Bitflu 是一个">BitTorrent 客户端程序,以守护进程方式运行,本身没有提供一个图形化的界面,通过一个TELNET接口来管理下载任务。
Bitflu 1.37更新日志:
* Use more randomness in PeerID
* Accept smaller token values
* Learn tockens faster due to more random node selection
* Tuning: Ping good (but failing) nodes more often and recover slowly
* Support for desktop notifications (currently only supported by google-chrome)
Note: chrome seems to 'forget' the desktop notification permission after a
restart if bitflu is not running on port 80. This means that you'll have to
re-click the permission button after each restart of chrome if you are running
bitflu on the default port 4081
Bitflu需要Digest::SHA1和Danga::Socket。 您可以通过安装它:
# perl -MCPAN -e 'install Digest::SHA1'
# perl -MCPAN -e 'install Danga::Socket'