python-Eric6 右键点击生产对话框代码 报错


Eric6 右键点击生产对话框代码 报错

An unhandled exception occurred. Please report the problem
using the error reporting dialog or via email to .
A log has been written to “C:UsersASUS_eric6eric6_error.log”.

Error information:
2015-10-21, 16:42:09
arguments did not match any overloaded call:
QByteArray(): too many arguments
QByteArray(int, str): argument 1 has unexpected type ‘str’
QByteArray(QByteArray): argument 1 has unexpected type ‘str’
File “D:Program”, line 840, in generateDialogCode
dlg = CreateDialogCodeDialog(fn, self.project, self)
File “D:Program”, line 128, in __init

File “D:Program”, line 292, in __updateSlotsModel

Version Numbers:
Python 3.4.3
Qt 5.5.0
PyQt5 5.5
sip 4.16.9
QScintilla 2.9
WebKit 538.1
eric6 6.0.3 (rev. b876fbf55438)

Platform: win32
3.4.3 (v3.4.3:9b73f1c3e601, Feb 24 2015, 22:44:40) [MSC v.1600 64 bit (AMD64)]
Plugins Version Numbers:
PluginAbout 6.0.0
PluginCodeStyleChecker 6.0.0
PluginEricapi 6.0.0
PluginEricdoc 6.0.0
PluginSyntaxChecker 6.0.0
PluginTabnanny 6.0.0
PluginVcsMercurial 6.0.0
PluginVcsPySvn 6.0.0
PluginVcsSubversion 6.0.0
PluginVmListspace 6.0.0
PluginVmTabview 6.0.0
PluginWizardE5MessageBox 6.0.0
PluginWizardPyRegExp 6.0.0
PluginWizardQColorDialog 6.0.0
PluginWizardQFileDialog 6.0.0
PluginWizardQFontDialog 6.0.0
PluginWizardQInputDialog 6.0.0
PluginWizardQMessageBox 6.0.0
PluginWizardQRegExp 6.0.0
PluginWizardQRegularExpression 6.0.0

File: D:Program
Line: 167
Function: excepthook


rgument 1 has unexpected type ‘str’,提示的是参数不对

时间: 2024-10-19 18:49:37

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