Copycat - AppendRequest



   * Commits the given configuration.
  protected CompletableFuture<Long> configure(Collection<Member> members) {
    final long index;
    try (ConfigurationEntry entry = context.getLog().create(ConfigurationEntry.class)) {
      index = context.getLog().append(entry); //先把configuration写入local log
      LOGGER.debug("{} - Appended {}", context.getCluster().member().address(), entry);

      // Store the index of the configuration entry in order to prevent other configurations from
      // being logged and committed concurrently. This is an important safety property of Raft.
      configuring = index; //configuring用于互斥
      context.getClusterState().configure(new Configuration(entry.getIndex(), entry.getTerm(), entry.getTimestamp(), entry.getMembers())); //更新ClusterState

    return appender.appendEntries(index).whenComplete((commitIndex, commitError) -> { //appendEntries,把configuration发给follower
      if (isOpen()) {
        // Reset the configuration index to allow new configuration changes to be committed.
        configuring = 0; //configuring完成



   * Sends append requests for a command to followers.
  private void appendCommand(long index, CompletableFuture<CommandResponse> future) {
    appender.appendEntries(index).whenComplete((commitIndex, commitError) -> { //appendEntries到该index
      if (isOpen()) {
        if (commitError == null) {
          applyCommand(index, future); //如果成功,applyCommand
        } else {




 * The leader appender is responsible for sending {@link AppendRequest}s on behalf of a leader to followers.
 * Append requests are sent by the leader only to other active members of the cluster.
 * @author <a href=">Jordan Halterman</a>
final class LeaderAppender extends AbstractAppender {



   * Registers a commit handler for the given commit index.
   * @param index The index for which to register the handler.
   * @return A completable future to be completed once the given log index has been committed.
  public CompletableFuture<Long> appendEntries(long index) {
    if (index == 0) //如果index=0,等同于heartbeat
      return appendEntries();

    if (index <= context.getCommitIndex()) //如果index小于commit index,说明不需要commit
      return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(index);

    // If there are no other stateful servers in the cluster, immediately commit the index.
    if (context.getClusterState().getActiveMemberStates().isEmpty() && context.getClusterState().getPassiveMemberStates().isEmpty()) {
      long previousCommitIndex = context.getCommitIndex();
      completeCommits(previousCommitIndex, index);
      return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(index);
    // If there are no other active members in the cluster, update the commit index and complete the commit.
    // The updated commit index will be sent to passive/reserve members on heartbeats.
    else if (context.getClusterState().getActiveMemberStates().isEmpty()) {
      long previousCommitIndex = context.getCommitIndex();
      completeCommits(previousCommitIndex, index);
      return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(index);

    // Only send entry-specific AppendRequests to active members of the cluster.
    return appendFutures.computeIfAbsent(index, i –> { //computeIfAbsent,如果map中没有key为index的item,执行后面的函数
      for (MemberState member : context.getClusterState().getActiveMemberStates()) {
      return new CompletableFuture<>();


private final Map<Long, CompletableFuture<Long>> appendFutures = new HashMap<>();





  protected void appendEntries(MemberState member) {

    // If the member term is less than the current term or the member's configuration index is less
    // than the local configuration index, send a configuration update to the member.
    // Ensure that only one configuration attempt per member is attempted at any given time by storing the
    // member state in a set of configuring members.
    // Once the configuration is complete sendAppendRequest will be called recursively.
    else if (member.getConfigTerm() < context.getTerm() || member.getConfigIndex() < context.getClusterState().getConfiguration().index()) {
      if (member.canConfigure()) {
        sendConfigureRequest(member, buildConfigureRequest(member));
    // If the member is a reserve or passive member, send an empty AppendRequest to it.
    else if (member.getMember().type() == Member.Type.RESERVE || member.getMember().type() == Member.Type.PASSIVE) {
      if (member.canAppend()) {
        sendAppendRequest(member, buildAppendEmptyRequest(member)); //如果是reserve或passive,只需要发heartbeat,即emptyAppend
    // If the member's current snapshot index is less than the latest snapshot index and the latest snapshot index
    // is less than the nextIndex, send a snapshot request.
    else if (member.getMember().type() == Member.Type.ACTIVE && context.getSnapshotStore().currentSnapshot() != null
      && context.getSnapshotStore().currentSnapshot().index() >= member.getNextIndex()
      && context.getSnapshotStore().currentSnapshot().index() > member.getSnapshotIndex()) {
      if (member.canInstall()) {
        sendInstallRequest(member, buildInstallRequest(member));
    // If no AppendRequest is already being sent, send an AppendRequest.
    else if (member.canAppend()) {
      sendAppendRequest(member, buildAppendRequest(member, context.getLog().lastIndex())); //发送AppendRequest



protected AppendRequest buildAppendRequest(MemberState member, long lastIndex) {
    // If the log is empty then send an empty commit.
    // If the next index hasn't yet been set then we send an empty commit first.
    // If the next index is greater than the last index then send an empty commit.
    // If the member failed to respond to recent communication send an empty commit. This
    // helps avoid doing expensive work until we can ascertain the member is back up.
    if (context.getLog().isEmpty() || member.getNextIndex() > lastIndex || member.getFailureCount() > 0) {
      return buildAppendEmptyRequest(member); //这里如果是上面的appendEntries(),hb,会直接发送emptyAppend
    } else {
      return buildAppendEntriesRequest(member, lastIndex);



   * Builds a populated AppendEntries request.
  protected AppendRequest buildAppendEntriesRequest(MemberState member, long lastIndex) {
    Entry prevEntry = getPrevEntry(member); //查找该member的上一个entry index

    ServerMember leader = context.getLeader();
    AppendRequest.Builder builder = AppendRequest.builder()
      .withLeader(leader != null ? : 0)
      .withLogIndex(prevEntry != null ? prevEntry.getIndex() : 0)
      .withLogTerm(prevEntry != null ? prevEntry.getTerm() : 0)

    // Calculate the starting index of the list of entries.
    final long index = prevEntry != null ? prevEntry.getIndex() + 1 : context.getLog().firstIndex(); //如果有preEntry,就从+1开始读,如果没有,就从first开始

    // Build a list of entries to send to the member.
    List<Entry> entries = new ArrayList<>((int) Math.min(8, lastIndex - index + 1)); //意思最多8个

    // Build a list of entries up to the MAX_BATCH_SIZE. Note that entries in the log may
    // be null if they've been compacted and the member to which we're sending entries is just
    // joining the cluster or is otherwise far behind. Null entries are simply skipped and not
    // counted towards the size of the batch.
    // If there exists an entry in the log with size >= MAX_BATCH_SIZE the logic ensures that
    // entry will be sent in a batch of size one
    int size = 0;

    // Iterate through remaining entries in the log up to the last index.
    for (long i = index; i <= lastIndex; i++) {
      // Get the entry from the log and append it if it's not null. Entries in the log can be null
      // if they've been cleaned or compacted from the log. Each entry sent in the append request
      // has a unique index to handle gaps in the log.
      Entry entry = context.getLog().get(i);
      if (entry != null) {
        if (!entries.isEmpty() && size + entry.size() > MAX_BATCH_SIZE) { //用MAX_BATCH_SIZE控制batch的大小
        size += entry.size();

    // Release the previous entry back to the entry pool.
    if (prevEntry != null) {

    // Add the entries to the request builder and build the request.
    return builder.withEntries(entries).build();



   * Connects to the member and sends a commit message.
  protected void sendAppendRequest(MemberState member, AppendRequest request) {
    // Set the start time of the member's current commit. This will be used to associate responses
    // with the current commit request.

    super.sendAppendRequest(member, request);



   * Connects to the member and sends a commit message.
  protected void sendAppendRequest(MemberState member, AppendRequest request) {
    // Start the append to the member.

    LOGGER.debug("{} - Sent {} to {}", context.getCluster().member().address(), request, member.getMember().address());
    context.getConnections().getConnection(member.getMember().address()).whenComplete((connection, error) –> { // 试着去connect

      if (open) {
        if (error == null) {
          sendAppendRequest(connection, member, request); // 如果连接成功,sendAppendRequest
        } else {
          // Complete the append to the member.

          // Trigger reactions to the request failure.
          handleAppendRequestFailure(member, request, error);


   * Sends a commit message.
  protected void sendAppendRequest(Connection connection, MemberState member, AppendRequest request) {
    long timestamp = System.nanoTime();
    connection.<AppendRequest, AppendResponse>send(request).whenComplete((response, error) -> { //send

      // Complete the append to the member.
      if (!request.entries().isEmpty()) {
        member.completeAppend(System.nanoTime() - timestamp);
      } else {

      if (open) {
        if (error == null) {
          LOGGER.debug("{} - Received {} from {}", context.getCluster().member().address(), response, member.getMember().address());
          handleAppendResponse(member, request, response); //如果发送成功
        } else {
          handleAppendResponseFailure(member, request, error); //如果发送失败

    updateNextIndex(member, request);
    if (!request.entries().isEmpty() && hasMoreEntries(member)) {



   * Handles an append response.
  protected void handleAppendResponse(MemberState member, AppendRequest request, AppendResponse response) {
    // Trigger commit futures if necessary.
    updateHeartbeatTime(member, null);

    super.handleAppendResponse(member, request, response);

   * Handles an append response.
  protected void handleAppendResponse(MemberState member, AppendRequest request, AppendResponse response) {
    if (response.status() == Response.Status.OK) {
      handleAppendResponseOk(member, request, response);
    } else {
      handleAppendResponseError(member, request, response);


   * Handles a {@link Response.Status#OK} response.
  protected void handleAppendResponseOk(MemberState member, AppendRequest request, AppendResponse response) {
    // Reset the member failure count and update the member's availability status if necessary.
    succeedAttempt(member); //更新hb

    // If replication succeeded then trigger commit futures.
    if (response.succeeded()) {
      updateMatchIndex(member, response); //更新match index 

      // If entries were committed to the replica then check commit indexes.
      if (!request.entries().isEmpty()) {
        commitEntries(); //试图commit entries

      // If there are more entries to send then attempt to send another commit.
      if (hasMoreEntries(member)) {
    // If we've received a greater term, update the term and transition back to follower.
    else if (response.term() > context.getTerm()) {
    // If the response failed, the follower should have provided the correct last index in their log. This helps
    // us converge on the matchIndex faster than by simply decrementing nextIndex one index at a time.
    else {
      resetMatchIndex(member, response);

      // If there are more entries to send then attempt to send another commit.
      if (hasMoreEntries(member)) {



   * Checks whether any futures can be completed.
  private void commitEntries() {

    // Sort the list of replicas, order by the last index that was replicated
    // to the replica. This will allow us to determine the median index
    // for all known replicated entries across all cluster members.
    List<MemberState> members = context.getClusterState().getActiveMemberStates((m1, m2) -> //将ActiveMembers按照matchIndex排序 != 0 ? m2.getMatchIndex() : 0l, m1.getMatchIndex() != 0 ? m1.getMatchIndex() : 0l));

    // Calculate the current commit index as the median matchIndex.
    long commitIndex = members.get(quorumIndex()).getMatchIndex(); //取出quorum个member的最小match index

    // If the commit index has increased then update the commit index. Note that in order to ensure
    // the leader completeness property holds, we verify that the commit index is greater than or equal to
    // the index of the leader's no-op entry. Update the commit index and trigger commit futures.
    long previousCommitIndex = context.getCommitIndex();
    if (commitIndex > 0 && commitIndex > previousCommitIndex && (leaderIndex > 0 && commitIndex >= leaderIndex)) { //如果quorum个member都已经完成同步
      completeCommits(previousCommitIndex, commitIndex); //commit这次append



   * Completes append entries attempts up to the given index.
  private void completeCommits(long previousCommitIndex, long commitIndex) {
    for (long i = previousCommitIndex + 1; i <= commitIndex; i++) {
      CompletableFuture<Long> future = appendFutures.remove(i);
      if (future != null) {



public void connectServer(Connection connection) {
  connection.handler(AppendRequest.class, request -> state.append(request));




可以看到append,在每个state中都有实现,上面的append只会发到所有的active memeber


  public CompletableFuture<AppendResponse> append(final AppendRequest request) {

    // If the request indicates a term that is greater than the current term then
    // assign that term and leader to the current context and transition to follower.
    boolean transition = updateTermAndLeader(request.term(), request.leader());

    CompletableFuture<AppendResponse> future = CompletableFuture.completedFuture(logResponse(handleAppend(request)));

    // If a transition is required then transition back to the follower state.
    // If the node is already a follower then the transition will be ignored.
    if (transition) {
    return future;


  protected AppendResponse appendEntries(AppendRequest request) {
    // Get the last entry index or default to the request log index.
    long lastEntryIndex = request.logIndex();
    if (!request.entries().isEmpty()) {
      lastEntryIndex = request.entries().get(request.entries().size() - 1).getIndex();

    // Ensure the commitIndex is not increased beyond the index of the last entry in the request.
    long commitIndex = Math.max(context.getCommitIndex(), Math.min(request.commitIndex(), lastEntryIndex));

    // Iterate through request entries and append them to the log.
    for (Entry entry : request.entries()) {
      // If the entry index is greater than the last log index, skip missing entries.
      if (context.getLog().lastIndex() < entry.getIndex()) {
        context.getLog().skip(entry.getIndex() - context.getLog().lastIndex() - 1).append(entry);
        LOGGER.debug("{} - Appended {} to log at index {}", context.getCluster().member().address(), entry, entry.getIndex());
      } else if (context.getCommitIndex() >= entry.getIndex()) {
      } else {
        // Compare the term of the received entry with the matching entry in the log.
        long term = context.getLog().term(entry.getIndex());
        if (term != 0) {
          if (entry.getTerm() != term) {
            // We found an invalid entry in the log. Remove the invalid entry and append the new entry.
            // If appending to the log fails, apply commits and reply false to the append request.
            LOGGER.debug("{} - Appended entry term does not match local log, removing incorrect entries", context.getCluster().member().address());
            context.getLog().truncate(entry.getIndex() - 1).append(entry);
            LOGGER.debug("{} - Appended {} to log at index {}", context.getCluster().member().address(), entry, entry.getIndex());
        } else {
          context.getLog().truncate(entry.getIndex() - 1).append(entry);
          LOGGER.debug("{} - Appended {} to log at index {}", context.getCluster().member().address(), entry, entry.getIndex());

    // If we've made it this far, apply commits and send a successful response.
    LOGGER.debug("{} - Committed entries up to index {}", context.getCluster().member().address(), commitIndex);

    // Apply commits to the local state machine.
    context.getStateMachine().applyAll(context.getCommitIndex()); //apply commit

    return AppendResponse.builder()




  public CompletableFuture<AppendResponse> append(AppendRequest request) {
    CompletableFuture<AppendResponse> future = super.append(request);

    // Reset the heartbeat timeout.

    // Send AppendEntries requests to passive members if necessary.
    appender.appendEntries(); //同步到passive
    return future;







final class LeaderAppender extends AbstractAppender {
  private CompletableFuture<Long> heartbeatFuture;
  private CompletableFuture<Long> nextHeartbeatFuture;

   * Triggers a heartbeat to a majority of the cluster.
   * <p>
   * For followers to which no AppendRequest is currently being sent, a new empty AppendRequest will be
   * created and sent. For followers to which an AppendRequest is already being sent, the appendEntries()
   * call will piggyback on the *next* AppendRequest. Thus, multiple calls to this method will only ever
   * result in a single AppendRequest to each follower at any given time, and the returned future will be
   * shared by all concurrent calls.
   * @return A completable future to be completed the next time a heartbeat is received by a majority of the cluster.
  public CompletableFuture<Long> appendEntries() {
    // If there are no other active members in the cluster, simply complete the append operation.
    if (context.getClusterState().getRemoteMemberStates().isEmpty())
      return CompletableFuture.completedFuture(null);

    // If no heartbeat future already exists, that indicates there's no heartbeat currently under way.
    // Create a new heartbeat future and commit to all members in the cluster.
    if (heartbeatFuture == null) {
      CompletableFuture<Long> newHeartbeatFuture = new CompletableFuture<>();
      heartbeatFuture = newHeartbeatFuture;
      heartbeatTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
      for (MemberState member : context.getClusterState().getRemoteMemberStates()) {
      return newHeartbeatFuture;
    // If a heartbeat future already exists, that indicates there is a heartbeat currently underway.
    // We don't want to allow callers to be completed by a heartbeat that may already almost be done.
    // So, we create the next heartbeat future if necessary and return that. Once the current heartbeat
    // completes the next future will be used to do another heartbeat. This ensures that only one
    // heartbeat can be outstanding at any given point in time.
    else if (nextHeartbeatFuture == null) {
      nextHeartbeatFuture = new CompletableFuture<>();
      return nextHeartbeatFuture;
    } else {
      return nextHeartbeatFuture;


heartbeatFuture 和 nextHeartbeatFuture分别表示本次和下次hb的future





   * Starts sending AppendEntries requests to all cluster members.
  private void startAppendTimer() {
    // Set a timer that will be used to periodically synchronize with other nodes
    // in the cluster. This timer acts as a heartbeat to ensure this node remains
    // the leader.
    LOGGER.debug("{} - Starting append timer", context.getCluster().member().address());
    appendTimer = context.getThreadContext().schedule(Duration.ZERO, context.getHeartbeatInterval(), this::appendMembers);


   * Sends AppendEntries requests to members of the cluster that haven't heard from the leader in a while.
  private void appendMembers() {
    if (isOpen()) {


heartbeatFuture 和 nextHeartbeatFuture是什么时候被complete的?

  protected void handleConfigureResponse(MemberState member, ConfigureRequest request, ConfigureResponse response) {
    // Trigger commit futures if necessary.
    updateHeartbeatTime(member, null);

    super.handleConfigureResponse(member, request, response);



   * Sets a commit time or fails the commit if a quorum of successful responses cannot be achieved.
  private void updateHeartbeatTime(MemberState member, Throwable error) {
    if (heartbeatFuture == null) {

    if (error != null && member.getHeartbeatStartTime() == heartbeatTime) { //如果hb response有error
      int votingMemberSize = context.getClusterState().getActiveMemberStates().size() + (context.getCluster().member().type() == Member.Type.ACTIVE ? 1 : 0);
      int quorumSize = (int) Math.floor(votingMemberSize / 2) + 1;
      // If a quorum of successful responses cannot be achieved, fail this heartbeat. Ensure that only
      // ACTIVE members are considered. A member could have been transitioned to another state while the
      // heartbeat was being sent.
      if (member.getMember().type() == Member.Type.ACTIVE && ++heartbeatFailures > votingMemberSize - quorumSize) { //如果超过votingMemberSize - quorumSize的member hb失败
        heartbeatFuture.completeExceptionally(new InternalException("Failed to reach consensus")); //此次hb失败
    } else {
      member.setHeartbeatTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); //更新该member的hb

      // Sort the list of commit times. Use the quorum index to get the last time the majority of the cluster
      // was contacted. If the current heartbeatFuture's time is less than the commit time then trigger the
      // commit future and reset it to the next commit future.
      if (heartbeatTime <= heartbeatTime()) { //如果大于quorum member的hb都比上次hb的时间新
        heartbeatFuture.complete(null); //hb成功,complete heartbeatFuture

   * Returns the last time a majority of the cluster was contacted.
   * <p>
   * This is calculated by sorting the list of active members and getting the last time the majority of
   * the cluster was contacted based on the index of a majority of the members. So, in a list of 3 ACTIVE
   * members, index 1 (the second member) will be used to determine the commit time in a sorted members list.
  private long heartbeatTime() {
    int quorumIndex = quorumIndex();
    if (quorumIndex >= 0) {
      return context.getClusterState().getActiveMemberStates((m1, m2)->, m1.getHeartbeatTime())).get(quorumIndex).getHeartbeatTime();
    return System.currentTimeMillis();


可以看到这里,会把heartbeatFuture complete掉,无论是completeExceptionally还是complete



   * Completes a heartbeat by replacing the current heartbeatFuture with the nextHeartbeatFuture, updating the
   * current heartbeatTime, and starting a new {@link AppendRequest} to all active members.
  private void completeHeartbeat() {
    heartbeatFailures = 0;
    heartbeatFuture = nextHeartbeatFuture; //把nextHeartbeatFuture给heartbeatFuture
    nextHeartbeatFuture = null;
    if (heartbeatFuture != null) {
      heartbeatTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); //更新heartbeatTime
      for (MemberState member : context.getClusterState().getRemoteMemberStates()) {
        appendEntries(member); //再来一轮







private void appendLinearizableQuery(QueryEntry entry, ServerSessionContext session, CompletableFuture<QueryResponse> future) {
    appender.appendEntries().whenComplete((commitIndex, commitError) -> {
      if (isOpen()) {
        if (commitError == null) {
          sequenceLinearizableQuery(entry, future);
        } else {

时间: 2024-07-30 18:23:22

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