笔记:Automated Journey Testing with Cascade


Key Takeaways
The problem of testing a system is becoming harder as we have larger teams, as we have more processes and as we adopt microservices architecture.(是的,微服务要背锅)
The testing problem is fundamentally different moving forward. We have less capability for testing specific functional points that we do in the unit test environment.
We are cursed by very costly network calls. And we can't escape this issue, unless you homogenise your tech stack and abstract out the network calls.
We need new tools for dealing with these state machines.The state machine is intrinsically beautiful.
We should take advantage of it.

Too many developers trying to access the same codebase.(过多的开发人员试图去访问同一代码块。)
The code takes too long to validate, so the semaphore doesn't clear quickly enough.(代码验证需要过长的时间,信号灯不能尽快地清空。)

What do we call these tests? They no longer focus on a particular requirement, but rather meet multiple requirements in one go.
How do we identify gaps? How do we know what we have missed?
How do we identify what scripts are redundant? If we have a new requirement, how can we know where to insert these new assertions?

The problem of testing a system is becoming harder as we have larger teams, as we have more processes and as we adopt microservices architecture.
The testing problem is fundamentally different moving forward. We have less capability for testing specific functional points that we do in the unit test environment.
We are cursed by very costly network calls. And we can't escape this issue, unless you homogenise your tech stack and abstract out the network calls.
We need new tools for dealing with these state machines.
The state machine is intrinsically beautiful. We should take advantage of it.


时间: 2024-08-20 22:06:25

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