The world beyond batch: Streaming 101


What is streaming?

The crux of the problem is that many things that ought to be described bywhat they are (e.g., unbounded data processing, approximate results, etc.), have come to be described colloquially by how they historically have been accomplished (i.e., via streaming execution engines).

比如,认为Streaming就意味着Low-latency, approximate,lack of precision



I prefer to isolate the term streaming to a very specific meaning: a type of data processing engine that is designed with infinite data sets in mind. Nothing more.


Unbounded data: A type of ever-growing, essentially infinite data set. 
这个词用于描述数据集本身的特性,而Streaming用于描述processing engine

Unbounded data processing: An ongoing mode of data processing, applied to the aforementioned type of unbounded data.
which is at best misleading:repeated runs of batch engines have been used to process unbounded data since batch systems were first conceived 
batch engine也可以用于repeated的处理Unbounded data 
同样Streaming engine也可以用于处理Bounded data 

Low-latency, approximate, and/or speculative results:

作者认为只是,batch engine在设计时没有考虑要针对low-latency的场景,batch也可以做到low-latency,也可以得出approximate或speculative结果 
反之,streaming也可以balance low-latency来达到准确的结果


From here on out, any time I use the term “streaming,” you can safely assume I mean an execution engine designed for unbounded data sets, and nothing more.


What streaming can do?

近期流计算的兴起于Twitter’s Nathan Marz (creator of Storm)的Storm,当然也带给Streaming以low-latency, inaccurate/speculative results这样的标签

为了提供eventually correct results,Marz提出Lambda Architecture. 这种架构虽然看上去很简单,但是给出一种balance一致性和可用性的思路;


作者表示对于这种架构 a bit unsavory。

Unsurprisingly, I was a huge fan of Jay KrepsQuestioning the Lambda Architecture post when it came out.

所以下位出场的是linkedin的Jay Krep,他提出的是基于Kafka的Kappa Architecture,

该架构也很简单,但给出将两个pipeline合并成一个pipeline的思路;更关键的这个方案用well-designed streaming system替代了batch pipeline,这个对于作者是有很大启发的

作者对这个架构的评价,I’m not convinced that notion itself requires a name, but I fully support the idea in principle.


Quite honestly, I’d take things a step further. 
I would argue that well-designed streaming systems actually provide a strict superset of batch functionality.



Correctness — This gets you parity with batch.


At the core, correctness boils down to consistent storage. 
Streaming systems need a method for checkpointing persistent state over time (something Kreps has talked about in hisWhy local state is a fundamental primitive in stream processing post), and it must be well-designed enough to remain consistent in light of machine failures.


If you’re curious to learn more about what it takes to get strong consistency in a streaming system, I recommend you check out theMillWheel and Spark Streaming papers.


Tools for reasoning about time — This gets you beyond batch.


Good tools for reasoning about time are essential for dealing with unbounded, unordered data of varying event-time skew.

这是作者的重点,讨论如何处理unbounded, unordered data



In the context of unbounded data, disorder and variable skew induce a completeness problem for event time windows: 
lacking a predictable mapping between processing time and event time, how can you determine when you’ve observed all the data for a given event time X? For many real-world data sources, you simply can’t. The vast majority of data processing systems in use today rely on some notion of completeness, which puts them at a severe disadvantage when applied to unbounded data sets.



Data processing patterns


Bounded data


Unbounded data — batch

Fixed windows



这个和上面fixed windows的区别,人为的划分fixed windows会切断sessions,如图中红色


Unbounded data — streaming

现实中,unbounded data往往有两个特点,

  • Highly unordered with respect to event times, meaning you need some sort of time-based shuffle in your pipeline if you want to analyze the data in the context in which they occurred.
  • Of varying event time skew, meaning you can’t just assume you’ll always see most of the data for a given event time X within some constant epsilon of time Y.



Time-agnostic processing is used in cases where time is essentially irrelevant — i.e., all relevant logic is data driven.




Approximation algorithms

The second major category of approaches is approximation algorithms, such as approximate Top-Nstreaming K-means, etc.


Windowing by processing time

There are a few nice properties of processing time windowing:

  • It’s simple
  • Judging window completeness is straightforward.
  • If you’re wanting to infer information about the source as it is observed, processing time windowing is exactly what you want.


Windowing by event time

Event time windowing is what you use when you need to observe a data source in finite chunks that reflect the times at which those events actually happened.

It’s the gold standard of windowing. Sadly, most data processing systems in use today lack native support for it.

这种方式是作者所采用的,他认为是gold standard of windowing,而当前的system往往都是native不支持的,原因是比较困难,这也是作者的主要贡献,102中会详细描述


Of course, powerful semantics rarely come for free, and event time windows are no exception. Event time windows have two notable drawbacks due to the fact that windows must often live longer (in processing time) than the actual length of the window itself:

Buffering: Due to extended window lifetimes, more buffering of data is required.

Completeness: Given that we often have no good way of knowing when we’ve seen all the data for a given window, how do we know when the results for the window are ready to materialize? In truth, we simply don’t.

时间: 2024-09-20 08:36:36

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