

  50. I develop for Linux for a living, I used to develop for DOS.

  Going from DOS to Linux is like trading a glider for an F117.



  -- Lawrence Foard, entropy@world.std.com

  49.Avoid the Gates of Hell. Use Linux

  躲开地狱之门(讨厌的Bill Gate),使用Linux吧。

  48. I've run DOOM more in the last few days than I have the last few

  months. I just love debugging ;-)


  (Linus Torvalds)

  47.By golly, I'm beginning to think Linux really *is* the best thing since

  sliced bread


  -- Vance Petree, Virginia Power

  46. Linux poses a real challenge for those with a taste for late-night

  hacking (and/or conversations with God).


  -- Matt Welsh

  45. Linux is obsolete.


  -- Andrew Tanenbaum

  44. Your job is being a professor and researcher: That's one hell of a good excuse for some of the brain-damages of minix.


  (Linus Torvalds to Andrew Tanenbaum)

  43. I still maintain the point that designing a monolithic kernel in 1991 is a fundamental error. Be thankful you are not my student. You would not get a high grade for such a design :-)


  (Andrew Tanenbaum to Linus Torvalds)

  42. We all know Linux is great... it does infinite loops in 5 seconds.

  - Linus Torvalds about the superiority of Linux on the Amterdam Linux Symposium



  41. People disagree with me. I just ignore them.


  Linus Torvalds


  40. Some people have told me they don't think a fat penguin really embodies the grace of Linux, which just tells me they have never seen an angry penguin charging at them in excess of 100mph. They'd be a lot more careful about what they say if they had.

  -- Linus Torvalds, announcing Linux v2.0

  39. Other than the fact Linux has a cool name, could someone explain why should use Linux over BSD?

  38. “How should I know if it works? That's what beta testers are for. I only coded it." (Attributed to Linus Torvalds, somewhere in a posting)

  37. "Problem solving under linux has never been the circus that it is under AIX." (By Pete Ehlke in comp.unix.aix)

  36. "Besides, I think Slackware sounds better than 'Microsoft,' don't you?" (By Patrick Volkerding)

  35. "And the next time you consider complaining that running Lucid Emacs 19.05 via NFS from a remote Linux machine in Paraguay doesn't seem to get the background colors right, you'll know who to thank." (By Matt Welsh)

  34. "...Deep Hack Mode--that mysterious and frightening state of consciousness where Mortal Users fear to tread." (By Matt Welsh)

  33. Sigh. I like to think it's just the Linux people who want to be on the "leading edge" so bad they walk right off the precipice. (Craig E. Groeschel)

  32. Microsoft Corp., concerned by the growing popularity of the free 32-bit operating system for Intel systems, Linux, has employed a number of top programmers from the underground world of virus development. Bill Gates stated yesterday: "World domination, fast -- it's either us or Linus". Mr. Torvalds was unavailable for comment ... (rjm@swift.eng.ox.ac.uk (Robert Manners), in comp.os.linux.setup)

  31. Who wants to remember that escape-x-alt-control-left shift-b puts you into super-edit-debug-compile mode? (Discussion in comp.os.linux.misc on the intuitiveness of commands, especially Emacs.)

  30. It's a bird.. It's a plane.. No, it's KernelMan, faster than a speeding bullet, to your rescue. Doing new kernel versions in under 5 seconds flat.. (Linus, in the announcement for 1.3.27)

  29. Those who don't understand Linux are doomed to reinvent it, poorly. (Unidentified source.)

  28. "How do you power off this machine?" (Linus, when upgrading linux.cs.helsinki.fi, and after using the machine for several months.)

  27. I've discovered that using VMS is a lot like driving a nail with your head: sure, you eventually get something practical done, but it usually results in a headache and some blood loss.

  (submitted by Sean A. Simpson)

  26. "... being a Linux user is sort of like living in a house inhabited by a large family of carpenters and architects. Every morning when you wake up, the house is a little different. Maybe there is a new turret, or some walls have moved. Or perhaps someone has temporarily removed the floor under your bed." - Unix for Dummies, 2nd Edition (Found in the .sig of Rob Riggs)

  25. If Bill Gates is the Devil then Linus Torvalds must be the Messiah. (Unknown source)

  24. LILO, you've got me on my knees!

  (from David Black, dblack@pilot.njin.net, with apologies to Derek and the

  Dominos, and Werner Almsberger)

  23. Anyone can build a fast processor. The trick is to build a fast system. (Seymour Cray)

  22. We can use symlinks of course... syslogd would be a symlink to syslogp and ftpd and ircd would be linked to ftpp and ircp... and of course the point-to-point protocal paenguin. (Kevin M. Bealer, commenting on the penguin Linux logo.)

  21. A multithreaded file system is only a performance hack. (Andrew Tanenbaum to Linus Torvalds)

  20. I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody. It doesn't generate revenue. (Dave '-ddt->` Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux)

  19. This message was brought to you by Linux, the free unix. Windows without the X is like making love without a partner. Sex, Drugs & Linux Rules win-nt from the people who invented edlin apples have meant trouble since eden Linux, the way to get rid of boot viruses. (By mwikholm@at8.abo.fi, MaDsen Wikholm)

  18. Be warned that typing killall name may not have the desired effect on non-Linux systems, especially when done by a privileged user.

  -- From the killall manual page

  17. Only wimps use tape backup: _real_ men just upload their important stuff on ftp, and let the rest of the world mirror it. "

  --- Linus Torvalds

  16. Linux is not user-friendly. It _is_ user-friendly. It is not ignorant-friendly and idiot-friendly.

  ---Source unknown

  15. `When you say "I wrote a program that crashed Windows", people just stare at you blankly and say "Hey, I got those with the system, *for free*".' (By Linus Torvalds)

  14. "If you want to travel around the world and be invited to speak at a lot of different places, just write a Unix operating system." (By Linus Torvalds)

  13. "Are Linux users lemmings collectively jumping off of the cliff of reliable, well-engineered commercial software?" (By Matt Welsh)

  12. "Linux: the operating system with a CLUE... Command Line User Environment". (seen in a posting in comp.software.testing)

  11. “See, you not only have to be a good coder to create a system like Linux, you have to be a sneaky bastard too.” (By Linus Torvalds)

  10. "What happens when you read some doc and either it doesn't answer your question or is demonstrably wrong? In Linux, you say "Linux sucks" and go read the code. In Windows/Oracle/etc you say "Windows sucks" and start banging your head against the wall."

  --- Denis Vlasenko on lkml

  9. "...you might as well skip the Xmas celebration completely, and instead sit in front of your linux computer playing with the all-new-and-improved linux kernel version." (By Linus Torvalds)

  8. Linux hackers are funny people: They count the time in patchlevels. (Seen in the .sig of Gerd Knorr.)

  7. Linux: the choice of a GNU generation

  -- ksh@cis.ufl.edu put this on Tshirts in '93\

  6. "Not me, guys. I read the Bash man page each day like a Jehovah's Witness reads the Bible. No wait, the Bash man page IS the bible. Excuse me..."

  (More on confusing aliases, taken from comp.os.linux.misc)

  5. What's this script do?

  unzip ; touch ; finger ; mount ; gasp ; yes ; umount ; sleep

  Hint for the answer: not everything is computer-oriented. Sometimes you're

  in a sleeping bag, camping out with your girlfriend.

  (Contributed by Frans van der Zande.)

  4. I'm an idiot.. At least this [bug] took about 5 minutes to find.. Surely, Linus is talking about the kind of idiocy that others aspire to :-)

  (Bruce Perens in response to Linus Torvalds's mailing about a kernel bug.)

  3. One OS to rule them all,

  One OS to find them.

  One OS to call them all,

  And in salvation bind them.

  In the bright land of Linux,

  Where the hackers play.

  (J. Scott Thayer, with apologies to J.R.R.T.)

  2. ...the Linux philosophy is "laugh in the face of danger". Oops. Wrong one. "Do it yourself". That's it. (by Linus)

  1. We are using Linux daily to UP our productivity - so UP yours!

  -- Adapted from Pat Paulsen by Joe Sloan


时间: 2024-08-01 19:04:04



本文实例讲述了JS实现网页标题随机显示名人名言的方法.分享给大家供大家参考,具体如下: 这段代码实现每次刷新过后,网页的标题都会随机显示名人名言,一次一条,把这些名言定义在Javascript的数组内,每次调用随机调用一条,随机产生的随机数正好是数组的标号,这样就实现了随机,不错的效果吧. 运行效果截图如下: 在线演示地址如下: http://demo.jb51.net/js/2015/js-title-show-tips-style-codes/ 具体代码如下: <!DOCTYPE html


Facebook前员工萨查•托尼(Sacha Tueni)和马提亚•瓦格纳(Matthias Wagner)正在开发一款Twitter客户端.没错,就是Twitter客户端,尽管比Tweetdeck晚了几年时间.这款客户端名为Zerobird,能够过滤一些十分有趣的内容,但并未得到投资者的青睐. "在进行创新时,有时难免会犯错.此时应该以最快的速度承认错误,然后继续改善其他创新."这是苹果联合创始人史蒂夫•乔布斯(Steve Jobs)的名言. 托尼和瓦格纳听取了乔布斯的这条建议,创建


那么这个随机名人名言的功能是如何实现的呢? 其实很简单,只需要一个字符串变量,这里面放所有要随机展现的名人名言,然后用到explode函数分解成数组,再用rand随机数生成一个值,输出这个数组中的某一句. 直接上代码: says.php 复制代码 代码如下: <?php function random_str () { $poems="人生的价值,并不是用时间,而是用深度去衡量的.-- 列夫·托尔斯泰 三人行,必有我师焉.择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之.--孔子 人生不是一种享乐,而是一桩


If you wish to succeed, you should use perdistence as your good friend, experiece as your reference, prudence as your brother and hope as your sentry.Thomas Edison, American inventor  如果你希望成功,当以恒心为良友.以经验为参谋.以谨慎为兄弟.以希望为哨兵. --美国发明家爱迪生 Never be unduly e


关于金钱的名言 1.为什么一个人要富有?为什么他一定要有马匹,精致的衣服,漂亮的住宅,到公共场所与娱乐场所去的权利?因为缺少思想.你给他的心灵一个新的形象,他就会逃遁到一个寂寞的花园或是阁楼上去享受它,这梦想使他们那样富有,即使给他一州作为采邑,也还抵不过它.但是我们最终是因为没有思想,所以才发现我们没有钱.我们最初是因为耽溺于肉欲,所以才觉得一定要有钱.--爱默生 2.金钱能做很多事,但它不能做一切事.我们应该知道它的领域.并把它限制在那里:当它想进一步发展时,甚至要把它们踢回去.--卡莱尔


中介交易 http://www.aliyun.com/zixun/aggregation/6858.html">SEO诊断 淘宝客 云主机 技术大厅 退稿原因:文章可读性不高 继续努力 很多站长受到了励志天下网的激励,很多人做起了成语大全.励志名言网的网站,然而,也不少站长获得了百度的回报.然而,站长们你们做这个站能持久吗?给大家一个很不幸的消息,励志天下已经被拔毛连首页都不剩了.而一些没有像励志天下一样作弊获得了很好排名的站点也逐渐衰败. 大家看一下,这个站点经过我的分析,外链不多,收录

《网站分析师实战指南》一第1章 沃纳梅克的名言已死1.1 海量数据的深入挖掘

第1章 沃纳梅克的名言已死 网站分析师实战指南"我知道花在广告上的投资有一半是无用的,但问题是我不知道是哪一半!" --约翰·沃纳梅克 19世纪伟大的美国商人沃纳梅克抛出这个有见地的论断后,无数的市场营销人员都面临同样的挑战,即努力区分市场营销策略的好坏.随着时代的发展,我们逐渐从传统的工业经济步入数字经济时代,所以我们必须要面对现实,这个著名的论断已经落后过时了.市场营销人员再也不能将沃纳梅克过时的言论,作为市场营销活动效果差劲的借口了. 事实上,如果这位上世纪的报纸广告.百货公司.


中介交易 http://www.aliyun.com/zixun/aggregation/6858.html">SEO诊断 淘宝客 云主机 技术大厅 导语:在企业家的成长道路上也会有截然不同的顶峰和低谷,我们整理了下面的10条名人名言,希望它们会为你带来前进的动力 创业是一次向着成功进发的旅程,比起短跑冲刺,这个旅程更像是一场马拉松.然而,如果你真的参加过马拉松的话,你就深有体会:在起跑线时还是极度兴奋,但跑到中途,你会觉得自己迈步都困难,陷入时速低于18英里的筋疲力竭状态. 在企业家的成


中介交易 http://www.aliyun.com/zixun/aggregation/6858.html">SEO诊断 淘宝客 云主机 技术大厅 [摘要]三星发推文称,"改变就会带来巨大的提升和创新,现在苹果也这样想了." 腾讯科技讯 历史上,苹果多年采用3.5英寸手机屏幕,并且排斥大屏手机,然而在韩国三星电子引领潮流之下,大屏手机蔚然成风,苹果不得不放低姿态,迎合市场.最近,三星电子.HTC等安卓大屏手机厂商,纷纷对苹果推出大屏手机,进行了"无情的嘲讽&