import scipy, pylab # Read in the data into two variables indata = scipy.fromfile(open('input.32fc','r'), dtype=scipy.complex64 , count =10000) outdata = scipy.fromfile ( open ('output.32fc','r') , dtype=scipy.complex64,count =10000) # Do some data manipulations here # Plot the data fig = pylab.figure ( 1 , figsize = (14 , 8) , facecolor= 'w') sp = fig.add_subplot( 1 , 1 , 1 ) sp.plot(indata.real [ 1200:1300] ,'b−o ', linewidth =2) sp.plot(outdata.real [1200:1300],'r−s',linewidth<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;"> =2)</span> p yl ab . show ( )
时间: 2025-01-21 02:22:59