


insert中的 while( next_node && new_node->data > next_node->data) 是什么意思?

#include "list.h"

Create a new node containing the specified data,
and return a pointer to this newly-created node.
Lnode * makeNode( int data )
Lnode *new_node =(Lnode *)malloc( sizeof( Lnode ));
if( new_node == NULL ) {
fprintf(stderr,"Error: memory allocation failed.n");
exit( 1 );
new_node->data = data;
new_node->next = NULL;
return( new_node );

Search through list to find the first node with the
specified data, and return a pointer to this node.
If no such node exists, return NULL.
Lnode * findNode( int data, Lnode *head )
Lnode *node = head; // start at first node in list

// keep searching until data found, or end of list
while(( node != NULL )&&( node->data != data )) {
node = node->next;
return( node );

Push new node to front of list and
return the resulting (longer) list
Lnode * push( Lnode *new_node, Lnode *head )
new_node->next = head;
return( new_node );

Pop first item from list and
return the remaining (shorter) list
Lnode * pop( Lnode *head )
Lnode *tmp;

if( head != NULL ) {
    tmp  = head;
    head = head->next;
    free( tmp );
return( head );


Print all items in the list one by one
void printList( Lnode *head )
Lnode *node = head;

// traverse the list printing each node in turn
while( node != NULL ) {
printf( "->%c", node->data );
node = node->next;
printf( "n" );

Delete all the items from a linked list.
void freeList( Lnode *head )
Lnode *node = head;
Lnode *tmp;

while( node != NULL ) {
tmp = node;
node = node->next;
free( tmp );

Lnode * insert( Lnode *new_node, Lnode *head )
Lnode *next_node = head, *prev_node = NULL;
while( next_node && new_node->data > next_node->data) {
prev_node = next_node;
next_node = next_node->next; // find correct position
if( prev_node == NULL )
head = new_node;
else {
prev_node->next = new_node; // link new node into list
new_node->next = next_node;
return( head );

Lnode * excise( Lnode *node, Lnode *head )
if( node != NULL ) {
if( node == head )
head = head->next; // remove first item
else {
Lnode *prev_node = head;
while( prev_node && prev_node->next != node ) {
prev_node = prev_node->next;
if( prev_node != NULL ) { // node found in list
prev_node->next = node->next;
return( head );


while( next_node && new_node->data > next_node->data)




删除头结点并返回 搜索通过列表找到第一个节点


如果不存在这样的节点,返回空。 excise就是删除切去的意思





时间: 2024-12-04 00:22:57



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