[20171031]How to find Cluster name

[20171031]How to find Cluster name on RAC instance.txt

--//如何获得Cluster name,做一个记录:


SYS@+ASM1> @ &r/ver
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

$  which cemutlo

$  echo $ORACLE_HOME

$  cemutlo
Usage: /u01/app/ [-n] [-w]
        -n prints the cluster name
        -w prints the clusterware version in the following format:

$  cemutlo -n -w


$  which olsnodes

$  olsnodes -h
Usage: olsnodes [ [-n] [-i] [-s] [-t] [<node> | -l [-p]] | [-c] ] [-g] [-v]
                -n print node number with the node name
                -p print private interconnect address for the local node
                -i print virtual IP address with the node name
                <node> print information for the specified node
                -l print information for the local node
                -s print node status - active or inactive
                -t print node type - pinned or unpinned
                -g turn on logging
                -v Run in debug mode; use at direction of Oracle Support only.
                -c print clusterware name

$  olsnodes -c

$  olsnodes -c -v
lang init : Initializing LXL global
main: Initializing CLSS context
get cluster name: Get cluster nameprint data: Printing the node data
print data: lsdata has nodename = null
main: olsnodes executed successfully
term: Terminating LSF

时间: 2024-07-29 11:50:06

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