Python的3.0版本,在开发阶段被称为Python 3000,或简称Py3k。相对于Python的早期版本,这是一个较大的升级。为了不带入过多的累赘,Python 3.0在设计的时候就没有考虑向下兼容。许多针对早期Python版本设计的程序都无法在Python 3.0上正常运行。为了照顾现有程序,Python 2.6作为一个过渡版本,基本使用了Python 2.x的语法和库,同时考虑了向Python 3.0的迁移。基于早期Python版本而能正常运行于Python 2.6并无警告的程序可以通过一个2 to 3的转换工具无缝迁移到Python 3.0。
Python 3.1.4发行说明:
The Python 3.1 version series is a continuation of the work started by Python 3.0, the new backwards-incompatible series of Python. For ongoing maintenance releases, please see the Python 3.2 series. Improvements in the the 3.1 series release include:
An ordered dictionary type Various optimizations to the int type New unittest
features including test skipping and new
assert methods. A much faster io module ">Tile support for Tkinter A pure Python reference implementation of the import statement New syntax for nested with statements
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