Microsoft实现的IOC DI之 Unity 、Service Locator、MEF


Microsoft Unity

Service Locator

MEF  .net4.0内含,3.x前在codeplex上开源


The main reasons to use Unity (or any other IoC container) are if:

Ø You have dependencies between your objects .

Ø You need to manage the lifetime of an object .

Ø You want to manage dependencies at runtime, such as cache, constructors, and properties .

Ø You need to intercept the creation of an object .

Unity is a lightweight, extensible dependency injection container that supports interception, constructor injection, property injection, and method call injection. You can use Unity in a variety of different ways to help decouple the components of your applications, to maximize coherence in components, and to simplify design, implementation, testing, and administration of these applications.

Unity is a general-purpose container for use in any type of Microsoft .NET Framework-based application. It provides all of the features commonly found in dependency injection mechanisms, including methods to register type mappings and object instances, resolve objects, manage object lifetimes, and inject dependent objects into the parameters of constructors and methods and as the value of properties of objects it resolves.


public Writer(ILogger logger)
    this.logger = logger;

//Prepare the container 
var container = new UnityContainer(); 
//We specify that the logger to be used is the FileLogger 
container.RegisterType<ILogger, FileLogger>(); 
//and how to instantiate a new Writer 
//Here Unity knows how to create the new constructor 
var writer = container.Resolve<Writer>(); 
writer.Write("Some Text.");


Service Locator


/// <summary>
/// Utility to configure the container
/// </summary>
public sealed class UnityContainerConfigurator
    /// <summary>
    /// Configures this instance.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns></returns>
    public static IUnityContainer Configure()
        var container = new UnityContainer()
        .RegisterType<ILogger, FileLogger>()
        return container;

// create a new instance of Microsoft Unity container
  var provider = new UnityServiceLocator(UnityContainerConfigurator.Configure());
  // assign the container to the Service Locator provider

  ServiceLocator.SetLocatorProvider(() => provider);

  // resolve objects using the service locator
  var writer = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<Writer>();
  writer.Write("Some Text.");



The main reasons to use MEF are if:

Ø You need to implement external and reusable extensions in your client application, but you might have different implementations in different hosts .

Ø You need to auto-discover the available extensions at runtime .

Ø You need a more powerful and extensible framework than a normal Dependency Injection framework, and you want to get rid of the various boot-strapper and initializer objects .

Ø You need to implement extensibility and/or modularity in your components .

If your application doesn’t require any of the items in these lists, you probably should not implement the IoC pattern, and you might not need to use Unity and MEF .


/// <summary>
/// Logger customized for MEF
/// </summary>
public class MefLogger : ILogger
    /// <summary>
    /// Writes the log.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="message">The message.</param>
    public void WriteLog(string message)
        Console.WriteLine("String built from MEF: {0}.", message);

/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the writer.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The writer.</value>
public ILogger Writer { get; set; }
public void Run()
    // first we build the catalog
    var catalog = new AssemblyCatalog(Assembly.GetExecutingAssemb
    //create the container using the catalog
    var container = new CompositionContainer(catalog);
    //use the resolved property
    Writer.WriteLog("Mef message");


Service Locator: 最简单的实现形式,对于比较简单的应用合适,本身的实现代码也很简单

Utility:复杂度中等,介于Service Locator和MEF之间

MEF:以一个完整的框架形式展现, .net 4内置支持,提供生命期等各种管理


时间: 2025-01-05 15:04:56

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