



As a airline company, I've cooperated with some car companies as my partner. The user can get discount if they book the car after booking our airline tickets. Therefore, in our airline app, we support the functionality that user can book the car.


  • User select Car Companies from companies list when search cars.
  • Car company list is from API response
  • User can tap to check or uncheck the car company in the list
  • Mock-up as below

(Please write down your answer in English)

a. Please write down all your assumptions for this requirement.

b. Design the test cases for this scenario based on your assumptions.
c. How do you think the difference between mobile testing and general web testing?


a. you can say: the whole car companies can obtain from a single web service site, let's asume that the app is written in java and runs on android platforms, the departure is just the destination airport, etc.
b. you can give some cases briefly, for example, when use chose an airline, after he selected the destination airport, then, give him a car companies list, and he are able to choose different car types as well. the system can calc the discount rate and the total prices, and the prices list allow user to sort by different conditions.
c. the mobile testing is more complicate than web testing. the different devices may have different behaviors. the test must cover all the phycal devices so that we can find any potential issues.


If my answer meet your request and you feel appreciated that, please DON'T forget click the "accept the answer" button at the right site of my answer. Thanks.

时间: 2025-01-11 03:22:35



问题描述 求助,哪位大神能帮忙写个模拟登陆csdn的程序,我拿来做例子,研究httpclient模拟登陆,谢谢 求助哪位大神能帮忙写个模拟登陆csdn的程序,我拿来做例子,研究httpclient模拟登陆,谢谢 解决方案 http://blog.csdn.net/njchenyi/article/details/38801287 解决方案二: 报错了....能直接发我个么..= =初学者,并不太懂,谢谢


问题描述 基于人工蜂群算法的高校排课系统,必有重谢 解决方案 解决方案二:只要能做出来rmb也可以解决方案三:唉,课设还没做完.我又没钱让别人帮做,怎么办?解决方案四:楼主,你说一下给多少RMB?解决方案五:先报个价吧.解决方案六:能做出来吗500?现在没有思路啊,不知道怎么结合算法排课,约束条件怎么转化成排课的矩阵?

小弟初来乍到 新手一枚 想请问众神点问题 希望众位大神能帮忙解决一下

问题描述 packagesystemZG;importjava.io.PrintWriter;importjava.io.StringWriter;importjava.sql.Connection;importjava.sql.DriverManager;//importjava.sql.PreparedStatement;importjava.sql.ResultSet;importjava.sql.SQLException;importjava.sql.Statement;//import

java 面试-请问这道面试题的解决思路是什么?

问题描述 请问这道面试题的解决思路是什么? 题目:把一个数组里的数组合全部列出 代码是: [code=java]public class Test7_1_1 { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{ String[] array=new String[]{ "1","2","3","4" }; listAll(Arrays.asList(array),


问题描述 请问设计了一套笔试题(word2007版),如何转换成网页格式并具备倒计时功能? 我设计了一套人格测试题,都是选择题,用的是word07版,希望将答题时间限定在15分钟内,在候选人点击进去时便开始倒计时,咨询了一位IT朋友,她说要转换成网页格式并下一个插件,请教各位大神,应该如何做才能实现计划功能?谢谢! 解决方案 http://www.officezu.com/a/word/6203.html 解决方案二: 网页的话,js有很多第三方计时库

测试-求这道题目代码 我只能做这种弹出提示框的 不能把分数和相应错题答案连接到新窗口

问题描述 求这道题目代码 我只能做这种弹出提示框的 不能把分数和相应错题答案连接到新窗口 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" > &


当一个好的测试用户很难找到时 假设你被任命进行一场可用性测试.请问如何解决以下3个有关被测人员招募的问题?这些问题在过去的一年里总是困扰着我. 一个开发人员想要为以高级律师为目标用户的手机应用软件进行一次可用性测试.那么如何使得这些极其忙碌且有权有势的人来进行测试? 一个为飞机头等舱设计躺椅的设计师想要对他的目标用户进行躺椅的控制测试.他如何吸引那些有钱的人来加入他的测试评估? 一个科技公司开发了一个协助找到并跟踪恐怖分子的安全服务.它如何来雇佣间谍测试这款服务? 你显然可以提出一些想法来帮助解


说到测试用例的设计,我想每个有过测试经历的测试工程师都会认为很简单,不就是:按需求或概要设计,得到软件功能划分图,然后据此按每个功能,采用等价类划分.临界值.因果图等方法来设计用例就行了. 但事实上撇开测试数据的设计不谈,仅就测试项来说,我们发现,对同一个项目,有经验的测试人员,在写用例或测试时总会有更多的测试考虑点,从而发现更多的问题:而有些测试人员测试用例的撰写却只有那么三板斧,表面看好象已经把页面所有信息的测试都考虑到了,实际上却还是遗漏了大量测试覆盖点,导致其测试出来的程序总是比较脆弱.


原文designing for the future web: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2011/03/29/designing-for-the-future-web/ Introduction 灰常好的一篇文章!这里只了提些主干出来,强烈推荐原文,尤其技术方面的很多tips有深入的讲解. 本文推崇的是"因为现代人越来越生活net依存状态,ipad,3g等等,各种情况下人时时刻刻都在online状态中.所以如何让任何用户在任何情境下使用任何进入网络的工具(