Spring Data JPA v1.0.0.M1发布 Spring框架应用数据访问工具

Spring Data 项目的目的是为了简化构建基于 Spring 框架应用的数据访问计数,包括">非关系数据库、Map-Reduce 框架、云数据服务等等;另外也包含对关系数据库的访问支持。

Spring Data JPA project 刚刚发布了第二个里程碑版本,新的官方公布详情如下:

I'd like to announce the release of the first milestone of Spring Data JPA the successor of Hades. The release is feature equivalent to Hades 2.0.2. However we haven't moved the extensions module and Eclipse plugin yet. The release also includes a cool new feature, as it the query derivation mechanism is now able to traverse nested properties. For details see the according chapter in the Property expressions section of the reference documentation.

To ease the transition a little bit here's a list of necessary steps you have to take.

·GenericDao is now JpaRepository
·base package is now org.springframework.data.jpa
·@NoDaoBean annotation is now @NoRepositoryBean
·we got rid of the separate auditing package, the according types reside in domain now
·the namespace now is http://www.springframework.org/schema/data/jpa
·we have now delegation over inheritance in JpaRepositoryFactoryBean so in case you wrote a custom extension
·Page.asList() is now Page.getContent()

Feel free to post additional steps necessary in case you encounter some in the comments. Could be that I missed one here and there…


时间: 2025-01-21 03:01:03

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