FrontAccounting (FA)是一个针对企业ERP供应链的网页会计系统。FA 允許多使用者、多語系和多國貨幣。 FA允许多使用者、多语系和多国货币。FA接续OpenAccounting (OA)这套已停止开发软体的发展,并有更进一步的进展,OA则是由WebERP衍生出来的。
News in FrontAccounting 2.3 Beta
* Allow reuse of references previously used on voided transactions
* Unaccesable menu options are now displayed as grey text.
* Changed context help organization to enable use of central multilanguage wiki.
* Enabled use of externally defined report headers/layouts in php and/or pdf form.
* Added 'View Attachments' if any in all popup view windows
* Added a date column and combined the # and View column in 'View / Print Transactions.
* Changed Voiding Transaction to also include a pager.
* Prepared the Report Engine for Tags handling.
* Reorganized payment terms editor
* Added integration of custom and extended reports into reporting module
* Added discrete users online in footer (from Wish List Forum).
* Changed $date_system value of 3 to be traditional, but non-workday is Friday and start of week is Saturday. For DatePicker.
* Changed access control extensions support for modules/plugins to use unique extension ids
* Themes are now all CSS based.
* Optional displaying all sql queries in footer for debugging purposes
* Heaps of other minor improvements
* Include freight_cost in Sales Quotations, Orders in inquiries.
* Full support for items with editable descriptions in sales documents
* Sales terms selectable on order/invoice basis, default terms retrieved from customer record.
* Added multiply categorized customer/branch contacts in separate table, per contact report language selection
* Added customer document language selection
* Option to print Delivery Note as Packing Slip (without price details)..
* Changed so reference no in QUOTE/SO/INV/CRE is printed instead of trans_no if global variable in config.php, $print_invoice_no = 0 (default).
* Changed voiding of Direct Invoice to automatically void 'auto' delivery and set SO quantity and qty_sent to 0.
* Added an alternative way of presenting tax included on invoices. This is done by setting a global variabel $alternative_tax_include_on_docs = 1.
* Option to suppress tax rates on documents. To be used for tax on tax. The tax % should be included in the tax name and the calculated rate be set as the rate. $suppress_tax_rates in config.php set to 1.
* Added Direct GRN and Direct Invoice in purchases module
* Multiply order items with the same stock_id (with warning), code cleanups
* Changed so reference no in PO is printed instead of trans_no if global variable in config.php, $print_invoice_no = 0 (default).
* Added multiply categorized supplier contacts in separate table, per contact report language selection
* Added supplier document language selection
* Changed Outstanding GRN Report to use Actual Price instead of Std Cost.
Items and Inventory
* Changed so also Item Adjustment and Cost Update allow more than 2 dec in price
* Changed so 'Allow Negative Stock' will update the GL cogs/inventory when the correct values later are obtained.
* Included dimension(s) in Bank Deposit/Payment View and correct signs.
Banking and General Ledger
* Added a Profit and Loss Drilldown page and changed menu link
* Allowing modifying of Bank Payments/Deposits
* Added Account tags selection in Annual Expense Breakdown, Balanse Sheet and Profit and Loss Sheet
* Added option for Manual Revaluation of Currency Accounts
* Allowing the Tax Report to be printed to Excel/OO Calc
* Changed report Annual Expense Breakdown to follow the fiscal year instead of calendar year. The year selector selects the start of the fiscal year. Only the last 12 months are shown.
* Added amount range in GL inquires.
* Enhanced Quick Entries to also support Balance Based source amount. Monthly or Yearly (all). Only works with type Journal Entry.
* Extended account id's to 15 chars. Changed account type to varchar(10) and class id varchar(3). Ability to change account groups online.
* Added a selector for decimal values in Balance Sheet and P/L Statement
* Allowing SA_MULTIFISCALYEAR access to enter transactions on open fiscal years
Bugs fixed in this release
* All bugs up to release 2.2.11 fixed.
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