SAP Fiori Design Guidelines

SAP Fiori Design Guidelines


SAP Fiori

SAP Fiori is the
design language that brings great user experiences to enterprise applications.
Based on user roles and business processes, SAP Fiori simplifies doing
business. SAP Fiori is a paradigm shift away from monolithic ERP solutions
towards light-weight apps tailored to the users’ tasks. To accelerate the
transformation of the world’s digital economy, SAP is applying this design
language to leading technology platforms.

Role - Based

Designed for you, your needs, and how you work


Adapts to multiple use cases and devices


Provides one fluid, intuitive experience


Includes only what is necessary


Makes an emotional connection



Design Values and Principles

SAP Fiori sets
the standard for enterprise user experience by removing unnecessary complexity.
We put users in control of their business tasks by giving them only what they
really need. This core goal is reflected in five design principles: role-based,
adaptive, coherent, simple, and delightful.

Design Language

The SAP Fiori
design language guides designers in their task of creating consistent and
coherent products. It expresses the values and priorities of the design
independent of technology or domain.

Red Dot Award - Design Concept

The SAP Fiori
2.0 user experience (UX) design concept won a Red Dot in the Interaction
Category at the Red Dot Award: Design Concept 2015. The Red Dot Design Award is
one of the most prestigious design awards worldwide and honors innovation,
concepts and visions. SAP earned the award in the fiercely competitive Design
Concept discipline, which this year received 4,680 entries from 61 countries.

What the Market says about Fiori

"The way we
see it, UX is one of the most important elements in our digital vision for the
company. It's not just the back-end."

CIO, consumer

business increasingly thinks of innovation in terms of user experience and
customer experience; our IT organization needs to do the same."

COO, oil &

"Fiori is
the future. When do we want it? How soon is now?"

VP of Enterprise
Systems, retail

"With Fiori
2.0 we are now really excited to move to Fiori. Now it really has become more

customers at Teched 2015





时间: 2024-07-30 19:15:20

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