ios9 HTTPS

The Xcode Server API Reference is the underlying interface for Xcode Server.


For detailed information about installing and using Xcode Server, see Xcode
Server and Continuous Integration Guide


Use HTTPS to make all Xcode Server requests.

UTF-8 Encoding

Every string passed to and from the Xcode Server API needs to be UTF-8 encoded.

Error Handling

Errors are returned using standard HTTP error code syntax. Any additional info is included in the body of the response, JSON-formatted:

  1. {
  2. "status": 401,
  3. "message": "Unauthorized: invalid credentials"
  4. }

List of supported error codes:

  1. 400: Bad Request
  2. 401: Unauthorized
  3. 403: Forbidden
  4. 404: Not Found
  5. 409: Conflict
  6. 410: Gone
  7. 500: Internal Server Error
  8. 501: Not Implemented
  9. 502: Bad Gateway
  10. 503: Service Unavailable
  11. 523: Service is not Enabled
  12. 530: Client unsupported.
  13. 531: ACL expansion not yet completed.
  14. 532: Service maintenance task active


The version is set in the header using X-XCSAPIVersion.
If you omit this property, Xcode Server assumes the latest version.

Request Headers

All Xcode Server responses contain the version number of the API that the server supports. The version number is set in the response header using X-XCSAPIVersion.


The section contains detailed information about the contents and meaning of the various payload structures used in Xcode Server requests and responses.

Document ID and Revision

Xcode Server stores the data in documents. Each document in CouchDB has at least two properties: _id and_rev.

  • _id is a unique identifier
    that makes the document unique.
  • _rev is a value that changes
    every time the document is modified.
时间: 2025-01-30 12:41:33

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问题 iOS9以后的http请求协议无法使用. 错误描述: App Transport Security has blocked a cleartext HTTP (http://) resource load since it is insecure. Temporary exceptions can be configured via your app's Info.plist file. 原因 由于iOS9中,苹果将原http协议改成了https协议,使用TLS1.2 SSL加密请求数据.

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一. HTTPS 其实HTTPS从最终的数据解析的角度,与HTTP没有任何的区别,HTTPS就是将HTTP协议数据包放到SSL/TSL层加密后,在TCP/IP层组成IP数据报去传输,以此保证传输数据的安全:而对于接收端,在SSL/TSL将接收的数据包解密之后,将数据传给HTTP协议层,就是普通的HTTP数据.HTTP和SSL/TSL都处于OSI模型的应用层.从HTTP切换到HTTPS是一个非常简单的过程,在做具体的切换操作之前,我们需要了解几个概念: SSL/TLS 为了保证这些隐私数据能加密传

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大熊猫猪·侯佩原创或翻译作品.欢迎转载,转载请注明出处. 如果觉得写的不好请多提意见,如果觉得不错请多多支持点赞.谢谢! hopy ;) iOS9中增加了系统的安全性,你会发现默认情况下打开非https的网址后,在读取网络数据时发生如下错误: The resource could not be loaded because the App Transport Security policy requires the use of a secure connection. 原因是iOS9中引入了一


一.网络适配由http改成https     苹果官方对App Transport Security Technote的解释如下:     翻译成中文的意思就是说:iOS9.0SDK在编译的时候,默认所有从NSURLConnection.CFURL和NSURLSession发出的http请求,都改为https请求.由于AFNetworking版本底层是用了NSURLConnection,所以使用AFNetworking的app都将受到影响.对于这个问题的解决办法有三种,一:让服务器更新,使用ht