SAP WM 先进先出原则在’Stock Removal Background’的时候的体现

SAP WM 先进先出原则在’Stock Removal Background’的时候的体现

number 360

number 30541504-WH

type Z05

away strategy is F (fixed bin);

removal strategy is F(FIFO);

bin Z05

stock information:


try to remove stock from Z05/Z05,

button ,

the available stock list, the data was NOT sorted by the field of “GR Date”.


need sort the list by ‘GR date’ by manually, then we can get below list,



should pick material from the SU number 7000694061 according to the FIFO rule.


exit this screen and return to previous screen, click the button ‘stock removal


system picked the material from SU 7000694061, that’s right !!!






时间: 2024-07-30 16:13:31

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