使用RC.exe来Compiler我们所定义的Resource档, RC.EXE在vb5.0光碟中的/TOOLS/RESOURCE
Resources 可分成两大部份:
- String resources (text strings such as "Hello World").
- Binary resources (icons, bitmaps, cursors, sounds, video等)
String Resources
STRINGTABLE [load-option] [mem-option]
stringID string
叁数说明 :
- load-option 可以是以下两种
Option | Description |
------ | ----------- |
PRELOAD | Resource is loaded immediately. |
LOADONCALL | (Default) Resource is loaded when called. |
- mem-option 可以是以下三种
Option | Description |
------ | ----------- |
FIXED | Resource remains at a fixed memory location. |
MOVEABLE | Resource can be moved if necessary in order to compact memory. |
DISCARDABLE | Resource can be discarded if no longer needed. |
- stringID 自行定义的integer,用来定义字串 resource. - string 我们定义的字串,字串前後要用双引号(")将之包围起来,字串长度不可 超过255 bytes,而且字串要在同一行 BINARY RESOURCES 语法: nameID keyword [load-option] [mem-option] filename 叁数: - nameID 定义一个於以下keyword类别中,一个唯一的名称或数字,即,有三个BITMAP 类别的Resource,其nameID可以分别为1,2,3不重覆,而另有三个ICON的资源 ,其nameID亦可分别为1,2,3,不会和BITMAP的1,2,3相冲突。注:ICON类别 的nameID不可以为0,0保留给 Visual Basic icon。nameID亦可以为字串
- keyword 定义资源类别
Option | Description |
------ | ----------- |
BITMAP | Defines a bitmap (.BMP) |
CURSOR | Defines a cursor (.CUR) |
ICON | Defines an icon (.ICO) |
SOUND | Defines a wave file (.WAV) |
VIDEO | Defines a video file (.AVI) |
- load-option
Option | Description |
------ | ----------- |
PRELOAD | Resource is loaded immediately. |
LOADONCALL | (Default) Resource is loaded when called. |
- mem-option
Option | Description |
------ | ----------- |
FIXED | Resource remains at a fixed memory location. |
MOVEABLE | Resource can be moved if necessary in order to compact memory. |
DISCARDABLE | Resource can be discarded if no longer needed. |
default for binary resources is MOVEABLE. - filename 资源所在的档名
Compiler的语法: rc /r [options] SourceFile(.RC) - /r 只Compiler .RC file , not linked to any executable. 可用rc /? 来查语法 EXAMPLE RC /r /fo TEST32.RES TEST.RC |
上面的表格中是读取Test.RC的定义,而产生TEST32.RES,这个档便是我们程式设计中所需的资源档,而在vb5.0中如何来使用呢,在 "专案功能表 的 新增档案"中来选取该Resource file(.RES) ,之後在专案总管中,会出现
- ---Project1 +-- 表单 --- 相关文件 | ------TEST32.RES |
那便可以使用 LoadResString LoadResPicture LoadResData来抓取相关的资料了 以下是Test.RC的内容,而BitMap, Icon写的档名,请自行更改成您对映的档案
#define IDS_HELLO 1 #define IDS_GOODBYE 2 STRINGTABLE BEGIN IDS_HELLO, "Hello" IDS_GOODBYE, "Goodbye" 3, "This is a Test" END STRINGTABLE BEGIN 101, "您好" 102, "再见了" 103, "这是一个测试" END ///////////////////////////////////////////////// // Bitmap //////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 BITMAP "CLI.BMP" 101 BITMAP "CLI2.BMP" BITMAP3 BITMAP "多多.BMP" //////////////////////////////////////////////// // ICON /////////////////////////////////////////////// 1 ICON CLIENT.ICO |
以下是在form中,需3个Command Button 3个Label 1个PictureBox 另需在 专案功能表 中选 新增档案 并进而选取Test32.Res
Option Explicit Private Sub Command1_Click() Call ShowRtn(0) End Sub Private Sub ShowRtn(ByVal i As Long) Label1.Caption = LoadResString(i + 1) Label2.Caption = LoadResString(i + 2) Label3.Caption = LoadResString(i + 3) Set Picture1 = LoadResPicture(i + 1, vbResBitmap) End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Call ShowRtn(100) End Sub Private Sub Command3_Click() Set Picture1 = LoadResPicture("BITMAP3", vbResBitmap) End Sub |