GrabMyBooks The software that allows you to grab content off the web into your eBook reader

使用GrabMyBooks采集网页, 制作电子书.

支持chrome , android


GrabMyBooks for Android updated with reading functionality

October3th 2014

GrabMyBooks for Android has been updated. Reading functionality. Now you can read the current book one page at the time in full screen. Use your finger to turn the pages. To launch the reading, click on the "more" menu in the book screen and click on "read".

GrabMyBooks for Chrome

Mai 9th 2014

GrabMyBooks is now available on Chrome.

You will need to have at least java 6 installed because a small piece of software calledGrabMyBooks Tools is needed for the extension to work.

So download the GrabMyBooks extension from the chrome store. 
Then once installed, there is a new menu with an ereader icon. 
Click on the first item of the menu My Book
It will display a page allowing you to get the GrabMyBooks Tools java program. 
This program has to be running for GrabMyBooks to be able to work. 

GrabMyBooks is then ready to create multiple ebooks! 

GrabMyBooks for Android

November 10th 2013

GrabMyBooks is now available on Android in 2 versions:

  • A free lite version where you can grab up to 5 articles per book.
  • A paid version with unlimited articles per books.
时间: 2024-09-17 04:08:13

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