问题描述 32为Linux安卓AVD启动报错 Andoid的朋友,在吗?请教个问题.我启动Adnroid的AVD时报错如下: Starting emulator for AVD 'qq'ERROR: 32-bit Linux Android emulator binaries are DEPRECATED to use them you will have to do at least one of the following: - Use the '-force-32bit' option w
问题描述 linux下使用jstack报错,牛人速来支援 jstack -F 20940 Attaching to process ID 20940, please wait... sun.jvm.hotspot.debugger.NoSuchSymbolException: Could not find symbol "gHotSpotVMTypes" in any of the known library names (libjvm.so, libjvm_g.so, gamma_g