PcfTranslator - Translate AVEVA PDMS to PCF

PcfTranslator - Translate AVEVA PDMS to PCF


Abstract. The Piping Component File(PCF) are text files containing component and routing information. The PCF format was originally developed as an easy way to drive Isogen, the syntax is simple which means it is straightforward to create from most piping design software. But AVEVA PDMS only can export IDF format, PcfTranslator can translate AVEVA PDMS piping model to PCF, you can use the PCF in IsoAlgo for piping isometrics drawing or IsoAlgo3d to visualize the 3d model. You can also import the PCF to CAESAR II for piping stress analysis.

Key Words. AVEVA PDMS, PCF, IsoAlgo, IsoAlgo3d, Isogen, CAESAR II

1. Introduction

PCF文件格式是由Alias公司开发的用于其Isogen生成管道ISO轴测图的主要数据输入。Isogen程序已经是生成管道ISO图的业界标准程序,许多管道设计软件的ISO都是使用Isogen生成。AVEVA PDMS中也可以生成管道ISO图,并产生IDF格式,而不能生成PCF格式。因此,在PDMS中开发PcfTranslator将管道模型转换成PCF格式,使用PCF文件可以使用Isogen或IsoAlgo来生成管道ISO图,或者查看管道三维模型。使用PCF文件也可将管道模型数据导入到CAESAR II中进行管道应力分析。

2. What is PCF?

Figure 1. What is a PCF? http://www.alias.ltd.uk/pcf.asp


3. PcfTranslator


Figure 2. PcfTranslator程序界面


PCF作为重要的数据交换文件,可以在Isogen中生成管道ISO图,也可以在IsoAlgo中生成管道ISO图,及在IsoAlgo3d中查看管道的三维模型。因为Intergraph对PCF格式的扩展,使其能很好地导入到CAESAR II中对管道进行应力分析。

4. IsoAlgo


Figure 3. IsoAlgo - IsoAlgo stands for piping Isometric drawing generation Algorithm.

It can generate piping isometric drawings in DXF format from PCF.

Figure 4. IsoAlgo3d - PCF format 3d visualization tool.


由参考资料2和4可知,Intergraph意识到PCF格式的重要性后,增强了CAESAR II对PCF导入的管道模型数据的能力。在CAESAR II 2011版本之后的PCF接口程序可以导入管道模型中70%以上的数据。通过对PCF的扩展,可以导入材料数据,设计温度、压力、管件重量等信息。通过对支吊架的配置,可以导入支架数据到CAESAR II中。通过使用PCF,比将PDMS模型转换成CII格式的方式要简单,CAESAR II导入后模型的正确率高。如下图所示为PDMS中的管道模型,通过导出PCF,再使用CAESAR II的PCF Interface程序导入到CAESAR II中:

Figure 5. Piping model in AVEVA PDMS

Figure 6. Piping model in CAESAR II imported by PCF Interface

6. Conclusion

PCF作为管道数据交换的一个工业标准,为管道设计、制造、安装提供了便利。管道设计系统只需要将管道模型及相关数据导出成PCF文件,就可以得到管道ISO图,和导入到CAESAR II应力分析系统中对管道受力情况进行分析,避免在CAESAR II中二次建模,提高工作效率。


7. References

1. What is a PCF file? http://www.alias.ltd.uk/pcf.asp

2. Intergraph Supports Industry-led Initiative to Extend Piping Data Interoperability with the PCF Format. http://www.intergraph.com/assets/pressreleases/2015/05-12-2015.aspx

3. IsoAlgo3d. https://github.com/eryar/IsoAlgo3d

4. CAESAR II - Answering the Challenge of Design and Engineering Collaboration. https://www.intergraph.com/global/mx/assets/pdf/CAESARII-IntergraphUserConference.pdf

5. IsoAlgo. http://www.cppblog.com/eryar/category/20555.html


PDF Version: PcfTranslator - Translate AVEVA PDMS to PCF

时间: 2024-08-01 07:24:09

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