



Gartner Identifies the Top 10 Consumer MobileApplications for 2012


STAMFORD, Conn.,November 18, 2009— Gartner, Inc. has identified the top 10 consumer mobileapplications for 2012. Gartner listed applications based on their impact onconsumers and industry players, considering revenue,
loyalty, business model,consumer value and estimated market penetration.

“Consumer mobile applications and services are no longer the prerogative ofmobile carriers,” said Sandy Shen, research director at Gartner. “Theincreasing consumer interest in smartphones, the participation of Internetplayers in the mobile space, and the emergence
of application stores andcross-industry services are reducing the dominance of mobile carriers. Eachplayer will influence how the application is delivered and experienced byconsumers, who ultimately vote with their attention and spending power.”

“The ultimate competition between industry players is for control of the‘ecosystem’ and user experience, and the owner of the ecosystem will benefitthe most in terms of revenue and user loyalty,” Ms. Shen said. “We predict thatmost users will use no more than
five mobile applications at a time and mostfuture opportunities will come from niche market ‘killer applications’.”

The top 10 consumer mobile applications in 2012 will include:

No. 1: Money Transfer
This service allows people to send money to others using Short MessageService (SMS). Its lower costs, faster speed and convenience compared withtraditional transfer services have strong appeal to users in developingmarkets, and most services signed
up several million users within their firstyear. However, challenges do exist in both regulatory and operational risks.Because of the fast growth of mobile money transfer, regulators in many marketsare piling in to investigate the impact on consumer costs,
security, fraud andmoney laundering. On the operational side, market conditions vary, as do thelocal resources of service providers, so providers need different marketstrategies when entering a new territory.

No. 2: Location-Based Services
Location-based services (LBS) form part of context-aware services, aservice that Gartner expects will be one of the most disruptive in the next fewyears. Gartner predicts that the LBS user base will grow globally from 96million in 2009 to more than
526 million in 2012. LBS is ranked No. 2 inGartner’s top 10 because of its perceived high user value and its influence onuser loyalty. Its high user value is the result of its ability to meet a rangeof needs, ranging from productivity and goal fulfillment
to social networkingand entertainment.

No. 3: Mobile Search
The ultimate purpose of mobile search is to drive sales and marketingopportunities on the mobile phone. To achieve this, the industry first needs toimprove the user experience of mobile search so that people will come backagain. Mobile search is ranked
No. 3 because of its high impact on technologyinnovation and industry revenue. Consumers will stay loyal to some searchservices, but instead of sticking to one or two search providers on theInternet, Gartner expects loyalty on the mobile phone to be shared
between afew search providers that have unique technologies for mobile search.

No. 4: Mobile Browsing
Mobile browsing is a widely available technology present on more than 60percent of handsets shipped in 2009, a percentage Gartner expects to rise toapproximately 80 percent in 2013. Gartner has ranked mobile browsing No. 4because of its broad appeal
to all businesses. Mobile Web systems have thepotential to offer a good return on investment. They involve much lowerdevelopment costs than native code, reuse many existing skills and tools, andcan be agile — both delivered and updated quickly. Therefore,
the mobile Webwill be a key part of most corporate business-to-consumer (B2C) mobilestrategies.

No. 5: Mobile Health Monitoring
Mobile health monitoring is the use of IT and mobile telecommunications tomonitor patients remotely, and could help governments, care delivery organizations(CDOs) and healthcare payers reduce costs related to chronic diseases andimprove the quality
of life of their patients. In developing markets, themobility aspect is key as mobile network coverage is superior to fixed networkin the majority of developing countries. Currently, mobile health monitoring isat an early stage of market maturity and implementation,
and project rolloutshave so far been limited to pilot projects. In the future, the industry will beable to monetize the service by offering mobile healthcare monitoring products,services and solutions to CDOs.

No. 6: Mobile Payment
Mobile payment usually serves three purposes. First, it is a way of makingpayment when few alternatives are available. Second, it is an extension ofonline payment for easy access and convenience. Third, it is an additionalfactor of authentication for
enhanced security. Mobile payment made Gartner’stop 10 list because of the number of parties it affects — including mobilecarriers, banks, merchants, device vendors, regulators and consumers — and therising interest from both developing and developed markets.
Because of the manychoices of technologies and business models, as well as regulatory requirementsand local conditions, mobile payment will be a highly fragmented market. Therewill not be standard practices of deployment, so parties will need to find aworking
solution on a case-by-case basis.

No. 7: Near Field Communication Services
Near field communication (NFC)allows contactless data transfer between compatible devices by placing themclose to each other, within ten centimeters. The technology can be used, forexample, for retail purchases, transportation, personal identification
andloyalty cards. NFC is ranked No. 7 in Gartner’s top ten because it can increase user loyalty for all service providers,and it will have a big impact on carriers' business models. However, itsbiggest challenge is reaching business agreement between mobile
carriers andservice providers, such as banks and transportation companies. Gartner expectsto see large-scale deployments starting from late 2010, when NFC phones arelikely to ship in volume, with Asia leading deployments followed by Europe andNorth America.

No. 8: Mobile Advertising
Mobile advertising in all regions is continuing togrow through the economic downturn, driven by interest from advertisers in thisnew opportunity and by the increased use of smartphones and the wirelessInternet. Total spending on mobile advertising
in 2008 was $530.2 million,which Gartner expects to will grow to $7.5 billion in 2012. Mobile advertisingmakes the top 10 list because it will be an important way to monetize contenton the mobile Internet, offering free applications and services to end users.The
mobile channel will be used as part of larger advertising campaigns invarious media, including TV, radio, print and outdoors.

No. 9: Mobile Instant Messaging
Price and usability problems have historically held back adoption of mobileinstant messaging (IM), while commercial barriers and uncertain business modelshave precluded widespread carrier deployment and promotion. Mobile IM is onGartner’s top 10 list
because of latent user demand and market conditions thatare conducive to its future adoption. It has a particular appeal to users indeveloping markets that may rely on mobile phones as their only connectivitydevice. Mobile IM presents an opportunity for mobile
advertising and socialnetworking, which have been built into some of the more advanced mobile IMclients.

No. 10: Mobile Music
Mobile music so far has been disappointing — except for ring tones andring-back tones, which have turned into a multibillion-dollar service. On theother hand, it is unfair to dismiss the value of mobile music, as consumerswant music on their phones
and to carry it around. We see efforts by variousplayers in coming up with innovative models, such as device or service bundles,to address pricing and usability issues. iTunes makes people pay for music,which shows that a superior user experience does make
a difference.


时间: 2024-07-31 08:58:09



如今智能手机市场大多数方面都千篇一律,除了硬件之间的比拼就是各家特色功能的竞争,但在实际使用中,很多功能也都属于锦上 添花.真正对于 一款 手机的购买起决定性因素的,还是在于那一眼的缘分,由此可见,外观设计多么重要.而目前,购买手机不仅仅需要考虑机器配置.外观以及口碑,网络制式也是很 重要的,在现在这个4G已经十分普及的时代,换手机就一定要体验高速网络带来的良好体验,在这里笔者就为大家筛选了六款具有出色设计的4G手机供大家参 考,希望能为想要购买的用户提供一些帮助.     海信玛卡珑 海信于近


原文:http://www.cnbeta.com/articles/166847.htm 据国外媒体报道,移动分析公司Flurry统计数据显示,2012年美国,中国,印度和日本移动市场最具潜力.Flurry通过遍布全球的14万款应用采集数据.为了评估目前的市场潜力,Flurry首先统计了过去30天相关市场的应用安装量.全球智能手机用户总应用安装量为2.64亿,美国用户应用安装量为1.09亿,占41%.中国排名第2,总安装量为3500万. 英国和韩国分列3.4位,安装量分别为1700万和1600万

福布斯发布中国最具潜力中小企业榜 博雅互动夺冠

2014广朿日,上海---<福布斯>中文版连续第十年推出"中国最具潜力中小企业榜单".在中国上市潜力企业100强中,博雅互动勇夺桂冠,东旭光电咿a href="http://zdb.pedaily.cn/enterprise/海思科/" target=_blank>海思科分获二.三名.在中国非上市潜力企丿00强中_a href="http://zdb.pedaily.cn/Enterprise/恺英网络/" target=_bl


10月22日,2012首届安卓峰会在北京国际会议中心召开.会议上颁发了由网民.专家共同投票选出的"2012金掌奖".其中,腾讯自选股软件凭借"闪退零容忍.港股信息零延误"等优势摘得中国手机其他应用软件子项的"最具潜力奖". 在会上,腾讯http://www.aliyun.com/zixun/aggregation/13145.html">网络媒体产品技术部副总经理黄海表示,此次获奖是行业和用户对自选股的双重认可,虽然腾讯自选股软件


中介交易 SEO诊断 淘宝客 云主机 技术大厅 导语:社交媒体管理平台HootSuite CEO赖安·霍尔姆斯(Ryan Holmes)今天在<财富>杂志网站上撰文,评选出2013年最具潜力的七大社交网站,Pheed.Chirpify.Flayvr等网站榜上有名. 以下为具体榜单: 1.Pheed 为何要在Facebook和Twitter等社交网络上面,与全世界的人免费分享你的照片.视频和评论呢?何时才能从这些内容创收?这正是Pheed创办背后的逻辑.这家社交网站创立于2012年10月份,让用


2009年1月19日,老杳在总结2008年十佳本土集成电路设计公司的基础上推出"2009年最具潜力IC设计公司"(这十家公司虽然达不到2008年十佳IC设计公司的规模及影响,却是中国集成电路设计业的新生力量,无论产品定位及公司运营都有可能在2009年取得突破,摘自原文) 2009年已经过去大半,这些公司业绩如何,在此老杳进行一次中期点评. 1.上海摩威电子科技有限公司 2008年融资760万美元,推出媒体协处理器,并在联想等品牌手机中成功应用,老杳使用过这款手机感觉很好,销量也可以,不


摘要: 两年前,移动互联网应用还属于镜中花,水中月,只见其形,不见真身. 后来,微信带着腾讯帝国的霸气和企鹅的亲和力横空出世.如今,微信成为国内移动互联网应用中最具潜力的应 两年前,移动互联网应用还属于"镜中花,水中月",只见其形,不见真身. 后来,微信带着腾讯帝国的霸气和企鹅的亲和力横空出世.如今,微信成为国内移动互联网应用中最具潜力的应用. "腾讯威胁论"无可避免地再次被提出,尤其多位电信运营商高管在公开场合谈到,微信对运营商产品的不利影响已经非常明显,对此,马


易观国际近日发布<"云-端"模式-中国互联网增长新趋势>报告指出,"云-端"是中国互联网最具潜力的商业模式,将引领互联网产业新一轮增长,百度强有力的挑战者已经出现.凭借强大的"云-端"综合实力,搜狗在未来的竞争中将处于领先者地位. 报告指出,入口已成为中国互联网一种成熟的商业模式,随着搜狗等新势力的加入,对入口的争夺已走向多极化.分析人士认为,"云+端"是最具潜力的互联网商业模式.据了解,在"端"


"云-端"是最具潜力的互联网商业模式搜狗处于领先 易观国际发布<中国互联网增长新趋势报告>,重点指出,中国互联网世界正在发生巨大改变,"云-端"是最具潜力的互联网商业模式,也是未来竞争焦点,腾讯和搜狗处于领先者地位. 易观国际报告指出,互联网入口竞争转向多极化,将不仅是"搜索引擎"的专利,"云+端"是最具潜力的互联网商业模式."端",即工具,即用户,即流量:"云",即连接,即