Devexpress VCL Build v2014 vol 14.2.6 发布

终于支持XE8 了。需要这么长时间吗?

New Major Features in 14.2

What's New in VCL Products 14.2

Feature Highlights

To learn about feature highlights in this version, please refer to the following page:

Feature Highlights in 14.2.6 (VCL Product Line)

Known Issues

To learn about known issues in this version, please refer to the following page:

Known Issues in 14.2.6 (VCL Product Line)

The following sections list all minor and major changes in DevExpress
VCL 14.2.6. Note that products, controls and libraries which aren't
mentioned in the list below are included in the unified installer for
compatibility, but have not been updated.

Enhancements and Updates


New Features/Updates

Common Libraries
ExpressEditors Library
  • T184035 - cxImage - Publish the OnMouseEnter and OnMouseLeave events
  • T228464 - TdxGalleryControl, TdxColorGallery, and TdxRibbonBackstageViewGalleryControl - Publish the TabOrder and TabStop properties

Resolved Issues

ExpressPrinting System
  • T227565 - PDF Export - Right-to-left text displayed by cxRichEdit or a standard VCL RichEdit control is exported in the reverse order
  • T225612 - TAbstractdxRichEditReportLink - Text at the end of a page is not printed if certain print settings are applied
ExpressQuantumGrid Suite
  • T223583
    - cxLookupComboBox - Lookup columns displayed in the editor's dropdown
    window are too narrow to display certain characters if the editor's
    Properties.DropDownAutoSize property is set to True
  • T223966 - Search results provided by incremental searching or Find Panel are incorrectly highlighted in right-to-left text
ExpressQuantumTreeList Suite
  • T227834 - TcxDBTreeList - An AV occurs when modfying a bound dataset field's value in an OnInitInsertingRecord event handler
ExpressScheduler Suite
  • T227934
    - Gantt View and TimeGrid View - Decreasing the scheduler's height
    causes the "Scrollbar property out of range" exception if the View's
    ShowResourceScrollBar property is set to True
  • T229569 - The Reminders window displays the bottom part of an event caption cropped
ExpressSkins Library
  • T228315
    - No separator is painted between tabs and content in a tab container
    site whose TabProperties.TabPosition property is set to tpTop or tpLeft
  • T227106 - The spell checker doesn't ignore Internet or file addresses if the SpellingOptions.IgnoreUrls property is set to True
  • T231964 - Currency cell formats that don't match the English locale are incorrectly loaded from an XLSX file
  • T227910 - The DOLLAR function ignores the currency symbol and its position specified by system locale settings
  • T232575 - The OK and Cancel buttons in the Insert/Delete dialog cannot be localized
Common Libraries
ExpressEditors Library
  • T228628
    - cxButtonEdit - The client area is incorrectly calculated if an error
    icon and buttons are displayed at the same side of the editor
  • T230471 - TcxDBImage - Posting an image captured using the Camera Preview dialog does not store it to a bound field
    • T234015
      - Localizer Editor incorrectly loads entries of manually created INI
      files or INI files created using the Editor but modified outside it, if
      these entries are not sorted by their names
    • T228703 - TcxImageList doesn't allow users to invoke the Image Picker dialog if the ExpressPageControl is not installed
    • T231483
      - TdxGalleryControl - Item navigation in a gallery containing only
      hidden groups and a checked item moved to one of these groups causes an
      AV in certain cases
时间: 2024-09-20 17:26:46

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