SAP's Cloud Chaos Offering with Hybrid Cloud

SAP's Cloud Chaos Offering with Hybrid Cloud


SAP's Cloud Chaos Offering
with Hybrid Cloud



I was recently reading the
options for SAP's hybrid cloud. It struck me as incredibly complicated. A
hybrid cloud it a term that is thrown around at the conference and in sales
meetings, but its implementation implications details are left out of the discussion.
I spent some time thinking through all of these details, and there are a huge
number of consequences to using a hybrid cloud. 


Selling All Choice as a Universal

Something that SAP marketing is
gravitating towards is emphasizing choice, but without providing the context.
Having more options is not a universal virtue. Some options are bad ones. One
does have a choice to fly, drive or bicycle from Los Angeles to Phoenix. But
let us be honest, no one bicycles from Los Angeles to Phoenix. It will take
forever, and you would probably die in the desert in between. SAP presents
options that in many cases are not good options. And there is another downside.
The more options that are submitted by an account representative, particularly
if you don't understand all the implications of choice, the more the account
rep has the advantage. This topic comes up all the time during SAP sales calls.
SAP is constantly offering new things. However, many of the things that SAP
offers end up not working out. I have cataloged these items over some years.
Others with experience in SAP will observe the same. 

So, as a SAP customer, you want
healthy choices presented to you. Not simply endless buffets, where one out of
the three items will end up making you sick. 


As a corporate buyer – after
choosing to say use S/4HANA (or as I like to call it – “just S4” – let us not
start putting the names of databases in applications, please). Then has to
perform an analysis where they determine what portions of the applications will
be hosted (say the customized pieces?) and what will be on premises. On top of
this analysis, one must work out the integration between these
components. Who wants to do that? Along the way, the customer must
determine what integration SAP can offer the company (say the hosted Sales
module in S4 has a connector to the on-premises Supply Chain module) and then
test these were. This seems like a ton of work and reminds me of the SAP
material I read about Fiori where SAP proposes that customers can just begin developing
their apps -- starting what amounts to custom development shops in their
companies. This is the current sales pitch on SAPUI5 that I find quite
disingenuous. (SAPUI5 is just a development environment. There is a place for
custom UIs, but it is important not to confuse a finished UI with a development


And Everyone Agrees

If we look at the material
offered by SAP partners -- it's just restatement of the same options in the SAP
literature about the hybrid cloud. There is no interpretation of the material
that I could find. So those of you who were waiting for a consulting company to
help you make sense of this mess in an objective manner, prepare to…..keep


Here is an example of a SAP
bobblehead partner that gets into the hybrid concept. 


"There is a third group of customers as well, enterprise-scale
customers and others who are interested in rapid business transformation at a
reduced up-front cost. A hybrid model – utilizing both on-premise and cloud
delivery – allows them to maintain core data and applications in-house, while
being able to leverage the cloud to quickly change and adapt to new
opportunities for process improvement – such as incorporating mobile devices
into their business processes – without the additional upfront expenses of a
full-blown software license and implementation." - Blue Harbors


So let's unpack this. Now part of
the application will be in the cloud, and part will be on premises. How
confusing. I suppose the deciding factor is that one chooses the most
customized parts of SAP application and chooses the host those. This is covered
in another Blue Harbor quotation. 


"For larger, more established enterprises, the on-premise delivery
model makes sense. The fact that the system lives in-house instead of on the
cloud allows for greater control and more customization to meet the needs of
businesses whose processes are already well established."

"Think of SAP’s HANA Enterprise Cloud as Infrastructure-as-a-Service
plus managed services for SAP software (customers can also run custom SAP HANA
apps as well as software for select third-party apps OK’ed by
SAP)." - Blue Harbors


What is the Real The Need?

I do not see any evidence that
companies need to begin considering "hybrid" clouds for SAP software.
Secondly using this third option massively increases complexity for the
corporate buyer and has unknown/untold implications for complexity. 


Think of the decision tree that a
hybrid cloud creates. 

1.    Select what portions of the SAP
application should be on premises and which should be in the cloud. 

2.    Then integrate the parts of the
SAP application that are in the cloud versus those that are on premises. 

3.    Evaluate the
integration/connector that is part of the SAP hybrid solution. (because you
cannot trust the state of the connector by listening to SAP sales)




SAP’s new direction in many cases
dilutes one of its primary value propositions. That is its “out of the box
integration.” In reality, the only part of SAP that was integrated “out of the
box” was the ERP suite. The ERP modules all share the same database, sit on the
same server, etc.. 

All the other SAP applications
have all are connected with adapters. That is adapters that in many cases
were/are no more integrated than the adapters of other vendors to SAP. 


Certainly, entire applications
can be on-premises or cloud. The hybrid cloud needlessly confuses the question
of the delivery method. And it does so in a way that only puts another
confusing layer on top of a set of choices that is already complicated


About Shaun

Shaun Snapp is the author of many books on technology and SAP. He is the
Managing Editor of 
Brightwork Research &
. Brightwork is a website focused on publishing
storylines that do not have a way of getting out through the traditional
mediums in enterprise software.


See Shaun's LinkedIn
here. Think about connecting with him, as he likes to connect to his
readers. His other LinkedIn articles are 







时间: 2024-07-30 19:15:38

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