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Android Application Architecture

Our journey from standard Activities and AsyncTasks to a modern MVP-based architecture powered by RxJava.

这篇文章主要目的是讲述如何将传统的Activities 与 AsyncTasks 模式向目前主流的MVP架构基础的响应式编程框架过度。

Different parts of a software codebase should be independent, yet perfectly work together like a well-oiled machine — photo by Chester Alvarez.


The Android dev ecosystem moves very quickly. Every week new tools are created, libraries are updated, blog posts are written and talks are given. If you go on holiday for a month, by the time you come back there will be a new version of the support library and/or Play Services.

最近几年Android的生态链变化非常迅速,从底层的Android Api到应用层的各种开源的类库、工具更新非常迅速。一不留神就落后了。

I’ve been making Android apps with the ribot team for over three years. During this time, the architecture and technologies we’ve used to build Android apps have been continuously evolving. This article will take you through this journey by explaining our learnings, mistakes and the reasoning behind these architectural changes.



The old times
Back in 2012 our codebases used to follow a basic structure. We didn’t use any networking library and AsyncTasks were still our friends. The diagram below shows approximately how the architecture was.

>The code was structured in two layers: the data layer that was in charge of retrieving/saving data from REST APIs and persistent data stores; and the view layer, whose responsibility was handling and displaying the data on the UI.
The APIProvider provides methods to enable Activities and Fragments to easily interact with the REST API. These methods use URLConnection and AsyncTasks to perform network calls in a separate thread and return the result to the Activities via callbacks.


In a similar way, the CacheProvider contains methods that retrieve and store data from SharedPreferences or a SQLite database. It also uses callbacks to pass the result back to the Activities.



The problems
The main issue with this approach was that the View layer had too many responsibilities. Imagine a simple common scenario where the application has to load a list of blog posts, cache them in a SQLite database and finally display them on a ListView. The Activity would have to do the following:


  1. Call a method loadPosts(callback) in the APIProvider
  2. Wait for the APIProvider success callback and then call savePosts(callback) in the CacheProvider.
  3. Wait for the CacheProvider success callback and then display the posts on the ListView.
  4. Separately handle the two potential errors callback from the APIProvider and CacheProvider.
  1. 执行APIProvider里面的loadPosts的方法,里面传入回调参数内容。
  2. 等待loadPosts执行成功后,执行回调里面的CacheProvider中的savePosts方法,savePosts也要传入回调参数。
  3. 等待savePosts执行成功后,执行回调里面的方法刷新ListView
  4. 分别书写代码处理2 3 两步的错误回调内容。

This is a very simple example. In a real case scenario the REST API will probably not return the data like the view needs it. Therefore, the Activity will have to somehow transform or filter the data before showing it. Another common case is when the loadPosts() method takes a parameter that needs to be fetched from somewhere else, for example an email address provided by the Play Services SDK. It’s likely that the SDK will return the email asynchronously using a callback, meaning that we now have three levels of nested callbacks. If we keep adding complexity, this approach will result into what is known as callback hell.


In summary:
Activities and Fragments become very large and difficult to maintain
Too many nested callbacks means the code is ugly and difficult to understand so painful to make changes or add new features.
Unit testing becomes challenging, if not impossible, because a lot of the logic lives within the Activities or Fragments that are arduous to unit test.



A new architecture driven by RxJava
We followed the previous approach for about two years. During that time, we made several improvements that slightly mitigated the problems described above. For example, we added several helper classes to reduce the code in Activities and Fragments and we started using Volley in the APIProvider. Despite these changes, our application code wasn’t yet test-friendly and the callback hell issue was still happening too often.


It wasn’t until 2014 when we started reading about RxJava. After trying it on a few sample projects, we realised that this could finally be the solution to the nested callback problem. If you are not familiar with reactive programming you can read this introduction. In short, RxJava allows you to manage data via asynchronous streams and gives you many operators that you can apply to the stream in order to transform, filter or combine the data.


Taking into account the pains we experienced in previous years, we started to think about how the architecture of a new app would look. So we came up with this.


Similar to the first approach, this architecture can be separated into a data and view layer. The data layer contains the DataManager and a set of helpers. The view layer is formed by Android framework components like Fragments, Activities, ViewGroups, etc.

与第一种方法相似,这个架构也是分为Data层与View层,Data层包含DataManager与一堆Helper;View层是包含Fragments, Activities, ViewGroups等。

Helper classes (third column on diagram) have very specific responsibilities and implement them in a concise manner. For example, most projects have helpers for accessing REST APIs, reading data from databases or interacting with third party SDKs. Different applications will have a different number of helpers but the most common ones are:


  • PreferencesHelper: reads and saves data in SharedPreferences.
  • DatabaseHelper: handles accessing SQLite databases.
  • Retrofit services: perform calls to REST APIs. We started using Retrofit instead of Volley because it provides support for RxJava. It’s also nicer to use.
  • 从SharedPreferences中读取或者写入数据
  • 读写SQLite数据库
  • 类似与square的Retrofit服务,也就是Http Client,我们用Restrofit替代了Volley因为他支持Rxjava,并且更吊。

Most of the public methods inside helper classes will return RxJava Observables.
The DataManager is the brain of the architecture. It extensively uses RxJava operators to combine, filter and transform data retrieved from helper classes. The aim of the DataManager is to reduce the amount of work that Activities and Fragments have to do by providing data that is ready to display and won’t usually need any transformation.


The code below shows what a DataManager method would look like. This sample method works as follows:


  1. Call the Retrofit service to load a list of blog posts from a REST API
  2. Save the posts in a local database for caching purposes using the DatabaseHelper.
  3. Filter the blog posts written today because those are the only ones the view layer wants to display.
  1. 调用Retrofit的服务,去请求一个博客列表的API
  2. 用DatabaseHelper保存这些数据到数据库
  3. 过滤出这些BLOG哪些是今天写的,然后显示到UI界面上。

Components in the view layer such as Activities or Fragments would simply call this method and subscribe to the returned Observable. Once the subscription finishes, the different Posts emitted by the Observable can be directly added to an Adapter in order to be displayed on a RecyclerView or similar.

Observables发出一系列事件,Subscribers(例如 Activities or Fragments)处理这些事件,可以直接将数据显示到一些可以回收、重用的View上面。

The last element of this architecture is the event bus. The event bus allows us to broadcast events that happen in the data layer, so that multiple components in the view layer can subscribe to these events. For example, a signOut() method in the DataManager can post an event when the Observable completes so that multiple Activities that are subscribed to this event can change their UI to show a signed out state.

这个架构的另外一个模块是event bus,event bus可以让我们在Data层发出广播(不是Android的Broadcast)然后不同的模块去注册并接收不同的广播事件

Why was this approach better?
RxJava Observables and operators remove the need for having nested callbacks.


The DataManager takes over responsibilities that were previously part of the view layer. Hence, it makes Activities and Fragments more lightweight.
Moving code from Activities and Fragments to the DataManager and helpers means that writing unit tests becomes easier.


Clear separation of responsibilities and having the DataManager as the only point of interaction with the data layer, makes this architecture test-friendly. Helper classes or the DataManager can be easily mocked.


What problems did we still have?
For large and very complex projects the DataManager can become too bloated and difficult to maintain.
Although view layer components such as Activities and Fragments became more lightweight, they still have to handle a considerable amount of logic around managing RxJava subscriptions, analysing errors, etc.

- 如果对于非常庞大并且复杂的项目来说,DataManger也会变得非常臃肿并且难以维护。
- 尽管Activity与Fragment已经变得更加轻量级,但是对于错误异常的处理还是要在subscriptions的地方去书写。


Integrating Model View Presenter
In the past year, several architectural patterns such as MVP or MVVM have been gaining popularity within the Android community. After exploring these patterns on a sample project and article, we found that MVP could bring very valuable improvements to our existing approach. Because our current architecture was divided in two layers (view and data), adding MVP felt natural. We simply had to add a new layer of presenters and move part of the code from the view to presenters.

前几年开始,很多类似MVP与MVVM在Android的一些社区比较流行,经过研究之后,我们发现MVP模式是对我们目前的方案最有价值的改动。我们的两层架构View-Data与MVP的 Model-View架构天然融合,理念一致。我们只需要增加一个presenters层,然后把之前在view实现的代码移到上面就可以了。

The data layer remains as it was but it’s now called model to be more consistent with the name of the pattern.
Presenters are in charge of loading data from the model and calling the right method in the view when the result is ready. They subscribe to Observables returned by the data manager. Therefore, they have to handle things like schedulers and subscriptions. Moreover, they can analyse error codes or apply extra operations to the data stream if needed. For example, if we need to filter some data and this same filter is not likely to be reused anywhere else, it may make more sense to implement it in the presenter rather than in the data manager.

之前的Data层就是现在的MVP中的Model,Presenter现在负责从Model中加载数据,加载完成后后再去调用左边的在Activity、ViewGroup中的方法。Presenters的subscribe去接收data manager中的Observables广播出来的数据。

Below you can see what a public method in the presenter would look like. This code subscribes to the Observable returned by the dataManager.loadTodayPosts() method we defined in the previous section.


The mMvpView is the view component that this presenter is assisting. Usually the MVP view is an instance of an Activity, Fragment or ViewGroup.

MVP的View并不是指的Android的View,而是一个界面组件的的实例,例如Activity, Fragment , ViewGroup 在注册presenter的时候,需要把自己当前的实例传递进去。

// Activity onCreate 中的代码段
if (presenter == null)
        presenter = new Presenter1();

Like the previous architecture, the view layer contains standard framework components like ViewGroups, Fragments or Activities. The main difference is that these components don’t subscribe directly to Observables. They instead implement an MvpView interface and provide a list of concise methods such as showError() or showProgressIndicator(). The view components are also in charge of handling user interactions such as click events and act accordingly by calling the right method in the presenter. For example, if we have a button that loads the list of posts, our Activity would call presenter.loadTodayPosts() from the onClick listener.

这个架构与上一个架构不同的是,ViewLayer 也就是Activity这些,不会直接去订阅接收Observables发出的这些事件。而是只在Activity实现几个简单的显示错误、显示进度的方法(用接口interface来规范统一),然后把当前实例以参数形式传递给到对应事件的Presenter,由Presenter去执行这些显示错误、显示进度的方法。

If you want to see a full working sample of this MVP-based architecture, you can check out our Android Boilerplate project on GitHub. You can also read more about it in the ribot’s architecture guidelines.

关于MVP的文章可以自行百度一下,MVP Android 关键词

Why is this approach better?


  • Activities and Fragments become very lightweight. Their only responsibilities are to set up/update the UI and handle user events. Therefore, they become easier to maintain.
  • We can now easily write unit tests for the presenters by mocking the view layer. Before, this code was part of the view layer so we couldn’t unit test it. The whole architecture becomes very test-friendly.
  • If the data manager is becoming bloated, we can mitigate this problem by moving some code to the presenters.
  • Activity与Fragment代码量大大降低,逻辑代码全部都丢给了Presenter,结果就是Activity只需要负责UI交互的按钮等代码。
  • 对于Presenter可以写单独的单元测试代码,只需要对Presenter提供的方法测试即可
  • 如果DataManager变得臃肿庞大了,我们可以分离这些代码到各自的Presenter中去。

What problems do we still have?

Having a single data manager can still be an issue when the codebase becomes very large and complex. We haven’t reached the point where this is a real problem but we are aware that it could happen.


It’s important to mention that this is not the perfect architecture. In fact, it’d be naive to think there is a unique and perfect one that will solve all your problems forever. The Android ecosystem will keep evolving at a fast pace and we have to keep up by exploring, reading and experimenting so that we can find better ways to continue building excellent Android apps.

如果想有个完美的架构解决你所有问题是不可能的。TMD Android的整个生态圈变化太快,又TM的不标准,就导致我们不断的去探索探索。。。以致于去找到更吊的方法去做Android apps。

I hope you enjoyed this article and you found it useful. If so, don’t forget to click the recommend button. Also, I’d love to hear your thoughts about our latest approach.






时间: 2024-09-20 00:16:50


Android Application Architecture 安卓APP架构[译]

序 本文介绍了文章作者从事了几年android应用的开发,经历2次架构变革,第一次集成了RxJava第二次集成了MVP,并将RxJava与MVP完美结合,实现了低耦合,代码简单,测试方便的架构. 其实我们在开发中也遇到过,Android入门门槛较低,如果前期对APP规划不清晰,Coder们对未来变化把握不准,技术架构经验不够强大,最终导致就是一个Activity几千行,里面写了大量的Private方法,拆成几个Fragment.封装出来几个类都是无法解决,结果就是看Activity难受的要死,纠


问题描述 关于安卓APP的一个问题 想要做一个安卓的手机APP,需要登录,有用户名,有密码,还要保存用户的发的话之类的内容,这个是需要学习WEB技术吗,还是什么别的呀,求指导!!! 解决方案 app要学的是android应用开发.其次是数据库,用来管理存储用户数据,还有就是java的数据通讯技术 解决方案二: 安卓简单的控件就可以完成. 解决方案三: 需要用到数据库,你可以用本机的数据库,也可以用网络的数据库 用本机数据库的话,你可以参考http://www.cnblogs.com/kgb250


近日,有安全研究人员在扫描Android(安卓)平台时,发现近千款手机APP中被植入了广告木马程序Xavier,关键的是这些应用已被数百万人次下载,并用于窃取用户的个人信息. 近千款安卓APP被植入恶意程序 攻击者利用Xavier收集和泄漏用户的设备数据,硬件层面包括制造商.SIM卡制造商.产品名称.设备ID等等,个人设定则包括设备名称.使用语言.操作系统版本.已安装应用程序.Google Play帐号,以及最常使用的电子邮件地址等. 除了盗取数据外,攻击已进化到让骇客可以远端锁定移动设备并安装


该文章来自阿里巴巴技术协会(ATA) 7月24日,2015WOT互联网开发者大会在富力万丽酒店隆重召开.阿里巴巴/高级无线技术专家徐昭(花名:长恭)带来的主题演讲<以小见大,见微知著 -- 亿万级APP架构演进之路>. 以下是演讲实录: 我是来自阿里巴巴无线事业部的徐昭,今天我演讲题目是以小见大,见微知著,和大家分享阿里巴巴以手机淘宝为代表的移动架构体系的演进过程和背后的思考,以及这其中大家最感兴趣的在大规模复杂应用场景下的关键架构技术. 手机淘宝是诞生于移动互联网时代的一个超级APP,并已成


问题描述 我觉得我写的代码系统性不好,安卓APP 如果系统的去设计APP的架构呢?求经验丰富的大神来指点一下,谢谢. 解决方案 mvc,mvp,mvvm这些架构,再加上,dragger2,这样就有点意思了,学习中 解决方案二: 要我给你改改吗?联系我 解决方案三: 楼主,你学学MVC,以后别写万能activity就行了


问题描述 Java程序能移植修改为安卓app吗? 我们写了一个Java的小软件,希望能改编为安卓的app,但不知道能不能做,怎么做.如果能够移植,修改会很多吗? 解决方案 你需要把里面的逻辑抽出来,搭配上Android的界面布局 解决方案二: 看你的软件复杂程度了,学一下Android开发相关的知识吧


问题描述 如何修改安卓app图标问题 android:icon="@drawable/icon" 这个方法只能修改桌面图标,我想要的效果是在360手机助手上也显示修改图标 解决方案 APP 图标修改问题如何在安卓app中使用FontAwesome图标如何在安卓app中使用FontAwesome图标

安卓 app 形状 绘制-请教,安卓app开发中,能用代码绘制一个纯文本意义的纯色的胶囊形状吗

问题描述 请教,安卓app开发中,能用代码绘制一个纯文本意义的纯色的胶囊形状吗 请教,安卓app开发中,能用代码绘制一个纯文本意义的纯色的胶囊形状吗,还是要用png图片代替呢,各有什么有缺点呢 解决方案 可以直接画,定义圆角的弧度,其他用纯色填充,形如: radius就是角度 字面意思比较清楚,你看看 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <shape xmlns:android="http://s


  chrome谷歌浏览器安装运行安卓app教程 Google在去年九月曾经发布了Chrome OS上的App Runtime(App Runtime for Chrome,也就是ARC),可以让安卓App运行在Chrome OS上.现在,Google将ARC带到了Chrome浏览器,无论你使用的是什么操作系统,只要安装了Chrome浏览器,都可以运行安卓App!ARC是通过Google开发的Native Client(NaCL) 运行在Windows.Mac.Linux和Chrome OS上的