Code 48. Registering AuthListeners with a shared keystore

BusAttachment bus;
bus = new BusAttachment("MyApp", BusAttachment.RemoteMessage.Receive);
String strFilePath = File.separator + ".alljoyn_keystore" + File.separator +

Status status = mBus.registerAuthListener("ALLJOYN_SRP_KEYX",

Every application that wants to share the same keystore should point to the same keystore file and set the isShared option to true when registering an AuthListener.

Why would you want multiple applications to share a keystore file? This allows you to set up a family of applications that authenticate as one. Once one of the applications has completed authentication, then all of the applications can use the same set of keys.
This means that only one authentication request is needed, even though multiple applications use a secure interface. Under the AllJoyn framework's default mode, authentication is done on an app-per-app basis, not as a family of applications.

AllJoyn debug log output

The AllJoyn framework has a built-in logging system for investigating AllJoyn-related issues. Only critical log output is displayed when using the AllJoyn Release mode.

To enable AllJoyn debugging three things must be done:

  1. Set the OS Logging option (OS-specific).
  2. Set the Debug Level for the module(s) of interest (on the router or the application).
  3. Set ERDEBUG*
    environment variable (only needed when logging to stderr).

These can be accessed using the following method calls:

BusAttachment.useOSLogging (Boolean useOSLog );
BusAttachment.setDebugLevel(String module, int level);
BusAttachment.setLogLevels(String logEnv);
BusAttachnent.setDaemonDebug(String module, int level);

Set OS-specific logging option

The BusAttachment.useOSLogging command
results in different behavior depending on what OS the AllJoyn code is running on, as shown in the following table.

OS-specific logging behavior

OS True False
Windows Debugger Trace Log stderr
Windows RT Win RT Trace Log Win RT File Log
Linux stderr stderr
Android LogCat stderr
Mac stderr stderr

For BusAttachment.useOSLogging(true) on
Windows and Windows RT, see:

Set debug level for modules

The AllJoyn framework has a large number of modules, with new modules being added as it continues to be developed. Several module names of interest are:

  • ALL - print all modules
  • ALLJOYN_JAVA - trace log for the JNI layer of the Java Bindings
  • ALLJOYN - trace of AllJoyn method calls
  • ALLJOYN_OBJ - trace of AllJoyn object to name service calls
  • NS - the TCP name service

Each module can print out four debug levels:

  • High Level = 0b0001
  • Debug Messages = 0b0010
  • API Trace = 0b0100
  • Data Dump = 0b1000

As a general rule, you want a debug level and all the debug options below that option. For example:

1 = "High Level"

3 = "High Level" and "Debug Messages"

7 = "High Level", "Debug Messages", and "API trace"

15 = "High Level", "Debug Messages", "API trace", and "Data Dump"

The following code would print the High Level log for ALL of the AllJoyn modules and the API trace and below log for the ALLJOYN module:

BusAttachment.setDebugLevel("ALL", 1);
BusAttachment.setDebugLevel("ALLJOYN", 7);

The same could be achieved using the following code:


If your application is using a separate AllJoyn router or it is using the built-in name discovery/advertisement services, the logs from this part of the AllJoyn framework will not output logs unless you use the following call:

BusAttachnent.setDaemonDebug("ALL", 7);

NOTE: There is an error debug level that is always printed and cannot be turned off.

environment variable

When logging to stderr, an environment variable must also be specified to obtain the debug log. This is a consequence of the AllJoyn logging system being written in C++.

Normally when using a C++ program the user would only need to specify the module they are interested in using environment variables. For example:


With Java you will generally use:

  • Linux

    export ER_DEBUG_ALL=15
  • Windows
    set ER_DEBUG_ALL=15

Log output

If everything is set up as expected you should be log output as follows:

6710.723 DEBUG    THREAD    external    ...n\os\windows\Thread.cc:352 |
   Thread::Join() thread is dead [replyTimer]
6710.724 HL_DBG    THREAD    external    ...n\os\windows\Thread.cc:185 |
   Thread::~Thread() [replyTimer,738e6b0] started:3 running:3 stopped:0
6710.725 DEBUG    ALLJOYN_JAVA external    ...a\jni\alljoyn_java.cc:3942 |
   JBusAttachment::Connect(): Taking Bus Attachment authentication listener change lock
6710.742 DEBUG    ALLJOYN_JAVA external    ...a\jni\alljoyn_java.cc:4145 |
6710.743 TRACE    ALLJOYN    external    ...e\src\BusAttachment.cc:359 |
   BusAttachment::TryConnect to tcp:addr=,port=9956
6710.744 HL_DBG    ALLJOYN    external    ...ows\ClientTransport.cc:136 |
   ClientTransport::Connect(): tcp:addr=,port=9956
Initialized winsock
6710.764 TRACE    NETWORK    external    ...n\os\windows\Socket.cc:164 |
   Socket(addrFamily = 2, type = 1, sockfd = <>)
6710.766 TRACE    NETWORK    external    ...n\os\windows\Socket.cc:188 |
   Connect(sockfd = 612, remoteAddr =, remotePort = 9956)
6711.827 HL_DBG    ALLJOYN    external    ...ows\ClientTransport.cc:175 |
   ClientTransport(): socket Connect() failed ER_CONN_REFUSED
6711.828 TRACE    NETWORK    external    ...n\os\windows\Socket.cc:361 |
   Close (sockfd = 612)
6711.831 TRACE    ALLJOYN    external    ...e\src\BusAttachment.cc:359 |
   BusAttachment::TryConnect to null:
Using BundledRouter

There are five columns for each log message printed out:

  1. Time stamp representing when the log was printed.
  2. The debug level.
  3. The AllJoyn module the message came from.
  4. Which thread the module was running on.
  5. Which line of source code printed the message "|" the debug message.

Android-Specific Considerations

UI thread vs. AllJoyn bus thread

When Android starts a new activity, a thread is created that draws all of the user interface elements on the screen. By default, all code that is added to the activity also runs in the same thread. Android always expects the user interface (UI) to be responsive.
If a function is called that takes too long to process information, the application is terminated by Android simply because the UI was unresponsive.

AllJoyn applications typically conform to the client/server model; the application is either providing a service or requesting something from a service. The service could be on a remote device or on the same device. There are no time guarantees when calling
an AllJoyn method. For this reason, all calls to an AllJoyn method or signal must be done in a thread that is independent of the main UI thread.

This could be done by creating a new thread each time you call a signal or method associated with the AllJoyn framework. This can result in many threads being created including all the memory usage associated with each thread. If too many threads are created,
the application could quickly run out of memory and crash. This could easily happen if signals were being used to constantly update something like a game.

To avoid using a separate thread for each AllJoyn call, we suggest you create a Handler on a separate thread that queues AllJoyn method and signal calls.

Using Handler Looper

Create an implementation of a Handler that takes a Looper as its initialization parameter.

Code 49. BusHandler class that extends the Handler class

class BusHandler extends Handler {
   public BusHandler(Looper looper) {

   public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
      switch (msg.what) {

Now all of the AllJoyn method calls and signal calls can be placed inside the switch statement found in thehandleMessage method.

Almost all programs that use the AllJoyn framework need to implement a connect case and a disconnect case, as well as a case for each AllJoyn method, property, and signal.

To start the BusHandler, use the following code:

Code 50. Starting the BusHandler class

BusHandler mBusHandler;
HandlerThread busThread = new HandlerThread("BusHandler");
mBusHandler = new BusHandler(busThread.getLooper());

The /java/samples folder in the Android SDK contains a large number of samples that all show how to use the BusHandler.


In the AllJoyn Java API, there are two BusAttachment.registerAuthListener(...) methods.
One takes two arguments, and the other takes three arguments. When registering the authentication listener, the one with three arguments should be used. The third argument sets the name of the keystore. It is recommended to always set this to getFileStreamPath("alljoyn_keystore").getAbsolutePath() for
all Android programs.

Peer Permission Check

In Android's security model, each application must request permission to access certain system resources. For example, android.permission.READ_CONTACTS is
required to access the contact information on an Android device.

In catering to the security model of Android, the AllJoyn framework allows the service to impose permission requirements on AllJoyn method/signal calls. If the service specifies the permission requirements on a call, the client must acquire those permissions
by declaring them in the AndroidManifest.xml in
order to invoke the call. If a client has not added the proper permissions to the AndroidManifest.xml,
the AllJoyn method/signal call made by the client is rejected. If it is an AllJoyn method call, the router sends back an error message (status
 to the caller. Multiple permissions should be concatenated into a single string using a semicolon (;) as the delimiter, for example:


By using the access permission in the interface, we are preventing a client application from accessing data without also requesting the same device permission level as the service.

IMPORTANT: The peer permission check model only applies when the service/client are on the same device. If the service and client are on different devices, the peer permission check will have no effect. The device-to-device trust model should be based on Authentication.

Android's security model does not apply to other OSs. If the AllJoyn framework is used to synch contact and calendar data with a desktop computer, the computer is not expected to obtain permission to read and write the calendar and contacts. The application
installed on the Android device that is communicating with the computer would still be required to have Android permissions to access the information of interest.

Code 51. Adding the @AccessPermission annotation for an AllJoyn Java interface

@BusInterface (name = "org.alljoyn.bus.addressbook")
public interface AddressBookInterface {
    * The AccessPermission annotation signifies that this function uses
    * system resources that require system permission
    * "android.permission.READ_CONTACTS". Thus
    * the application should declare the required permissions in its
    * manifest file. If there are more than one permission item,
    * they should be separated by ';'.
   @BusMethod(signature = "si", replySignature = "r")
   public Contact getContact(String name, int userId) throws BusException;

    * the replySignature indicates that this BusMethod will return an
    * array of structs.
   @BusMethod(replySignature = "ar")
   public NameId[] getAllContactNames() throws BusException;

Bundled Router (Deprecated)

If you are using AllJoyn framework 2.6, the concept of bundled router is no longer present. A developer can still get all the functionality that was available with bundled daemon in AllJoyn 2.3.6 but there is no requirement to add the additional library (bundle.jar)
to the Android app or to use the extra calls that were explicitly needed to use bundle router. However, the function call


is now used for an entirely different purpose as explained in Using
ICE with the AllJoyn Framework

Using ICE with the AllJoyn Framework

The AllJoyn framework does what it is supposed to do; wonderfully. However, it cannot control certain things like the network setup over which it talks. A common example is wireless isolation. What is wireless isolation?

Imagine yourself sitting in a coffee shop and wanting to play a game with your friend that uses the AllJoyn framework. In a normal home setup you would be connected to your home access point and this would work seamlessly. In a coffee shop or public place the
network administrators set up the access points such that two peers cannot talk to each other directly. Things like multicast and broadcast are disabled in the coffee shop to avoid bandwidth problems for other users - something that could happen if a young
college student were to set up his own peer-to-peer network in the coffee shop with his friends or use an application (not using the AllJoyn framework) which floods the network with multicast/broadcast packets.

The philosophy of the AllJoyn framework is to make it unnecessary for the developer to be aware of such network complexities and still achieve what the AllJoyn framework originally delivers - easy service discovery and connectivity without having to change
anything depending on the network or platform. To overcome the problem of wireless isolation, we added in a parallel transport in the AllJoyn framework that we call ICE. ICE makes sure that you are able to discover services/devices and connect to them even
if the access point you are connected to does not allow this to happen directly through it.

ICE is not only a way to solve the wireless isolation problem, it also provides another means to detect proximity with other devices to aid in service discovery. To do this ICE needs to know the list of access points around you. It does this by talking to the
Android framework from your AllJoyn app. For this reason you need to specify the call:


An ideal place to call this is just before you create a BusAttachment in your Android application. The application context is required so that the internal AllJoyn Java framework can get a list of access points around you by talking to the Android framework.

Permissions to Add to your AllJoyn Android App

Under the hood, the AllJoyn framework does a lot of different things on different platforms for device discovery without making the developer aware of the complexities involved. On Android, it requires that the developer of the app grant the app a set of four
permissions so that the AllJoyn discovery works seamlessly.

The two permissions below are required because traditionally the AllJoyn framework uses multicast for device discovery and the Android framework requires any app that intends to use multicast to have these permissions.



The two permissions below are required when you do not want to worry about wireless isolation that may be present on the network to which you are connected. These two permissions let the AllJoyn framework deal with it using ICE. These permissions enable the
AllJoyn framework to look for wireless access points around you and use this data to detect if you are in proximity to any other device.




ProGuard is one of the tools packaged with the Android SDK. ProGuard is used to shrink, optimize, and obfuscate code when producing a release version of an .apk file. After using ProGuard, the resulting .apk is smaller and more difficult to reverse engineer.
For more information, seehttp://developer.android.com/guide/developing/tools/proguard.html.

Knowing the names of methods, interfaces, annotations, and classes is important for the AllJoyn framework to operate properly. If the code is passed through ProGuard the names will be changed, annotations will be removed and AllJoyn code will no longer function
as expected. To use ProGuard, the proguard.cfg file must have additional options added.

Below is a sample proguard.cfg file that would be needed if we wanted to use ProGuard with the Android Chat sample. The proguard.cfg is
based on the default file created when using an Android project. In the sampleproguard.cfg file
below, the text in the #REQUIRED FOR ALLJOYN TO FUNCTION section is an example of what must be added.

Code 52. Sample proguard.cfg file

-optimizationpasses 5
-optimizations !code/simplification/arithmetic,!field/*,!class/merging/*

#(NOTE: could use -keep class org.alljoyn.bus** {*;} but the
# alljoyn samples use org.alljoyn.bus.samples so if you checked the .apk
# obfuscated code would not be seen)
-dontwarn org.alljoyn.bus.**
-keepattributes *Annotation*
-keepattributes Signature
-keep class org.alljoyn.bus.annotation.** { *; }
-keep class org.alljoyn.bus.ifaces.** { *; }
-keep class org.alljoyn.bus.AnnotationBusException** { *; }
-keep class org.alljoyn.bus.AuthListener** { *; }
-keep class org.alljoyn.bus.BusAttachment** { *; }
-keep class org.alljoyn.bus.BusException** { *; }
-keep class org.alljoyn.bus.BusListener** { *; }
-keep class org.alljoyn.bus.BusObject** { *; }
-keep class org.alljoyn.bus.BusObjectListener** { *; }
-keep class org.alljoyn.bus.ErrorReplyBusException** { *; }
-keep class org.alljoyn.bus.InterfaceDescription** { *; }
-keep class org.alljoyn.bus.IntrospectionListener** { *; }
-keep class org.alljoyn.bus.KeyStoreListener** { *; }
-keep class org.alljoyn.bus.MarshalBusException** { *; }
-keep class org.alljoyn.bus.MessageContext** { *; }
-keep class org.alljoyn.bus.MsgArg** { *; }
-keep class org.alljoyn.bus.Mutable** { *; }
-keep class org.alljoyn.bus.OnJoinSessionListener** { *; }
-keep class org.alljoyn.bus.ProxyBusObject** { *; }
-keep class org.alljoyn.bus.SecurityViolationListener** { *; }
-keep class org.alljoyn.bus.SessionListener** { *; }
-keep class org.alljoyn.bus.SessionOpts** { *; }
-keep class org.alljoyn.bus.SessionPortListener** { *; }
-keep class org.alljoyn.bus.SignalEmitter** { *; }
-keep class org.alljoyn.bus.Signature** { *; }
-keep class org.alljoyn.bus.Status** { *; }
-keep class org.alljoyn.bus.Variant** { *; }
-keep class org.alljoyn.bus.VariantTypeReference** { *; }
#Keep all BusObjects
-keep class * implements org.alljoyn.bus.BusObject { *; }
-keepclassmembers class * implements org.alljoyn.bus.BusObject {*;}
#Need to keep all AllJoyn interfaces and classmembers of the AllJoyn interfaces
-keep interface org.alljoyn.bus.sample.chat.ChatInterface
-keepclassmembers interface org.alljoyn.bus.sample.chat.ChatInterface { *; }
#Need to keep the signal methods
-keepclassmembers class org.alljoyn.bus.sample.chat.AllJoynService {
public void Chat(java.lang.String);
-keep public class * extends android.app.Activity
-keep public class * extends android.app.Application
-keep public class * extends android.app.Service
-keep public class * extends android.content.BroadcastReceiver
-keep public class * extends android.content.ContentProvider
-keep public class * extends android.app.backup.BackupAgentHelper
-keep public class * extends android.preference.Preference
-keep public class com.android.vending.licensing.ILicensingService

-keepclasseswithmembernames class * {
   native <methods>;

-keepclasseswithmembernames class * {
   public <init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet);

-keepclasseswithmembernames class * {
   public <init>(android.content.Context, android.util.AttributeSet, int);

-keepclassmembers enum * {
   public static **[] values();
   public static ** valueOf(java.lang.String);

-keep class * implements android.os.Parcelable {
   public static final android.os.Parcelable$Creator *;


Header compression

When a signal is repetitively emitted, the signal header could end up being a significant portion of the data that is sent. This is especially true when the contents of the signal are really small.

Header compression can be used to improve performance. Since setting up header compression is an expensive operation, it should not be used except for repetitive signals.

An example would be a game that wants to constantly update its player's positions. The same signal would be repetitively sent with the new player position. Header compression could be used to reduce the size of the signal.

Code 53. Header compression

// Create the signal emitter and connect it with the SampleInterface class
SignalEmitter emitter = new SignalEmitter(mySignalInterface,

Shutting off discovery

When trying to transmit large amounts of data via Bluetooth, discovery can significantly slow down the transfer speed. If the transmit time is a factor, it may be beneficial to stop discovery when sending the data.

It is good practice to shut off discovery when an interface has been found even when using TCP/IP. Leaving discovery running could have an impact on battery life and network performance since the routing node continues to access the radio to look for remote

Code 54. Shutting off Discovery

status = mBus.cancelFindName(SERVICE_NAME);
if (status != Status.OK) {

Signal emitters

When setting up a SignalEmitter, you can set it up to broadcast:

  • Globally to clients only on the local device
  • Globally to all clients even off device
  • To a session
  • To a single destination

As a general rule, it is best to avoid signal emitters that do not exist in the same session. This creates a large amount of network traffic. If you want the signal to be received by multiple devices, it is best to set up a multipoint session and send the signal
to all the devices in the session. This reduces the network traffic by sending the signal to destinations that have registered

原文来自官网 特此声明

时间: 2024-08-27 23:37:36

【Android平台】 Alljoyn学习笔记四 Android Core API参考的相关文章

API Demos 2.3 学习笔记 (3)-- Android应用程序架构

更多精彩内容,请点击阅读:<API Demos 2.3 学习笔记> Android应用程序以可以分为下三种类型:1.前端Activity(Foreground Activities):通俗一点讲Activity可以理解为一个界面容器,里面装着各种各样的UI组件.例如,上面例子中"Hello World" 显示界面.2.后台服务(Background Services):系统服务(System Service).系统Broadcast(广播信息)与Receiver(广播信息)


原创作品,允许转载,转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章 原始出处 .作者信息和本声明.否则将追究法律责任.http://koumm.blog.51cto.com/703525/1290269 KVM虚拟化学习笔记系列文章列表 ---------------------------------------- kvm虚拟化学习笔记(一)之kvm虚拟化环境安装http://koumm.blog.51cto.com/703525/1288795 kvm虚拟化学习笔记(二)之linux kvm虚拟机安装 h

【Android平台】Alljoyn学习笔记一 Alljoyn简介

[什么是Alljoyn] AllJoyn官网中将其描述为"一个能够使连接设备之间进行互操作的通用软件框架和系统服务核心集,也是一个跨制造商来创建动态近端网络的软件应用". Linux基金会表示,该开源框架允许在特定的系统之间无缝发现.动态连接,并可以与附近的产品进行交互,无论该产品是什么品牌.传输层.平台或操作系统. 该框架不依赖于特定的通信协议,因此它可以工作在WiFi.蓝牙.以太网或任何IP传输的环境中. 在不久的将来,当你家里冰箱中的牛奶剩余不多的时候,冰箱可能会给你的手机发送消

【Android平台】 Alljoyn学习笔记三 开发环境的搭建和Building AllJoyn from Source for Android

BUILD FROM SOURCE - ANDROID Prerequisites The following content uses many terms and concepts that are described in the Introduction to the AllJoyn Framework. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that you read the Introduction content first. Before p


一.什么是activity     Activity 是用户接口程序,原则上它会提供给用户一个交互式的接口功能.它是 android 应用程序的基本功能单元.Activity 本身是没有界面的.所以activity类创建了一个窗口,开发人员可以通过setContentView(View)接口把UI放到activity创建的窗口上,当activity指向全屏窗口时,也可以用其他方式实现:作为漂浮窗口(通过windowIsFloating的主题集合),或者嵌入到其他的activity(使用Activ


为了更好的了解Android的工程结构,我们在命令行窗口创建一个Android工程,在命令行窗口输入如下的命令: android create project -n HelloWorld -t android-19 -p E:\AndroidWS\HelloWorld -k pres.zxc.helloworld -a  MainActivity (-n指定创建的项目的名称,-t指定Android平台,-p指定工程的保存路径,-k指定项目的报名,-a指定Activity的名称) 然后来到我们的工

【Alljoyn】 Alljoyn学习笔记七 Alljoyn瘦客户端库介绍

Alljoyn瘦客户端库介绍(上)   1.简介 本文档对AllJoynTM瘦客户端的核心库文件(AJTCL)进行了详尽的介绍.本文档介绍了系统整体架构,AllJoyn框架结构,并着重于介绍如何将嵌入式设备加入AllJoyn系统整体架构中.1.1目的 本文档介绍了如何使一个受限于功耗.计算能力和内存的设备(嵌入式设备)加入AllJoyn分布式系统.具体而言,本文档包括了对AllJoyn面向嵌入式系统的方面的介绍,并着重描述了基于AllJoyn的系统的各个组件是如何与嵌入式设备协作以构建一个基于接


Sqlite学习笔记(三)&&WAL性能测试中列出了几种典型场景下WAL的性能数据,了解到WAL确实有性能优势,这篇文章将会详细分析WAL的原理,做到知其然,更要知其所以然. WAL是什么       WAL(Write ahead logging)是一种日志模式,它是一种思想,普遍应用于关系型数据库.每个事务执行变更时,修改数据页,同时会产生日志,这样在事务提交后,不需要将修改的脏页刷盘,只需要将事务产生的日志落盘即可返回.WAL保证日志一定先于对应的脏页落盘,就是所谓的WAL.SQLI


Caliburn.Micro学习笔记目录 说一下IHandle<T>实现多语言功能 因为Caliburn.Micro是基于MvvM的UI与codebehind分离, binding可以是双向的所以我们想动态的实现多语言切换很是方便今天我做一个小demo给大家提供一个思路 先看一下效果                                           点击英文  变成英文状态点chinese就会变成中文                         源码的下载地址在文章的最下