WM Defining Bulk Storage Indicator定义大容量存储标识符(十一)

Defining Bulk Storage Indicator定义大容量存储标识符
The bulk storage indicator classifies materials according to the way they are stored in the bulk storage

area. The bulk storage indicator refers to how a material can be stacked. It serves as the criterion for

defining the structure of the bulk area.

A bulk storage indicator can be assigned to each material stored in a bulk storage area.  Materials that are

similar in the way they are stacked are assigned the same bulk storage indicator.

1. Classify the materials you want to store in a bulk storage area according to their stackability.
2. Define the appropriate bulk storage indicators.定义合适的散装存储标识
3. Assign the bulk storage indicators to the appropriate materials in the material master data section.
4. Use the defined bulk storage indicators when you define the bulk storage structures in your bulk storage

Further notes

For more information, refer to the section "Define Strategy for Bulk Storage".

时间: 2024-07-29 19:16:45

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