1、请问现在Win7共享后怎么没有出现共享图标显示,都不知道这个文 件夹已经共享过。
从您的描述中看,您现在有两个关于Windows7 共享的问题想搞 清楚,让我一个个为您解释。
1. 为什么共享的文件夹没有特殊的共享图 标?
这个问题有比较复杂的历史,我们在做Windows7 设计的时候做过一些研 究,发现图标的方式来表示一个文件夹是否被共享会造成一些误会,也不够准确 。
我们把这个提示移动到了文件夹的详细栏中. 当我们在Windows explorer中 点击一个文件夹,下面会有一系列详细信息. 在状态后面会显示是否共享. 在共享 后面会显示出和谁共享了这个文件夹.
One of the goals for the Windows 7 release is to reduce large cognitive loads on users by simplifying the user interface. With the investment in sharing for the Windows 7 release, and especially with HomeGroup in the consumer space, we believe that a majority of users’ content will be shared. The previous overlay model would have resulted in the sharing overlay appearing frequently in typical Explorer views, potentially distracting users with information that they might not use or need on a daily basis. A single sharing overlay can’t provide details about how an item is shared (for example, who it’s shared with, what privileges are assigned, etc.) and this results in a higher cognitive load for the end user. Prior to Windows 7, there were also scenarios in which the sharing overlay was shown inconsistently, which caused user confusion. As a result, based on the above, the sharing overlay was removed from the items view in Explorer.
The sharing state information that the overlay provides isn’t gone but rather has been moved to the Details pane in Windows Explorer. This approach is an improvement over the overlay model, as it helps provide more relevant data related to sharing (for example, who the item is shared with). The Details pane is also where all other relevant properties for an item--such as ratings and author--are displayed, making the overall experience more consistent for end users by providing one location in which they can see all relevant state information for an item.
I hope this helps your understanding of why this changed in Windows 7.
2. 为什么右键取 消共享文件夹的共享之后, 文件夹会出现一个锁的图标?
锁的标志是提示,“ users”组对这个文件夹没有了NTFS访问的权限,这个还是比较有意义的。
不 过右键取消共享的时候, 我们其实选择的是“不与任何人共享”,这时候向导程 序其实认为我们不想让其他人也能够访问这个文件夹,于是就把“users” 组的 NTFS权限也一起取消掉了,于是这个小锁就出现了。
如果要避免这个情况发生 , 我们可以使用高级共享的菜单来取消共享,步骤如下:
a. 右键文件夹
b. 选择属性
c. 点击共享菜单
d. 点击“高级共享”
e. 取消共享的选项
这样文件夹就取消了共享, users组的访问权限也不会被取消掉。