书接上回: http://blog.csdn.net/freewebsys/article/details/11037337
1,首先安装flash builder
然后安装debug http://www.adobe.com/go/flashplayer_debugger
使用Tree 组件和SuperTabNavigator 组件:
<s:Application xmlns:flexlib="http://code.google.com/p/flexlib/" xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark" xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="955" minHeight="600" creationComplete="initTabs()"> <fx:Declarations> <!-- 将非可视元素(例如服务、值对象)放在此处 --> <fx:XMLList id="treeData"> <node label="管理后台"> <node label="产品管理"> <node label="产品分类管理"/> <node label="产品管理"/> </node> <node label="地区管理"> <node label="省管理"/> <node label="市管理"/> <node label="县管理"/> </node> </node> </fx:XMLList> </fx:Declarations> <fx:Script> <![CDATA[ [Bindable] public var selectedNode:XML; import flexlib.controls.SuperTabBar; import flexlib.events.TabReorderEvent; import mx.controls.Label; import mx.containers.VBox; import mx.containers.Canvas; import flexlib.controls.tabBarClasses.SuperTab; import mx.containers.Panel; [Embed(source="../assets/document.png")] private var document_icon:Class; [Embed(source="../assets/home.png")] private var home_icon:Class; [Embed(source="../assets/closeButton.png")] private var close_icon:Class; private function initTabs():void { addTab("Home", nav, "This tab can't be closed", home_icon); for (var i:int = 0; i < 3; i++) { addTab("Tab " + (i + 1), nav); } callLater(initNonClosableTab); } private function initNonClosableTab():void { nav.setClosePolicyForTab(0, SuperTab.CLOSE_NEVER); } private function addTab(lbl:String, navigator:SuperTabNavigator, contentString:String=null, icon:Class= null):void { if (lbl == "") lbl = "(Untitled)"; var curNum:Number = nav.numChildren + 1; var child:VBox = new VBox(); child.setStyle("closable", true); child.label = lbl; if (icon) { child.icon = icon; } else { child.icon = document_icon; } var label:Label = new Label(); label.text = contentString == null ? "Content for: " + lbl : contentString; child.addChild(label); navigator.addChild(child); } /* The following two functions are a bit of a hack to try to get the * tab navigator to refresh the display and resize all the tabs. When * you change stuff like tabWidth (which is a style) then the tab * navigator has a hard time re-laying out the tabs. Adding and * removing a child can sometimes trigger it to re-layout the tabs. * I don't know, but just don't change tabWdith or horizontalGap or whatever * else at runtime, OK? Pick some values and stick with them. */ private function invalidateLater():void { var child:Canvas = new Canvas(); nav.addChild(child); nav.removeChild(child); callLater(invalidateNav); callLater(invalidateNav); } private function invalidateNav():void { nav.invalidateDisplayList(); } private function tabsReordered(event:TabReorderEvent):void { var tabBar:SuperTabBar = event.currentTarget as SuperTabBar; tabBar.setChildIndex(tabBar.getChildAt(event.oldIndex), event.newIndex); } // Event handler for the Tree control change event. public function treeChanged(event:Event):void { selectedNode=Tree(event.target).selectedItem as XML; } ]]> </fx:Script> <mx:Panel width="100%" height="100%" paddingBottom="5" paddingLeft="5" paddingRight="5" paddingTop="10" title="产品管理后台"> <mx:HDividedBox width="100%" height="100%"> <mx:Tree id="myTree" width="15%" height="100%" change="treeChanged(event)" dataProvider="{treeData}" labelField="@label" showRoot="false"/> <!--<mx:TextArea width="85%" height="100%" text="Selected Item: {selectedNode.@label}"/>--> <flexlib:SuperTabNavigator id="nav" width="85%" height="100%" closePolicy="{SuperTab.CLOSE_ROLLOVER}" horizontalGap="0" scrollSpeed="25" startScrollingEvent="{MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN}" stopScrollingEvent="{MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP}"/> </mx:HDividedBox> </mx:Panel> </s:Application>
时间: 2024-12-28 13:09:46