Create a Fedora Virtual Machine in oVirt

Create a Fedora Virtual Machine

1. From the navigation tabs, select Virtual Machines. On the Virtual Machines tab, click New VM.

2. The “New Virtual Machine” popup appears.


Figure 6: Create new linux virtual machine

3. Under General, your default Cluster and Template will be fine.

4. For Operating System, choose Red Hat Enterprise Linux (for i386/i686 Fedora) or Red Hat Enterprise Linux x64 (for x86_64 Fedora).

5. Under Optimized For, choose Desktop if you are creating a desktop VM, or Server if you are creating a server VM.

6. Add a Name (required) and a comment or description (optional).

7. Finally, attach a Network Interface (optional) to the VM by selecting one from the dropdown.

8. Click OK.

Note: By clicking “Additional Options” you can configure other details such as memory and CPU resources. You can change these after creating a VM as well.


9. A New Virtual Machine - Guide Me window opens. This allows you to add storage disks to the virtual machine.


Figure 7. New Virtual Machine – Guide Me

10. Click Configure Virtual Disks to add storage to the virtual machine.

11. Enter a Size for the disk.

12. Click OK.

The parameters in the following figure such as Interface and Allocation Policy are recommended, but can be edited as necessary.


Figure 8. Add Virtual Disk configurations

13. Close the Guide Me window by clicking Configure Later. Your new Fedora virtual machine will display in the Virtual Machines tab.

You have now created your Fedora virtual machine. Before you can use your virtual machine, install an operating system on it.

To install the Fedora guest operating system:

1. Right click the virtual machine and select Run Once. 2. Check “Attach CD” and choose a disk from the list

Note: If you do not have any in the list, you need to upload one.

3. Click OK.


Figure 9. Run once menu

Retain the default settings for the other options and click OK to start the virtual machine.

4. Select the virtual machine and click the Console ( ) icon. This displays a window to the virtual machine, where you will be prompted to begin installing the operating system. For further instructions, see the Fedora Installation Guide.

5. After the installation has completed, shut down the virtual machine and reboot from the hard drive.

You can now connect to your Fedora virtual machine and start using it.

Post Install Additions

Adding a few guest tools may improve your experience.

  • oVirt Guest Agent allows oVirt to show the Memory and Network utilization of the VM, the IP address of the VM, the installed Applications, Enable Single Sign On (SSO) and more.
  • Spice-vdagent allows for copy and paste support (text & image), better mouse functionality, and automatic adjustment of the screen resolution based on the size of your window.

Add the oVirt Guest Agent by following the directions at How to install the guest agent in Fedora

时间: 2024-09-16 11:20:17

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