IronPython v2.7发布 .NET及Mono上的Python实现

IronPython 是一种在 ">.NET 及 Mono上的 Python 实现,由微软的 Jim Hugunin 所发起,是一个开源的项目,基于微软的 DLR 引擎;托管于微软的开源网站 CodePlex(。IronPython 的官方并未实现 Python 通用类库,仅实现了部分核心类,社区的开源类库实现有:   

fepy( 为 IronPython 提供 Python 的大多数通用类库的实现。


关于IronPython 3.7发行的说明如下:

On behalf of the IronPython team, I'm very pleased to announce the release of IronPython 2.7. This release contains all of the language features of Python 2.7, as well as several previously missing modules and numerous bug fixes. IronPython 2.7 also includes built-in Visual Studio support through IronPython Tools for Visual Studio. IronPython 2.7 requires .NET 4.0 or Silverlight 4.

To download IronPython 2.7, visit Any bugs should be reported at

Python 2.7 includes a number of features backported from the Python 3.0 series. This release implements the new builtin _io module, includes dictionary and set comprehensions, set literals, supports multiple context managers in the with statement, and adds several new functions to the itertools methods, and auto indexing for the new string formatting. There are also numerous updates to the standard library such as ordered dictionaries and the new argparse module.

This release also includes a “IronPython Tools for Visual Studio” option within the IronPython installer. This enables one install to get both IronPython and IronPython Visual Studio support assuming you have an existing installation of Visual Studio 2010. This version of IronPython Tools includes a number of bug fixes as improved WPF designer support. The designer fully supports XAML and WPF including data binding to Python classes dynamically.

To improve interop with modern .NET code such as LINQ, support for extension methods has been added as the clr.ImportExtensions method.

We’ve also updated the IronPython installer to include documentation based upon the CPython documentation. This new .chm file includes documentation on the Python language and standard library. It’s been extended from the normal Python documentation to include IronPython specific topics such as the DLR hosting APIs and extending IronPython from statically typed .NET languages.

We flushed out more support for missing built-in modules which CPython includes. This release includes the mmap and signal modules bringing better support for interoperating with unmanaged code, the zlib and gzip modules for compression, and the subprocess and webbrowser modules for interacting with other programs.

As usual there are a number of bug fixes and performance improvements. This release includes major performance improvements in cPickle, the sum built-in function, and includes support for fast exceptions which do not use the .NET exception mechanism. There have also been improvements to significantly reduce memory usage of the IronPython ASTs. One of the end results of these numerous improvements is that IronPython’s startup time has decreased by 10% when compared to IronPython 2.6.1.

时间: 2024-09-30 03:26:26

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