等待模拟-read by other session


create or replace procedure test_buffer_read



  for x in (select * from test) loop


  end loop;


var job_no number;


  for idx in 1..20 loop


end loop;



然后手动执行一次 execute test_buffer_read

select * from v$session_event a,(select SID from v$mystat where rownum
where a.SID=b.sid;




latch: cache buffers chains

latch: cache buffers chains

latch: cache buffers chains

db file scattered read

read by other session

read by other session

db file sequential read

latch: cache buffers chains

read by other session

db file scattered read

read by other session

job scheduler coordinator slave wait


可以用如下语句查看,当前会话中的等待对象如果等待的是data block的话,但是速度很慢。。


    SELECT a.segment_name,b.wait_time,'LOG READ' FROM DBA_EXTENTS a,

    (select p1,p2,WAIT_TIME from v$session_wait where event in  ('read by other session','buffer busy waits') and p3=1) b

    where a.file_id=b.p1 and b.p2 between a.block_id and a.block_id+a.blocks-1

    union all

    SELECT a.segment_name,b.wait_time,'phy READ' FROM DBA_EXTENTS a,

    (select p1,p2,WAIT_TIME from v$session_wait where event in  ('db file scattered read','db file sequential read')) b

    where a.file_id=b.p1 and b.p2 between a.block_id and a.block_id+a.blocks-1

    order by wait_time; 

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上一篇:等待模拟-cache buffer chain


时间: 2024-07-30 10:59:37

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